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Galarneau, Hélène. « Kapteyn, P.J.G.; Lauwaars, R.H.; Kooijmans, P.H.; Schermers, H.G. and Boomkamp, M. van Leeuwen (Ed.). International Organization and Integration : Annotated Basic Documents and Descriptive Directory of International Organizations and Arrangements. Volume II. K. Second Edition. Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1984, pag. mult. » Études internationales, volume 17, numéro 3, 1986, p. 724–724.
Galarneau, H. (1986). Compte rendu de [Kapteyn, P.J.G.; Lauwaars, R.H.; Kooijmans, P.H.; Schermers, H.G. and Boomkamp, M. van Leeuwen (Ed.). International Organization and Integration : Annotated Basic Documents and Descriptive Directory of International Organizations and Arrangements. Volume II. K. Second Edition. Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1984, pag. mult.] Études internationales, 17(3), 724–724.
- Chicago
Galarneau, Hélène « Kapteyn, P.J.G.; Lauwaars, R.H.; Kooijmans, P.H.; Schermers, H.G. and Boomkamp, M. van Leeuwen (Ed.). International Organization and Integration : Annotated Basic Documents and Descriptive Directory of International Organizations and Arrangements. Volume II. K. Second Edition. Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1984, pag. mult. ». Études internationales 17, no 3 (1986) : 724–724.
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