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Fortmann, Michel. « Luck, Edward C. (Ed.) Arms control : The Multilateral Altenative. New York, Columbia Univeristy Press, 1983, 272 p. / Heckrotte, Warren et Smith, George C. (Ed.) Arms Control in Transition : Proceedings of the Livermore Arms Control Conference. Boulder (Col.), Westview Press, Coll. « Westview Special Studies in Natinoal Security and Defense Policy », 1983, 207 p. » Études internationales, volume 16, numéro 1, 1985, p. 178–179.
Fortmann, M. (1985). Compte rendu de [Luck, Edward C. (Ed.) Arms control : The Multilateral Altenative. New York, Columbia Univeristy Press, 1983, 272 p. / Heckrotte, Warren et Smith, George C. (Ed.) Arms Control in Transition : Proceedings of the Livermore Arms Control Conference. Boulder (Col.), Westview Press, Coll. « Westview Special Studies in Natinoal Security and Defense Policy », 1983, 207 p.] Études internationales, 16(1), 178–179.
- Chicago
Fortmann, Michel « Luck, Edward C. (Ed.) Arms control : The Multilateral Altenative. New York, Columbia Univeristy Press, 1983, 272 p. / Heckrotte, Warren et Smith, George C. (Ed.) Arms Control in Transition : Proceedings of the Livermore Arms Control Conference. Boulder (Col.), Westview Press, Coll. « Westview Special Studies in Natinoal Security and Defense Policy », 1983, 207 p. ». Études internationales 16, no 1 (1985) : 178–179.
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