Citer cet article
Galarneau, Hélène. « Barrett, Jane R. et Beaumont, Jane. A Bibliography or Works on Canadian Foreign Relations 1976-1980. Toronto-Ottawa, Canadian Institute of International Affairs – Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, 1982, 320 p. ISBN : 0-91908-4-40-0. » Études internationales, volume 13, numéro 2, 1982, p. 407–407.
Galarneau, H. (1982). Compte rendu de [Barrett, Jane R. et Beaumont, Jane. A Bibliography or Works on Canadian Foreign Relations 1976-1980. Toronto-Ottawa, Canadian Institute of International Affairs – Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, 1982, 320 p. ISBN : 0-91908-4-40-0]. Études internationales, 13(2), 407–407.
- Chicago
Galarneau, Hélène « Barrett, Jane R. et Beaumont, Jane. A Bibliography or Works on Canadian Foreign Relations 1976-1980. Toronto-Ottawa, Canadian Institute of International Affairs – Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, 1982, 320 p. ISBN : 0-91908-4-40-0 ». Études internationales 13, no 2 (1982) : 407–407.
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