Volume 6, numéro 3, 1975 Les partis communistes d’Europe occidentale
Sommaire (30 articles)
Comptes rendus
Bittman, Ladislav, The Deception Game, Czechoslovak Intelligence in Soviet Political Warfare, Syracuse University Research Corporation, Syracuse, 1972, 246 p.
Burton, John W., World Society, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1972, xii + 180 p.
Callot, Émile, Les trois moments de la philosophie théologique de l’histoire, La Pensée Universelle, Paris, 1974, 379 p.
Clutterbuck, Richard, Protest and the Urban Guerilla, Cassells, London, 1973.
Crozier, Brian, Annual of Power and Conflict, 1972-1973, Institute for the Study of Conflict, London, 1973.
Dell, Sidney, The Inter-American Development Bank: A Study in Development Financing, New York Praeger, 1972, 255 p.
Dumont, René, L’Utopie ou la mort, Paris, Le Seuil, 1973, 185 p.
Hahlo, H.R. (éd.), Nationalism and the multinational Enterprise: Legal, Economic and Managerial Aspects, A.W. Sijthoff, Leiden et Oceana Pulications, Dobbs Ferry, New York, 373 p.
Herring Jr., George C., Aid to Russia 1941-1946: Strategy, Diplomacy, The Origins of the Cold War, New York et Londres, Columbia University Press, 1973, xxi + 365 p.
Kaushik, Devendra, The Indian Ocean. Towards a Peace Zone, Vikas Publications, Delhi-London, 1972, 225 p. + bibl. and index.
Kornenberg, Vernon J., All Together Now: The Organization of the Department of National Defense in Canada, 1964-1972, Canadian Institute of International Affairs, Wellesley Paper 3/1973, Toronto, 124 p.
Milstein, Jeffrey S., Dynamics of the Vietnam War, A Quantitative Analysis and Predictive Computer Simulation, Ohio State University Press, Columbus, 1974, 254 p.
Nash, Henry T., American Foreign Policy: Response to a Sense of Threat, The Dorsey Press, Homewood, Ontario, 1973, 247 p.
Pharand, Donat, The Law of the Sea of the Arctic, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, 1973, 367 p.,
Reiben, Henri et al., Le fédéralisme et Alexandre Marc, Centre de recherches européennes, Lausanne, 1974, 235 p.
Sahovi, Milan (éd.), Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation (Ouvrage collectif), Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade et Oceana Publications, New York, 1972, 450 p.
Say, Jean-Baptiste, Traité d’économie politique [préface de Georges Tapinos], (Coll. Perspectives de l’économique, les fondateurs) Calmann-Lévy, Paris, 1972.
Sinanian, Sylva, Deak, Istvan et Ludz, Peter (éds), Eastern Europe in the 1970s, Praeger (Special Studies International Politics and Government), New York, 1972, 260 p.
Swamy, Subramanian, Economic Growth in India and China (1952-1970): A Comparative Appraisal, The University of Chicago Press, 1973, 84 p.
Tanter, Raymond, Modelling and Managing Internatinal Conflicts: The Berlin Crises, Sage Library of Social Research, vol. 6, 1974, 272 p.
Trapeznikov, S., At the Turning Points of History, Some Lessons of the Struggle Against Revisionism Within the Marxist-Leninist Movement, Progress Books, (Translated from Russian), Toronto, 1972, 293 p.
Weissman, Steve et al., The Trojan Horse: A Radical Look at Foreign Air, Pacific Studies Center and the North American Congress on Latin America (A Ramparts Press Reader), San Francisco, 1974, 249 p.
Vie privée et droits de l’homme, Actes du IIIe colloque international sur la Convention européenne des Droits de l’Homme, Bruxelles, 30 septembre – 3 octobre 1970), Bruxelles, Établissements Émile Bruylant, 1973, 579 p.