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Rajotte LaBrèque, Marie-Paule. « Richard W. Vaudry, Anglicans and the Atlantic World. High Churchmen, Evangelicals, and the Quebec Connection, Montreal and Kingston, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2003, xviii-315 p., coll. « McGill Queen's Studies in the History of Religion, Series Two, 25. » 60 $. » Études d'histoire religieuse, volume 71, 2005, p. 134–136.
Rajotte LaBrèque, M.-P. (2005). Compte rendu de [Richard W. Vaudry, Anglicans and the Atlantic World. High Churchmen, Evangelicals, and the Quebec Connection, Montreal and Kingston, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2003, xviii-315 p., coll. « McGill Queen's Studies in the History of Religion, Series Two, 25. » 60 $]. Études d'histoire religieuse, 71, 134–136.
- Chicago
Rajotte LaBrèque, Marie-Paule « Richard W. Vaudry, Anglicans and the Atlantic World. High Churchmen, Evangelicals, and the Quebec Connection, Montreal and Kingston, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2003, xviii-315 p., coll. « McGill Queen's Studies in the History of Religion, Series Two, 25. » 60 $ ». Études d'histoire religieuse 71, (2005) : 134–136.
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