La présente étude s’intéresse à l’acquisition et à la gestion des biens matériels d’un curé dans le dernier tiers du XIXe siècle. Bien qu’il soit un homme dont la motivation est d’essence religieuse, il est vu ici comme un entrepreneur, qui utilise à diverses fins un capital constitué à partir de sources variées. Quels sont ses revenus et à quoi servent-ils? À quelles transactions se livre-t-il? Quel est son rapport à l’argent? Enfin, à qui profitent ses générosités quotidiennes et testamentaires? Les réponses à ces interrogations sont rendues possibles grâce à l’existence d’un impressionnant dossier d’archives laissé par Majorique Marchand, curé de Drummondville et de Gentilly.
The present study deals with the acquisition and the management of financial and material goods by a parish priest during the last third of 19th Century. Although we keep in mind that his motives were basically religious, we insist on his entrepreneurial activities, on his capacity for gathering and allocating funds. What were his incomes and what ends were they intended for? What kind of transaction was he performing? What was his attitude towards money? And finally, who were the benefactors of his everyday generosity and of his last will? Answering these questions is made possible thanks to the impressive amount of archival documents left by Majorique Marchand, a parish priest in Drummondville and Gentilly.
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