La figure de François d’Assise, poète et artiste, ami des pauvres,amoureux de la nature est à rapprocher de la personnalité de DesRochers qui atoujours associé ambitions littéraires et préoccupations sociales.Cet article a pour objectif d’étudier l’impact de la spiritualité franciscainehors du domaine religieux à travers la trajectoire poétique et éditoriale d’AlfredDesRochers, élève, dans les années vingt, du Collège séraphique de Trois-Rivières. Il s’agit de retrouver des habitus et des marques franciscaines que laseule formation scolaire a pu imprimer dans certaines oeuvres et qui donnent àsa poésie une touche particulière, transportant ainsi l’action de la pensée « dupetit pauvre » dans le champ littéraire proprement dit.
The main purpose of this article is to study how Alfred DesRochers' poetic and editorial evolution illustrates the impact of Franciscan spirituality beyond religion. During the 20's, Alfred DesRochers was a student at Collège Seraphique in Trois-Rivières. The point is to go through some of his achievements to find a mark of spirituality, particularly the one left by Francis of Assisi, and the habitus that only education could have imprinted on the poet, transposing thus Franciscan thought into the literary area. Is there a connection between the figure of St. Francis of Assisi, poet and artist, friend to the poor, lover of nature, and DesRochers' poetry, for the latter always combined literary ambitions with social concerns? This comparison focuses on the fact that in his works we can feel some sources of inspiration close to Franciscan thought which is characteristic of his poetry.
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