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Bridgeman, Matthew. « The Use of Search Request Forms Can Identify Gaps in a Consumer Health Library Collection / Giannopoulos, E., Snow, M., Manley, M., McEwan, K., Stechkevich, A., Giuliani, M. E., & Papadakos, J. (2021). Identifying gaps in consumer health library collections: A retrospective review. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 109(4), 656–666. » Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, volume 17, numéro 3, 2022, p. 135–137.
Bridgeman, M. (2022). Compte rendu de [The Use of Search Request Forms Can Identify Gaps in a Consumer Health Library Collection / Giannopoulos, E., Snow, M., Manley, M., McEwan, K., Stechkevich, A., Giuliani, M. E., & Papadakos, J. (2021). Identifying gaps in consumer health library collections: A retrospective review. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 109(4), 656–666.]. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 17(3), 135–137.
- Chicago
Bridgeman, Matthew « The Use of Search Request Forms Can Identify Gaps in a Consumer Health Library Collection / Giannopoulos, E., Snow, M., Manley, M., McEwan, K., Stechkevich, A., Giuliani, M. E., & Papadakos, J. (2021). Identifying gaps in consumer health library collections: A retrospective review. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 109(4), 656–666. ». Evidence Based Library and Information Practice 17, no 3 (2022) : 135–137.
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