Evidence Based Library and Information Practice
Rédaction : Dr. Ann Medaille (Editor-in-Chief), Erin Owens (Associate Editor - Research Articles), Nikki Tummon (Associate Editor - Research Articles), Dr. Lisl Zach (Associate Editor - Reviews), Fiona Inglis (Associate Editor - Evidence Summaries), Heather MacDonald (Associate Editor - Evidence Summaries), Rachel Hinrichs (Production Editor), Sara Murphy (Editorial Intern)
À propos
Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (EBLIP) est une revue à comité de lecture en libre accès publiée trimestriellement par les services d'apprentissage de l'Université de l'Alberta à l'aide du logiciel OJS. Sa mission est d'offrir aux bibliothécaires et aux autres professionnel·le·s de l'information un lieu d'échange où découvrir des travaux de recherches qui peuvent nourrir les processus décisionnels dans leur pratique professionnelle. EBLIP publie d'une part des études originales et des articles commentant sur les pratiques fondées sur des données probantes qu'on retrouve en bibliothèque et dans les sciences de l'information. D'autre part, elle contient des revues rapides de la littérature scientifique (evidence summaries) sur un grand nombre de sujets.
Principal Contact
EBLIP Editorial Team
Historique de la revue (31 numéros)
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Politique éditoriale et éthique
Peer Review Process
All research articles, feature articles, review articles, classics, and evidence summary submissions are reviewed by two peer reviewers using a double blind reviewing process. This includes submissions from the editors or from reviewers. Care is taken to ensure that submissions are reviewed by members of the team with knowledge of the subject area but who do not have a conflict of interest (see Review Guidelines).
Publication Frequency
Evidence Based Library and Information Practice began its quarterly publication schedule in March 2006. Issues are released on the 15th of March, June, September, and December.
Copyright and Licensing - Open Access Policy
This journal provides open access to all of its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. As such, copyright for articles published in this journal is retained by the authors, under the terms of the Creative Commons-Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Such access is associated with increased readership and increased citation of an author's work. For more information on this approach, see the Public Knowledge Project, the Directory of Open Access Journals, or the Budapest Open Access Initiative.
There are no article processing charges for publishing in Evidence Based Library and Information Practice.
EBLIP is indexed by Library Literature & Information Science Full Text; Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts (LISTA); Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA); SCOPUS; Emerging Sources Citation Index, and The Informed Librarian Online. Individual articles are searchable in the Directory of Open Access Journals.
Evidence Based Library and Information Practice - ISSN 1715-720X.
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Instruction pour les auteurs
Information for prosective authors and contributors can be found on the Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Journal website here:
Comité de rédaction
Dr. Ann Medaille, Editor-in-Chief, University of Nevada, Reno, United States
Erin Owens, Associate Editor (Research Articles), Sam Houston State University, United States
Nikki Tummon, Associate Editor (Research Articles), McGill University, Canada
Dr. Lisl Zach, Associate Editor (Reviews), United States
Fiona Inglis, Associate Editor (Evidence Summaries), Humber College, Canada
Heather MacDonald, Associate Editor (Evidence Summaries), Carleton University, Canada
Rachel Hinrichs, Production Editor, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, United States
Sara Murphy, Editorial Intern, California State University, Northridge, United States
Editorial Advisors
Dr. Alison Brettle, University of Salford, United Kingdom
Michelle Dunaway, Wayne State University, United States
Dr. Lorie Kloda, Concordia University, Canada
Dr. Stephanie Krueger, National Library of Technology, Czech Republic
Dr. Denise LaFitte, University of Alberta, Canada
Heather Pretty, Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Jane Schmidt, Ryerson University, Canada
Dr. Christina L. Wissinger, Pennsylvania State University, United States
Editorial Assistant
Samantha Sheplawy, University of Alberta, Canada
Communications Officer
Joanne Fitzpatrick, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
Lead Copyeditor
Heather Healy, University of Iowa, United States