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Grande, John K. « Songs of the Future, Canadian Industrial Photographs, 1858 to Today, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, 20 August 2011 to 3 June 2012. » Ciel variable, numéro 91, printemps–été 2012, p. 86–87.
Grande, J. K. (2012). Compte rendu de [Songs of the Future, Canadian Industrial Photographs, 1858 to Today, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, 20 August 2011 to 3 June 2012]. Ciel variable, (91), 86–87.
- Chicago
Grande, John K. « Songs of the Future, Canadian Industrial Photographs, 1858 to Today, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, 20 August 2011 to 3 June 2012 ». Ciel variable no 91 (2012) : 86–87.
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