Entre le sensible et l’éthiqueBetween the Perceptible and the EthicalEdward Burtynsky, Oil[Notice]
…plus d’informations
Sylvain Campeau
Translated by
Käthe Roth
D’origine ukrainienne, né en 1955 à St. Catharines en Ontario, Edward Burtynsky est diplômé en arts appliqués de l’Université Ryerson. Il fonde en 1985 le Toronto Image Works, qui offre des services et de la formation à la communauté artistique de la ville. Ses premières expositions montrent des images de l’usine General Motors prises dans sa ville natale et à l’aide desquelles tout son travail photographique s’élaborera par la suite. Ses oeuvres explorant le lien entre l’industrie et la nature trouvent la beauté et l’humanité dans les lieux les plus improbables. Elles font partie des collections de plus d’une cinquantaine de musées dans le monde entier. www.edwardburtynsky.com
Edward Burtynsky, whose parents were from the Ukraine, was born in St. Catharines, Ontario, in 1955, and earned a degree in applied arts from Ryerson University. In 1985, he founded Toronto Image Works, which offers services and training to the city’s art community. His early exhibitions featured pictures of the General Motors plant in his hometown and formed a basis for his entire photographic corpus. Exploring the link between industry and nature, Burtynsky finds beauty and humanity in the most improbable places. His photographs are in the collections of more than fifty museums around the world. www.edwardburtynsky.com