Citer cet article
Campbell, James D. « Angela Grauerholz, Reading Room for the Working Artist, VOX image contemporaine, Montreal, January 28-March 18, 2006. » Ciel variable, numéro 72, juin 2006, p. 38–39.
Campbell, J. D. (2006). Compte rendu de [Angela Grauerholz, Reading Room for the Working Artist, VOX image contemporaine, Montreal, January 28-March 18, 2006]. Ciel variable, (72), 38–39.
- Chicago
Campbell, James D. « Angela Grauerholz, Reading Room for the Working Artist, VOX image contemporaine, Montreal, January 28-March 18, 2006 ». Ciel variable no 72 (2006) : 38–39.
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