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Lavoie, Vincent. « Covering the Real, Art and the Press Picture from Warhol to Tillmans, Kunstmuseum Basel, DuMont Literatur und Kunst Verlag, 2005. » Ciel variable, numéro 71, mars 2006, p. 38–38.
Lavoie, V. (2006). Compte rendu de [Covering the Real, Art and the Press Picture from Warhol to Tillmans, Kunstmuseum Basel, DuMont Literatur und Kunst Verlag, 2005]. Ciel variable, (71), 38–38.
- Chicago
Lavoie, Vincent « Covering the Real, Art and the Press Picture from Warhol to Tillmans, Kunstmuseum Basel, DuMont Literatur und Kunst Verlag, 2005 ». Ciel variable no 71 (2006) : 38–38.
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