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Ditsky, John. « Percussion. The McGill Percussion Ensemble. McGill University Records 77003, produced by Donald Steven. François Morel: Rhythmologue. Alcides Lanza: Sensors I. Serge Garant: Circuit I. Andrew Culver: Signature. » Canadian University Music Review / Revue de musique des universités canadiennes, numéro 3, 1982, p. 231–231.
Ditsky, J. (1982). Compte rendu de [Percussion. The McGill Percussion Ensemble. McGill University Records 77003, produced by Donald Steven. François Morel: Rhythmologue. Alcides Lanza: Sensors I. Serge Garant: Circuit I. Andrew Culver: Signature]. Canadian University Music Review / Revue de musique des universités canadiennes, (3), 231–231.
- Chicago
Ditsky, John « Percussion. The McGill Percussion Ensemble. McGill University Records 77003, produced by Donald Steven. François Morel: Rhythmologue. Alcides Lanza: Sensors I. Serge Garant: Circuit I. Andrew Culver: Signature ». Canadian University Music Review / Revue de musique des universités canadiennes no 3 (1982) : 231–231.
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