Corps de l’article
LERNER, S., et É. VILQUIN, éd. 2005. Reproductive Health, Unmet Needs and Poverty : Issues of Access and Quality of Services. Paris, CICRED (Committee for International Cooperation in National Research in Demography), 589 p.
MCQUILLAN, K., et Z. R. RAVANERA, éd. 2006. Canada’s Changing Families: Implications for Individuals and Society. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 306 p.
OUELLETTE, F.-R., R. JOYAL et R. HURTUBISE, éd. 2005. Familles en mouvance : quels enjeux éthiques ? Sainte-Foy, Les Presses de l’Université Laval, collection « Culture et société », 399 p.
UNITED NATIONS. 2006. Compendium of Recommendations on International Migration and Development: The United Nations Development Agenda and the Global Commission on International Migration Compared. New York, United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 121 p. ST/ESA/SER.A/255.
UNITED NATIONS. 2004. Levels and Trends of Contraceptive Use as Assessed in 2002. New York, United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 179 p. ST/ESA/SER.A/239.
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. 2006. Neonatal and Perinatal Mortality: Country, Regional and Global Estimates. Geneva, WHO, 69 p.
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. 2006. World Health Statistics 2006. Geneva, WHO, 80 p.
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