Canadian Medical Education Journal
Revue canadienne de l'éducation médicale

Volume 15, numéro 5, 2024

Sommaire (25 articles)

Editorial / Éditorial

  1. Focus on faculty development

Original Research / Recherche originale

  1. The conditional inclusion of Muslims in medicine: Intersectional experiences of Muslim medical students at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Medicine from 1887-1964
  2. Early career family physician perspectives on their residency experience and practice choices in Canada: A qualitative study
  3. Reading between the lines: Exploring the unwritten rules of letters of recommendation in the Canadian resident selection process
  4. Simulation in admissions interviews: Applicant experiences and programmatic performance prediction
  5. Do physical activity intensity and sedentary behaviour relate to burnout among medical students? Insight from two Canadian medical schools

Brief Reports / Communications brèves

  1. Perceptions and reported use of extended reality technology in Royal College-Accredited Canadian Simulation Centres: A national survey of simulation centre directors
  2. Resident and supervisor perceptions of gaining obstetrical competency in Family Medicine: A qualitative descriptive study
  3. Considerations for continuing professional development in the post-pandemic era: National experiences from psychiatry

Reviews, Theoretical Papers, and Meta-Analyses / Articles de synthèse, articles théoriques et méta-analyses

  1. Effectiveness of physical activity counselling and exercise prescription education among medical students: A systematic review
  2. Assessing the hidden curriculum in medical education: A scoping review and residency program’s reflection
  3. A scoping review of Fit in medical education: A guaranteed success, or a threat to inclusivity?

Black Ice / Terrain glissant

  1. Eight ways to support faculty with Entrustable Professional Activities
  2. Five ways to get a grip on applying a program evaluation model in health professions education academies
  3. Six ways to get a grip on developing reflexivity statements

Canadiana / Canadiana

You Should Try This / Osez l’expérience !

  1. Recourir à la métaphorisation avec une création artistique pour aborder la mort avec les personnes étudiantes en ergothérapie
  2. Fostering Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in medical school admissions through pre-medical mentorship initiatives

Commentary and Opinions / Commentaires et Opinions

Letters to the Editor / Lettre à l’éditeur

Images / Images



Anciens numéros de Canadian Medical Education Journal / Revue canadienne de l'éducation médicale