Enhancing productivity is a common rationale for devolution, outsourcing and new institutional configurations and a recurring theme in public administration reforms. Functions such as urban planning, infrastructure development, water management, and transportation planning have clear spatial characteristics wherein their governance ideally spans their functional use and/or management. These considerations have led to municipal amalgamations and two-tier governance in an effort to consolidate functions and build economies of scale and to the creation of special purpose, intermediate or regional bodies to manage public investments and deliver specialised services. While there is a growing urban literature on governance at the right scale in certain policy areas, far fewer studies explore these factors in lower density places (towns and rural and remote areas). Moreover, how effective and efficient governance might boost productivity both within the institution and more generally, across the local/regional economy is underexplored. This paper takes stock of how governance at the right scale might improve public sector productivity in different types of places—urban, rural and remote. It draws on theoretical, empirical and policy literature to explore how scale matters to public sector productivity and governance.
- spatial productivity,
- governance,
- public sector,
- urban,
- rural,
- remote
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This paper was prepared as a background document for an OECD-EC High-level Expert Workshop “Productivity Policy for Places” (Productivity Policy for Places - OECD) that received funding from the European Union. Many thanks to Alexandra Tsvetkova and Alexander Lembcke (OECD) for their leadership and review and to Catheryn Johnson for her research assistance. I am also grateful to Isabelle Chatry, Dorothée Allain-Dupré, Rudiger Ahrend (OECD), Patrick Dunleavy (LSE), all panel participants, the three anonymous CJRS peer reviewers and Co-Editor Dr. Breau for their comments and review. The content of the paper is the sole responsibility of the author and should not be reported to reflect the opinion or as being endorsed by the OECD or the European Union.
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