This study expands on our previous research focusing on provincial educational policies to support students’ academic resilience during the pandemic, with the current focus being on the “recovery phase” of the pandemic (January 2022 to December 2023). Our analysis identified 46 provincial documents that addressed one or more of the three dimensions of academic resilience during this recovery period. Similar to our previous findings, a greater emphasis was placed on academic outcomes. There was an increased focus on mental health, while much less attention was paid to physical health and well-being. While we identified examples of provinces that dedicated resources and funding to support these dimensions, we argue the policies implemented during the recovery phase will require more conviction to address the negative long-term impacts of the pandemic, particularly for disadvantaged students, and that such efforts will likely need to continue beyond public schooling.
- pandemic,
- educational policies,
- academic resilience,
- recovery
Cette recherche s’inscrit dans le prolongement de nos recherches antérieures sur les politiques éducatives provinciales visant à soutenir la résilience scolaire des élèves pendant la pandémie, en se focalisant cette fois sur la « phase de rétablissement » de la pandémie (de janvier 2022 à décembre 2023). Notre analyse a permis d’identifier 46 documents provinciaux qui abordent une ou plusieurs des trois dimensions de la résilience scolaire pendant cette période de rétablissement. Conformément à nos constats précédents, l’accent a davantage été mis sur les résultats scolaires. La santé mentale a fait l’objet d’une attention accrue, tandis que la santé physique et le bienêtre ont reçu beaucoup moins d’attention. Bien que nous ayons identifié des exemples de provinces qui ont consacré des ressources et des fonds pour soutenir ces dimensions, cette étude soutient que les politiques mises en place pendant la phase de rétablissement demanderont plus de rigueur pour remédier aux effets négatifs à long terme de la pandémie, en particulier pour les élèves vulnérables, et que ces efforts devront vraisemblablement se poursuivre bien au-delà de l’école publique.
Mots-clés :
- pandémie,
- politiques éducatives,
- résilience scolaire,
- rétablissement
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Biographical notes
Louis Volante (PhD) is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Educational Studies at Brock University, Canada, and a Professorial Fellow at UNU-MERIT / Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, the Netherlands. Professor Volante’s interdisciplinary scholarship focuses on the global governance of education; politics, policy, and large-scale reform; political economy of education systems; international achievement surveys and policy diffusion; and impact evaluation of policies and programmes. His research is widely cited in both academic and policy communities and has received continuous funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). His current SSHRC funded research examines the short- and long-term impact of the pandemic on student outcomes. He is fortunate to have a publication record that has included collaborations with over 150 scholars to examine 30 different national education systems.
Don A. Klinger (PhD) is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Education at Murdoch University in Western Australia. Previously, Professor Klinger spent 6 years at the University of Waikato in New Zealand as Pro Vice-Chancellor of the Division of Education and 17 years at Queen’s University at Kingston, where his academic career progressed through the ranks to professor and included a role as an Associate Dean for the Faculty of Education. His research explores measurement theory and the use of assessments to support teaching, learning and policy across education contexts. Professor Klinger is especially interested in efforts to identify and reduce learning inequities exposed through large-scale measures of educational outcomes. Among his accomplishments, Professor Klinger previously co-chaired the writing of the Classroom Assessment Standards and served as the President of the CSSE.
Camila Lara is a Graduate Research Assistant at Brock University. She holds a Masters Degree in Public Policy and Human Development (MPP) from Maastricht University in the Netherlands. She is the 2019 recipient of the David Bateson New Scholar Award for the most outstanding graduate student paper, awarded by the Canadian Educational Researchers' Association.
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