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Bond, Susan. « Libraries Without Borders: New Directions in Library History, edited by Stephen A. Knowlton, Ellen M. Pozzi, Jordan S. Sly, and Emily Spunaugle; foreword by Renate L. Chancellor. » Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship / Revue canadienne de bibliothéconomie universitaire, volume 10, 2024, p. 1–3.
Bond, S. (2024). Compte rendu de [Libraries Without Borders: New Directions in Library History, edited by Stephen A. Knowlton, Ellen M. Pozzi, Jordan S. Sly, and Emily Spunaugle; foreword by Renate L. Chancellor]. Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship / Revue canadienne de bibliothéconomie universitaire, 10, 1–3.
- Chicago
Bond, Susan « Libraries Without Borders: New Directions in Library History, edited by Stephen A. Knowlton, Ellen M. Pozzi, Jordan S. Sly, and Emily Spunaugle; foreword by Renate L. Chancellor ». Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship / Revue canadienne de bibliothéconomie universitaire 10, (2024) : 1–3.
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