Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics
Revue canadienne de linguistique appliquée

Volume 24, numéro 2, été 2021 Special Issue: Insight, Instruction, and Outcomes: Reflections from the TBLT 2019 conference Numéro spécial : Perspectives, enseignement et résultats : réflexions de la conférence de 2019 sur l’ELBT

Sommaire (13 articles)

Editorial / Éditorial

  1. Editorial


  1. Unraveling the Effects of Task Sequencing on the Syntactic Complexity, Accuracy, Lexical Complexity, and Fluency of L2 Written Production
  2. The Effects of Task Repetition on Child EFL Learners’ Oral Performance
  3. In Flow with Task Repetition During Collaborative Oral and Writing Tasks
  4. Task-Based Language Learning and Beginning Language Learners: Examining Classroom-Based Small Group Learning in Grade 1 French Immersion
  5. TBLT Perspectives on Teaching from an EFL Textbook at a Vietnam University
  6. Linguistic Risk-Taking: A Bridge Between the Classroom and the Outside World
  7. Exploring L2 learners' Task-related Identities in a Reading Circle Task Through Conversation Analysis
  8. Get ‘em While They’re Young: Complex Digitally-Mediated Tasks for EFL Learners in Primary Schools
  9. Technology-Mediated Language Training: Developing and Assessing a Module for a Blended Curriculum for Newcomers
  10. Levels of Engagement in Task-based Synchronous Computer Mediated Interaction
  11. Does Portfolio-Based Language Assessment Align with Learning-Oriented Assessment? Evidence from Literacy Learners and their Instructors

Book Reviews / Critiques de livres


Anciens numéros de Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics / Revue canadienne de linguistique appliquée