Discussing Nino Oxilia’s film Satanic Rhapsody (Rapsodia Satanica, 1915) starring Lyda Borelli, the author examines the influence of Bergsonism on the perception of cinema right before and during World War I. In particular, she points out the intersection between the film and, among other references, the tradition of the early Italian diva film, the plastic dynamism of Futurist painter Umberto Boccioni, the dance/performance art of Loïe Fuller, and the emerging figure of the New Woman.
Analysant Rapsodie satanique (Rapsodia Satanica, 1915), film de Nino Oxilia donnant la vedette à Lyda Borelli, l’auteure du présent article met en lumière l’effet du bergsonisme sur la perception qu’on avait du cinéma juste avant et pendant la Première Guerre mondiale. Parmi les nombreuses sources d’inspiration d’Oxilia, elle souligne plus particulièrement l’influence de la tradition des films de divas du cinéma italien naissant, du dynamisme plastique du peintre futuriste Umberto Boccioni, des chorégraphies et performances de Loïe Fuller, ainsi que celle de la figure émergeante de la Femme Nouvelle.
Parties annexes
Bibliographical references
- Bergson 1998: Henri Bergson, Creative Evolution [1907], New York, Dover Publications Inc., 1998.
- Boccioni 1971: Umberto Boccioni, Gli scritti editi e inediti, Milan, Feltrinelli, 1971.
- Borelli 1915: Lyda Borelli, “Antiprefazione,” in Mario Carli, Retroscena: romanzo, Milan, Lombardo, 1915, pp. 7-8.
- Braun 1992: Marta Braun, Picturing Time: The Work of Etienne-Jules Marey (1830-1904), Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1992.
- Carli 1927: Mario Carli, Marvana: mistero d’amore [Retroscena, 1915], Milano, Casa Editrice Alpes, 1927.
- Comuzio 1987: Ermanno Comuzio, “Rapsodia Satanica (1915) e la Musica di Mascagni,” Cineforum, no. 265, 1987, pp. 7-12.
- Delpeut 1999: Peter Delpeut, Diva Dolorosa: reis naar het einde van een eeuw, Amsterdam, Meulenhoff, 1999.
- Fergonzi 2004: Flavio Fergonzi, “On the Title of the Painting Materia,” Boccioni/Materia: Futurist Masterpiece and the Avant-garde in Milan and in Paris, New York, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 2004.
- Gariazzo 1919: Piero Antonio Gariazzo, Il teatro muto, Turin, Lattes, 1919.
- Gunning 2003: Tom Gunning, “Loie Fuller and the Origins of Cinema,” in Richard Allen and Malcolm Turvey (eds.), Camera Obscura/Camera Lucida: Essays in Honor of Annette Michelson, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2003.
- Martinelli 1991: Vittorio Martinelli, “Nino Oxilia,” in Riccardo Redi (ed.), Cinema italiano muto (1905-1916), Rome, CNC Edizioni, 1991, pp. 71-86.
- Martinelli 1994: Vittorio Martinelli, Il dolce sorriso di Maria Iacobini, Roma, Associazione per le Ricerche di Storia del Cinema, 1994.
- Mazzei 2002: Luca Mazzei, “Quando il cinema incontró la filosofia: il caso di Giovanni Papini,” Bianco e Nero, nos. 3-4, 2002, pp. 68-87.
- Papini 1922: Giovanni Papini, “Enrico Bergson,” Twenty-four Brains, New York, Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1922.
- Papini 1951: Giovanni Papini, “La Filosofia del cinematografo” [1907], in Maria Adriana Prolo, Storia del cinema muto italiano, Milan, Poligono, 1951, pp. 27-29.