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Grenier, Fernand. « Wood, Harold A. List of Maps and Air Photos depicting Landforms and Regions of Canada. Prepared in the Department of Geography, Hamilton College, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario. Canadian Association of Geographers – Education Committee, Bulletin no 1, miméographié, 37 pp. 27,5 cm. S.D. (1956). » Cahiers de géographie du Québec, volume 1, numéro 1, 1956, p. 98–98.
Grenier, F. (1956). Compte rendu de [Wood, Harold A. List of Maps and Air Photos depicting Landforms and Regions of Canada. Prepared in the Department of Geography, Hamilton College, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario. Canadian Association of Geographers – Education Committee, Bulletin no 1, miméographié, 37 pp. 27,5 cm. S.D. (1956).] Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 1(1), 98–98.
- Chicago
Grenier, Fernand « Wood, Harold A. List of Maps and Air Photos depicting Landforms and Regions of Canada. Prepared in the Department of Geography, Hamilton College, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario. Canadian Association of Geographers – Education Committee, Bulletin no 1, miméographié, 37 pp. 27,5 cm. S.D. (1956). ». Cahiers de géographie du Québec 1, no 1 (1956) : 98–98.
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