Student engagement and empowerment promote active, first-person conversations with national and international scholars and artists through virtual presentations. The process discussed below establishes a procedure for student-directed learning and empowerment. This process can be applied to any publications, internet resources, videos, YouTube conversations, and so much more to develop multinarrative and multicultural learning opportunities. Active learning is evident in student reflections that were collected throughout the Fall 2020 semester. By accepting this process of empowering students through active, authentic learning, changes to the syllabus, curricula, and pedagogy had to be made. There is excitement about the potentiality presented by future students as they engage in a similar process of the analysis of chapters, ongoing Blackboard discussions, and how they approach encounters with scholars and artists through a virtual medium.
- authentic learning,
- student self-empowerment,
- reflective narrative,
- international voices,
- student-directed learning
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Biographical note
Steve Willis taught in public schools for 23 years before joining Missouri State University as a Professor of Art Education. He has presented at national and international conferences, and published in national and international journals. His recent book with Richards, A. (2023). Global Consciousness through the Arts: A Passport for Students and Teachers (3rd ed.) reflects his spirituality and cultural awareness. Steve is active in InSEA as a former Vice-President (2017–2021) and USSEA as a former President (2013–2015). Steve is a Distinguished Fellow for the NAEA and has received USSEA’s Kenneth Marantz Fellows Award and Ziegfeld Award. As an artist, he creates images concerning spirituality. http://night4hawk.wixsite.com/stevewillis.
- Alexander, A. & Sharma, M. (eds). (2023). The Routledge companion to decolonizing art, craft, and visual culture education. Routledge | Taylor & Francis Group.
- Cohee-Manifold, M., Willis, S., & Zimmerman, E. (2019). Frameworks for teaching about culturally sensitive art education in a global world based on an NAEA Handbook for Teachers in Learning Through Art, in Learning through art: Lessons for the 21st century? G. Coutts & de Eça, T. T. (Eds.) DOI: 10.24981/978-LTA2018.
- Manifold, C. M., Willis, S., & Zimmerman, E. (Eds). (2016). Cultural sensitivity in a global world: A guide for teachers. The National Art Education Association.
- Richards, A. & Willis, S. (2020). Global consciousness through the arts: A passport for students and teachers, 2nd ed. Kendall-Hunt.
- Willis, S. (2012). A condensed Skype scholars: Excerpted from instructional technologies and social media: First-person voices in teacher education. ALT/space (4). Reeder, L. (Ed.). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Willis, S. (2017). A tapestry of individuality: Weaving complexion, identity and authority in transforming our practices: Indigenous art, pedagogies and philosophies. Ballengee-Morris, C., & Staikidis, K. (Eds.). The National Art Education Association.
- Willis, S. & Agnew-Tally, J. (2012). Instructional technologies and social media: First person voices in teacher education. The Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education. 16(1). 71-77. University of Aartsus.