This is a commentary related to the creative work by James Dwyer entitled “How I Got Pregnant”, a story that raises ethical issues about a woman’s request for medical assistance to get pregnant without the intention to disclose this to her husband. In this commentary, I argue that this woman’s attitude breaks trust with her husband, and show why the justifications she offered in order to argue for her request to conceive a child without her husband’s knowledge are flawed.
- assisted reproduction,
- deception,
- women’s right over her body,
- right-to-know of the partner
Ce commentaire est associé au travail créatif “How I Got Pregnant” de James Dwyer, une histoire qui soulève des questions éthiques concernant la demande d’une femme de bénéficier d’une assistance médicale pour tomber enceinte, sans avoir l’intention de le dévoiler à son mari. Dans ce commentaire, je défends l’idée que l’attitude de cette femme trompe la confiance de son conjoint et j’explique en quoi ses justifications, pour faire valoir sa demande de concevoir un enfant à l’insu de son mari, sont faibles.
Mots-clés :
- reproduction assistée,
- déception,
- droit de la femme sur son corps,
- droit de savoir du partenaire
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Parties annexes
- 1. Dwyer J. How I got pregnant, BioéthiqueOnline. 2014;3(3)
- 2. Mahon JE. The definition of lying and deception, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2008/2015.
- 3. Chisholm RM, Feehan TD. The intent to deceive. The Journal of Philosophy. 1977;74(3):143-59.
- 4. Demos R. Lying to oneself. Journal of Philosophy. 1960;57(18):588-95.
- 5. Adler JE. Lying, deceiving, or falsely implicating. The Journal of Philosophy. 1997;94(9):435-52.
- 6. Faulkner P. What is wrong with lying? Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 2007;75(3):535-57.
- 7. Horne WAV. Prolegomenon to a theory of deception. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 1981;42(2):171-82.
- 8. Mahon JE. Kant and the perfect duty to others not to lie. British Journal for the History of Philosophy. 2006;14(4):653-85.
- 9. National Coalition For Men. NCFM 1992 Declaration of the father’s fundamental pre-natal rights. USA.
- 10. Nuffield Council on Bioethics. Donor conception: ethical aspects of information sharing. United Kingdom: 2013.
- 11. Flavin J. “Race criminals”: reproductive rights in America. Our Bodies, Our Crimes: The Policing of Women's Reproduction in America. New York: New York University Press; 2009. p. 11-28.