We provide an autoethnography of gendered encounters in a graduate seminar. We use an affective lens to argue that these encounters stem from "more than" just individual sexism. We also use affect to identify how these encounters related to both exits from and openings for knowledge production in the classroom.
- affect,
- autoethnography,
- post-secondary education,
- knowledge production,
- graduate school
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The authors wish to thank Sacha Ghandeharian and the two peer reviewers for extremely helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper. They also wish to thank their feminist colleagues, including their supervisors and their doctoral peers, who have lifted them up. This work was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada [grant number 767-2015-1242].
Biographical notes
Maggie FitzGerald is a doctoral student in the Department of Political Science at Carleton University.
Lauren Montgomery is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Carleton University.