Volume 9, numéro 1, 2024
Making Sense by Kendrea Rhodes
Mount Myoko, Japan; Alogopoiesis and climbing mountains. A mixed media artwork by Kendrea Rhodes, comprising charcoal, oil paint, digital art, and photography.
Sommaire (18 articles)
Art/Research Editorial
Art/Research Theoretical Musings
Material-Relational Following of an Artist-Curator Relationship in Movement: A Reflection of my Relationship with the Artist Regitze Karlsen
The Poetics of Kinship
Artful Diffractions: (En)tangling with Reflexivity and New Materialist Philosophy
The Art of Coming Upon Something
An Exquisite Corpse: Unfolding Scarcity Using Arts-Based Autoethnography
Art/Research In Action
From Threads to Frames: Animating an Immigrant Senior’s COVID-19 Pandemic Experience
Investigating Professional Identity Development Through Arts-Based Duoethnography
The Capacity of Artmaking Assemblages to Enable Positive Transformations: A Case of a Finnish Schoolgirl
“Our Culture is a Product of Active Word”: A Poetic Inquiry into Immigrants’ Experiences with Writing in a Host Language
Getting Lost Through the Relational Mail Art of Art/Re-search (T)here: A Decolonizing Methodology
“To be an Asian Girl”: Examining Identity Construction and School Punishment through Found Poetry
Understanding Nursing Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic Through Narrative and Art: A Feminist Exploration in Educational Research
Walking-Writing-Weaving: An A/r/tographic Reconsideration of the Human-Algorithm Relationship