Note from the EditorsNotes des rédactrices

Note from the EditorsNote de la rédaction[Notice]

  • Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier et
  • Sue Frohlick

As we moved into our year two of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us can now look back and reflect on how our lives are affected in complex and deep ways by the “new normality.” And, just when we were about to take a small breath, the emergence of the Omicron variant brought us back into a state of uncertainty. Anthropologists are playing a crucial role in engaging with the current changes to shed light on the multiple transformative processes we are going through. Anthropologica is proud to be part of this current academic effervescence. In this current issue, three articles engage directly with the COVID-19 pandemic. Tetiana Tkhorzhevska and co-authors discuss state relations during the quarantine in Ukraine, Javiera Araya Moreno explores the challenges and racial underpinnings of the Chilean lockdown, and Emilie Stoll and co-authors discuss the lack of transparency of the COVID-19 epidemic statistics in the Brazilian Amazonia. This is the second Open Access issue, and we are learning about both the benefits and the challenges that come with this mode of publication. We thank our readership, our peer reviewers, and the authors for their patience as we are in the process together of smoothing out the wrinkles in Open Access production and publication. The Russian Ontological Turn thematic issue is, indeed, special. The initial idea for this theme, guest edited by Sergei Sokolovskiy, emerged from the enthusiasm of the late past-Editor-in-Chief Sonja Luehrmann, a specialist of religion in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia. Her intention was to stimulate the translational dialogues on particular and contextual ontological approaches beyond linguistic barriers (two articles from this thematic issue were translated from Russian to English). As we worked on this thematic issue, alive with the memory of a beloved colleague, we realized that very little is known in Canada about what is accomplished by our Russian colleagues. The four articles composing this thematic issue, in addition to an extensive introduction authored by Sokolovskiy, expose some of the unique work that is conducted by anthropologists in Russia today. Altogether, the contributions show that there are various Russian “turns,” including the ontological one, but not limited to it, as argued by Dmitry Baranov. Based at the Russian Museum of Ethnography in St. Petersburg , Baranov explores the various ideas about materiality and things in a museum context. Sergei Sokolovskiy proposes a post-anthropocentric perspective to explore the fate of multiple forms of human death. In looking at its infrastructure and associated technology, Dmitry Mikhel adopts some of the principles associated with medical anthropology and the ontological turn to present a novel human-object history of organ transplantation in Russia. The fourth piece, co-written by Virginie Vaté and John R. Eidson, provides a comprehensive and fascinating overview of how scholars attempt to apply ontological perspectives, often emerging from the Amazonia, to the Siberian context. Vaté and Eidson further provide a critical examination of authors who have drawn on classic northeastern Siberian ethnographies. We are happy to publish the Weaver-Tremblay Award’s keynote addresses for both 2020 and 2021, by Bruce Granville Miller and Francine Saillant respectively. The legacy of these two anthropologists within Canadian anthropology and the discipline more generally was highlighted at our last virtual meeting that was hosted by the University of Guelph in May 2021. In addition to all of these incredible contributions, this issue also includes five non-thematic articles. The first contribution by Joey Weiss raises the critical and timely question of repatriation in the Canadian museum context. Weiss argues that it is only in adopting a long-term collaborative approach to repatriation with Indigenous Peoples that museums can develop responsible practices that …