Mots-clés :
- clubs de science parascolaires,
- jeunes immigrants,
- formation en enseignement
Parties annexes
- Cole, M. (et Distributed Literacy Consortium) (2006). The fifth dimension : An afterschool program built on diversity. New York : Russell Sage Foundation.
- Gutiérrrez, K. (2014). Foreword: La Clase Magica: An enduring prototype of a new Latin@ Diaspora. Dans B. Flores, O. Vasquez et E. Clark (dir.), Generating transworld pedagogy (p. vii-xii). New York : Lexington Books.
- McDonald, M., Bowman, M. et Brayko, K. (2013). Learning to see students: Opportunities to develop relational practices of teaching through community-based placements in teacher education. Teachers College Record, 115(4), 1-35.
- Murrell, P. (2000). Community Teachers: A Conceptual Framework for Preparing Exemplary Urban Teachers, The Journal of Negro Education, 69(4), 338-348.
- Tan, E. et Calabrese Barton, A. (2012). Empowering science and mathematics education in urban schools. Chicago : University of Chicago Press.
- Zeichner, K. (2010a). Competition, economic rationalization, increased surveillance, and attacks on diversity: Neoliberalism and the transformation of teacher education in the US. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26, 1544-1552.
- Zeichner, K. (2010b). Rethinking the connections between campus courses and field experiences in college- and university-based teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 61, 89-99.