Fragments of the large euryptcrid Pterygotus, recently collected from the Devonian Campbellton Formation at Atholville, New Brunswick, are identified as belonging to P. anglicus Agassiz. The only previous Pterygotus specimens from this site, collected in 1881, were assigned to a new species P. atlanticus Clarke and Rucdemann, in 1912. Clarke and Rucdcmann's suggestion that P. atlanticus might turn out to be a small specimen of P. anglicus is supported by this new find. However, possible revision of P. atlanticus awaits the discovery of additional, more complete, material.
On a determine' que les fragments du grand eurypteride Pterygotus r^cemment recueillis dans la Formation divonienne dc Campbellton a Atholville, Nouveau-Brunswick, appartenaient au P, anglicus Agassiz. Les seuls specimens antiricurs de Pterygotus de cet emplacement, prCIevds en 1881, avaient 6t6 attribuSs a une nouvelle espece, le P. atlanticus, par Clarke ct Rucdemann, en 1912. Cette nouvelle d£couverte appuie Phypothese de Clarke ct Rucdemann a I'cffct que Ic P. atlanticus pourrait en rialite" constitucr un petit specimen de P. anglicus. La revision possible de la nature du P. atlanticus nicessitera neanmoins la decouverte de materiel suppl£mcntairc plus complet.
[Traduit par la redaction]
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