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Duff, P. M. D., et al. « Upper Pennsylvanian sediment dispersal and paleochannel orientation in the western part of the Sydney Coalfield, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. » Atlantic Geology, volume 18, numéro 2, summer 1982, p. 83–90.
Duff, P. M. D., Forgeron, S. & van de Poll, H. (1982). Upper Pennsylvanian sediment dispersal and paleochannel orientation in the western part of the Sydney Coalfield, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Atlantic Geology, 18(2), 83–90.
- Chicago
Duff, P. M. D., Forgeron, S. et van de Poll, H. W. « Upper Pennsylvanian sediment dispersal and paleochannel orientation in the western part of the Sydney Coalfield, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ». Atlantic Geology 18, no 2 (1982) : 83–90.
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