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Pelletier, Bernard R. « Sedimentological Sampling and Results from the Diver Lock-Out Facility of the Submersible Shelf Diver, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia. » Atlantic Geology, volume 6, numéro 3, december 1970, p. 102–109.
Pelletier, B. R. (1970). Sedimentological Sampling and Results from the Diver Lock-Out Facility of the Submersible Shelf Diver, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia. Atlantic Geology, 6(3), 102–109.
- Chicago
Pelletier, Bernard R. « Sedimentological Sampling and Results from the Diver Lock-Out Facility of the Submersible Shelf Diver, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia ». Atlantic Geology 6, no 3 (1970) : 102–109.
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