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O'Brien, Neal R. et Eiji Suito. « Comparison of the Fabric of a Sensitive Pleistocene Clay with Laboratory Flocculated Clay using the Scanning Electron Microscope. » Atlantic Geology, volume 5, numéro 2, august 1969, p. 58–61.
O'Brien, N. R. & Suito, E. (1969). Comparison of the Fabric of a Sensitive Pleistocene Clay with Laboratory Flocculated Clay using the Scanning Electron Microscope. Atlantic Geology, 5(2), 58–61.
- Chicago
O'Brien, Neal R. et Suito, Eiji « Comparison of the Fabric of a Sensitive Pleistocene Clay with Laboratory Flocculated Clay using the Scanning Electron Microscope ». Atlantic Geology 5, no 2 (1969) : 58–61.
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