- Harmonics,
- Notation,
- Sound,
- Rhythms,
- Pulse,
- Heptachord
Parties annexes
- Bélis, A. 2005. “Un ‘nouveau’ dithyrambe. Les Mysiens de Philoxène de Cythère”. Cadmos 7: 57–81.
- Calame, C. 1998. “La poésie lyrique grecque, un genre inexistant?” Littérature 111: 87–110.
- Hagel, S. 2010. Ancient Greek Music: A New Technical History. Cambridge,UK.
- Holford-Strevens, L. 1993. “The Harmonious Pulse”. Classical Quarterly 43: 475–479.
- Lynch, T. A. C. 2018. “‘Without Timotheus, Much of Our Melopoiía Would Not Exist; but without Phrynis, There Wouldn’t Have Been Timotheus’: Pherecrates’ Twelve Strings, the Stróbilos and the Harmonic Paranomía of the New Music”. Greek and Roman Musical Studies 6.2: 290–327.
- Melazzo, L. 2014. “Music and Phonetics in Magna Graeca”. Pp. 207–217 in A. Bellia ed. Musica, culti e riti nell’occidente greco. Pisa/Rome.
- Psaroudakes, S. 2012. “The Hellenistic Side Flute and the KoilēAthens Instrument”. Pp. 521–536 in D. Castaldo, F. G. Giannachi, and A. Manieri edd. Poesia, musica e agoni nella Grecia antica. Atti del 4. convegno internazionale di MOISA: Lecce, 28–30 ottobre 2010. Galatina, Italy.
- Siraisi, N. G. 1975. “The Music of Pulse in the Writings of Italian Academic Physicians (Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries)”. Speculum 50: 689–710.
- Lynch, T. A. C. and E. Rocconi. 2020. A Companion to Ancient Greek and Roman Music. Hoboken.
- Wersinger, A. G. 2008. La sphère et l’intervalle. Le schème de l’harmonie dans la pensée des anciens Grecs d’Homère à Platon. 2nd edn. Grenoble.
- West, M. L. 1992. Ancient Greek Music. Oxford.