A unique source on the practical aspects of the scientia astrorum (astronomy and astrology) in medieval Europe has come down to us in the shape of a letter written shortly after 1246 by John of London, an astronomer based in Paris. John used the letter to answer eight questions on technical problems posed to him by his addressee, a certain R. de Guedingue, with subject matters ranging from the rate of precession to the dates of the so-called Dog Days. The article makes this source available via a critical edition (based upon three manuscripts) and an accompanying English translation. An introduction discusses the background and transmission of John’s letter as well as the identities of the letter writer and addressee. The edition and translation are followed by commentaries elucidating the background to each of the eight questions and John’s answers to them.
- Medieval Astronomy,
- Astrology,
- Horoscopes,
- Thirteenth Century,
- John Of London,
- University Of Paris
Parties annexes
- Circulus solis dicitur esse eccentricus.... See MS Cambridge, University Library, Kk.1.1, ff. 192r–203r.
- De ratione conputandi. See Walsh and Ó Cróinín 1988.
- Ezich Elkaurezmi. trans. Adelard of Bath. See Suter 1914.
- Investigantibus astronomiam primo sciendum.... See FPedersen 1990.
- Motuum Solis alius est medius.... See MS Toledo, Archivo y Biblioteca Capítulares, 98–22, f. 1ra–vb.
- Nostri temporis astronomici.... See MS Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek, 1487, ff. 53r–67r.
- Notandum quod VII sunt puncta,.... See MS Cambridge, University Library, Kk.1.1, f. 141r–v.
- Speculum astronomiae. See Zambelli 1992.
- Albategnius. De motu stellarum, trans. Plato of Tivoli. See Continentur in hoc libro: Rudimenta astronomica Alfragrani. Item Albategnius astronomus peritissimus de motu stellarum. Nuremberg, 1537.
- Albumasar. Liber introductorius, trans. Hermann of Carinthia. See Lemay 1995–1996.
- Albumasar. Liber introductorius, trans. John of Seville. See Lemay 1995–1996.
- Alcabitius. Introductorius, trans. John of Seville. See Burnett, Yamamoto, and Yano 2004.
- Bede. De temporum ratione. See Jones 1943.
- [Bede]. De mundi caelestis terrestrisque constitutione. See PradelBaquerre, Biasi, Gévaudan 2016.
- [Gerard of Cremona]. Theorica planetarum. See Carmody 1942.
- Isidore of Seville. De natura rerum. See Fontaine 1960.
- John of Sacrobosco. Tractatus de spera. See Thorndike 1949.
- Peter of Maricourt. Nova compositio astrolabii particularis. See Sturlese and Thomson 1995.
- Pliny. Naturalis historia. See Rackham 1938.
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