- Aristotle,
- Anonymus Cantabrigiensis,
- Commentarium in Sophisticos Elenchos Aristotelis,
- Sten Ebbesen
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Parties annexes
- Brumberg-Chaumont, J. 2017. “Form and Matter of the Syllogism in Anonymus Cantabrigiensis”. Pp. 188–213 in Bydén and ThomsenThörnqvist 2017.
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- Ebbesen, S. 2011. “ContextSensitive Argumentation: Dirty Tricks in the Sophistical Refutations and a Perceptive Medieval Interpretation of the Text”. Vivarium 49: 75–94.
- Ebbesen, S. 2014. “The Advantage of Being Medieval”. Pp. 101–108 in Ebbesen, Bloch, Fink, Hansen, and Mora Márquez 2014.
- Ebbesen, S. 2017. “Demonstrative Disputation: A contradictio in adjecto? Medieval and Recent Commentators on Aristotle’s Sophistical Refutations”. Pp. 162–187 in Bydén and ThomsenThörnqvist 2017.
- Ebbesen, S.; D. Bloch; J. L. Fink; H. Hansen; and A. M. Mora Márquez 2014. History of Philosophy in Reverse: Reading Aristotle through the Lenses of Scholars from the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Centuries. Scientia Danica, ser. H. Humanistica 8. vol. 7. Copenhagen.
- Ebbesen, S. and Y. Iwakuma. 1983. “Instantiae and 12th Century Schools”. Cahiers de l’Institut du MoyenAge Grec et Latin 44: 81–85.
- Ehrle, F. 1920. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Mittelalterlichen Scholastik 2. Munich.
- Fink, J. L. 2013. “Tempting Moves: Anonymous Cantabrigiensis on Peirastic Dialectic”. Pp. 85–103 in Fink and Mora Márquez 2013.
- Fink, J. L. and A. M. Mora Márquez. 2013. edd. Logic and Language in the Middle Ages: A Volume in Honour of Sten Ebbesen. Investigating Medieval Philosophy 4. Leiden/Boston.
- Martin, C. 2013. “Instantiae and the Parisian Schools”. Pp. 65–84 in Fink and Mora Márquez 2013.