- Babylonian divination,
- Terrestrial and celestial omens,
- Diviners,
- Stefan M. Maul
Parties annexes
- BrackBernsen, L. and J. M. Steel. 2004. “Babylonian Mathemagics: Two Astronomical Astrological Texts”. Pages 95–125 in C. Burnett, J. P. Hogendijk, K. Plofker, and M. Yano edd. Studies in the History of the Exact Sciences in Honour of David Pingree. Leiden.
- Britton, J. 2010. “Studies in Babylonian Lunar Theory: Part III. The Introduction of the Uniform Zodiac”. Archive for the History of Exact Sciences 64: 617–663.
- Britton, J. and C. Walker. 1996. “Astronomy and Astrology in Mesopotamia”. Pages 42–67 in C. Walker ed. Astronomy before the Telescope. London, UK.
- Geller, M. J. 2010. “Look to the Stars: Babylonian Medicine, Magic, Astrology and Melothesia”. Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. Preprint 401. Berlin.
- Geller, M. J. 2014. Melothesia in Babylonia: Medicine, Magic and Astrology in the Ancient Near East. Boston/Berlin/Munich.
- Neugebauer, O. and A. Sachs. 1952–1953. “The Dodekatemoria in Babylonian Astrology”. Archiv für Orientforschung 6: 65-66.
- Sachs. A. J. 1952. “Babylonian Horoscopes”. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 6: 49–75.
- Wee, J. Z. 2015. “Discovery of the Zodiac Man in Cuneiform”. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 67: 217–233. Online: https://doi.org/10.5615/jcunestud. 67.2015.0217.