
Volume 39, numéro 2, spring 2010

Sommaire (10 articles)

Front Matter

Contributors / Collaborateurs


  1. Making Kouchibouguac:: Acadians, the Creation of a National Park, and the Politics of Documentary Film during the 1970s
  2. Africville and the Dynamics of State Power in Postwar Canada
  3. Six Degrees of Film, Social, and Cultural History:: The Fogo Island Film Project of 1967 and the "Newfoundland Renaissance"
  4. The "Celebrated Indian Herb Doctor":: Francis Tumblety in Saint John, 1860
  5. Searching for the Past, Writing for the Present:: Charles Ryle Fay and Newfoundland’s Contested Past

Review Essays / Notes Critiques

Back Matter

  1. Back Matter

Anciens numéros de Acadiensis