Corps de l’article
Joan Ritcey,
Newfoundland and Labrador.
John MacLeod,
Nova Scotia.
Sharon Clark,
Prince Edward Island.
Parties annexes
- The Atlantic Canada virtual archives. – access to digitised collections of the Winslow Family Papers and the McQueen Family Papers.
- Atlantic modern: the architecture of the Atlantic provinces 1950-2000. Edited by Steven Mannell. Halifax: TUNS Press and Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Dalhousie University, 2004. 107 p. ill.
- Brouillette, Sarah. "Books of instruction in Upper Canada and the Atlantic colonies." In History of the book in Canada. Volume 1 Beginnings to 1840. Edited by Patricia Lockhart Fleming, Gilles Gallichan, and Yvan Lamonde. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. pp. 259-262.
- Burton, P., S. Phipps, and L. Lethbridge. "Longitudinal estimates of child poverty in the Maritimes versus the rest of Canada." Canadian Journal of Regional Science = Revue canadienne des sciences régionales XXVII, 2 (Summer 2004): 255-270.
- Chatterton, Jeff. Framing the fish farmers: the impact of activists on media and public opinion about the aquaculture industry. (How to Farm the Seas, 3). Halifax: Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, 2004. 21 p.
- Chiasson, Anselme. "La culture populaire en Acadie." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 35, 4 (déc. 2004): 167-178.
- Clarke, Matthew. "Primary beneficiaries: Newfoundland and Nova Scotia’s struggle to achieve the promise of petroleum wealth." Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies 13 (2004): 1- 30.
- Cody, Howard. "Electoral reform proposals in Québec, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick." Canadian Parliamentary Review 28, 2 (Summer 2005): 34-38.
- Colman, Ronald. Women’s health in Atlantic Canada: a statistical portrait. Halifax: Maritime Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health, 2000. 54 p.
- Davies, Gwendolyn. "Literary cultures in the Maritime provinces." In History of the book in Canada. Volume 1 Beginnings to 1840. Edited by Patricia Lockhart Fleming, Gilles Gallichan, and Yvan Lamonde. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. pp. 368-383.
- Demetz, Jean-Michel. "Quand l’Amérique était français." L’Express international 2779 (2004): 36-41.
- Dewey, S. Pascale. "French legacy in the Americas: the Acadians". In Representations of Canada: cross-cultural reflections on Canadian society. Vol. 2. Edited by R.M. Timko. Volgograd: Volgograd State University Press, 2003. pp. 43-60.
- Dick, Ernest J. Remembering ‘Singalong Jubilee’. Halifax: Formac, 2004. 96 p. ill.
- Dooley, Thomas. A new approach to access and allocation in the Atlantic Canadian fishery. M.M.S. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2004. 50 leaves.
- Faragher, John Mack. A great and noble scheme. The tragic story of the expulsion of the French Acadians from their American homeland. New York: W.W. Norton, 2005. 544 p. ill.; maps.
- Fendler, Ute, and Christoph Vatter. "Evangéline multimedia. Un mythe acadien entre Américanité et Américanisation." Globe. Revue internationale d’études québécoises 7, 2 (2004): 59-79. – revue de l’ Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Fitch, Benjamin T.E. Doing their duty: politics and recruitment in the Maritimes during World War I. M.A. thesis, University of Calgary, 2003. 152 p.
- Fleming, Patricia Lockhart. "First printers and the spread of the press." In History of the book in Canada. Volume 1 Beginnings to 1840. Edited by Patricia Lockhart Fleming, Gilles Gallichan, and Yvan Lamonde. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. pp. 61-69.
- Fong, Trudy. Off the beaten path: Maritime provinces, a guide to unique places. 5th ed. Guilford, CT: Insiders’ Guide, 2005. 210 p. – first published in 1996.
- Gallichan, Gilles. "Official publications [government documents]." In History of the book in Canada. Volume 1 Beginnings to 1840. Edited by Patricia Lockhart Fleming, Gilles Gallichan, and Yvan Lamonde. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. pp. 309-320.
- Hanrahan, John. "Bailout." Progress 11, 8 (Oct. 2004): 36-38;40. – re. Atlantic Canada’s contribution to Upper Canada, 1759-1857.
- Hedican, Edward J. "Irish farming households in Eastern Canada: domestic production and family size." Ethnology 42, 1 (2003): 15-37.
- Hodgett, Susan, and Stephen A. Royle. "Conceptualising community: policy implications for Atlantic Canada." British Journal of Canadian Studies 16, 2 (2003): 309-318.
- Hutcheson, Jeff. Best of Atlantic Canada. Photography by John McQuarrie. Ottawa: Magic Light Publishing, 2004. 176 p. ill.
- Jobb, Dean. The Acadians: a people’s story of exile and triumph. Mississauga: J. Wiley and Sons, 2005. 296 p.
- Johnston, A.J.B. "The call of the archetype and the challenge of Acadian history." French Colonial History 5 (2004): 63-92.
- _____. "La séduction de l’archétype face au défi de l’histoire de l’Acadie." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 36, 1 (mars 2005): 12-46. – article first appeared in French Colonial History 5 (2004): 63-92.
- Kearney, John F. "Extreme makeover: the restructuring of the Atlantic fisheries." Acadiensis XXXIV, 1 (Autumn 2004): 156-163.
- "Laurie Ebacher (1910-2005)." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 36, 1 (mars 2005): 47-48.
- Léger, Maurice A. "Hommage au père Anselme Chiasson." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 35, 4 (déc. 2004): 185-186.
- MacBeath, George. Great Maritime achievers in science and technology. Fredericton: Goose Lane Editions, 2004. 127 p. ill.
- MacDonald, Heidi. "The impact of increased health care funding on the evolution of two congregations of women religious in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, 1945-82." In Delicate dances: case studies on public policy and the nonprofit sector in Canada. Edited by Kathy Brock. Montréal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2003. pp. 147-170.
- Meehan, O.M. "The Canadian Hydrographic Service from the time of its inception in 1833 to the end of the Second World War." Northern Mariner 14, 1 (Jan. 2004): 1-158.
- _____. "The Hydrographic Survey of Canada from 1928 to the commencement of the end of the Second World War." Northern Mariner 14, 2 (Apr. 2004): 159-244.
- _____. "The Second World War to the appointment of R.J. Fraser as Dominion Hydrographer." Northern Mariner 14, 2 (Apr. 2004): 245-297.
- Meek, Jim. "The sin of wages in Atlantic Canada." Progress 11, 9 (Nov. 2004): 76. – re. Fraser Institute report on job growth, the minimum wage and unemployment.
- Mickey, Martelle. "The alligator: a steam-powered warping scow." Nautical Research Journal 49, 3 (2004): 168-174. – scow used in the lumber industry along the eastern Canadian-US border from 1902 to the 1940s; the scow towed log booms and was able to travel over cleared land between lakes.
- Mouhot, Jean-François. "Des « revenantes »? A propos des « lettres fantômes » et de la correspondance entre exilés acadiens (1757-1785)." Acadiensis XXXIV, 1 (Autumn 2004): 96-115.
- Pelchat, André. "The amazing grace of the Acadians." The Beaver 85, 3 (June-July 2005): 14-19.
- Piart, Robert. "Hommage à M. Robert LeBlant." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 35, 4 (déc. 2004): 179-184.
- Pichette, Robert. "L’Acadie: un pays qui s’est fait." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 35, 4 (déc. 2004): 144-166.
- Saucier, Chantal K. Acadie tropicale: colonisation et assimilation. Ph.D. thesis, University of Louisiana, 2004. 179 p.
- Verette, Michel. "The spread of literacy." In History of the book in Canada. Volume 1 Beginnings to 1840. Edited by Patricia Lockhart Fleming, Gilles Gallichan, and Yvan Lamonde. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. pp. 169-172.
- Weeks, E.P. [Ernest Poole]. Memoirs of Ernest P. Weeks, 1912-2002: career & travels in Canada & elsewhere. Woodstock, NB: GraphXperts Design Service, 2004. 331 p. ill. – Weeks was Executive Director of the Atlantic Development Board; Rhodes Scholar from Mount Allison; son of Methodist minister in PEI. Cover title reads "J. Ernest P. Weeks. Memoirs 90 Years 1912-2002 Canada & elsewhere."
- An account of the erection of St. Thomas Church and parsonage Stanley, N.B. 1845. Transcribed by Elizabeth MacGillivray. [Stanley, NB]: [St. Thomas Church], 2005. 24 p. drawings. – this is a direct copy of original now held at Provincial Archives.
- Allodi, Mary, and Stephen Otto. "The art of the unknown mariner." Rotunda 36, 2 (Winter 2003-2004): 13-31. – re. artist Robert Irvine (aka Andrew Crookshank) 1792-1823; connections with Saint John Crookshank family.
- Arseneault-McGrath, Edna. Voir l’invisible, réaliser l’impossible: biographie de Jean-Paul Losier. Saint-Hubert, Qué.: Les Editons Melonic, 2004. 229 p.
- Belkhodja, Chedly. "Immigration and the challenge of regionalization: Francophone immigration in New Brunswick." Canadian Issues = Thèmes canadiens (Spring 2005): 112-115.
- Belliveau, Joel, et Fredéric Boily. "Deux révolutions tranquilles? Transformations politiques et sociales au Québec et au Nouveau-Brunswick (1960-1967)." Recherches sociographiques 46, 1 (2005): 11-34.
- Blessings through time: a history of the Scotchtown United Church. Edited by Ann Dalzell and The Ladies of the Scotchtown UCW. Scotchtown, N.B.: United Church Women, 2004. 104 p. ill.
- Bliss, Michael. "Meighen and Bennett: the crisis of the self-made leader." In Right honourable men: the descent of Canadian politics from Macdonald to Chrétien. Toronto: HarperPerennial Canada, 2004. pp. 92-121.
- Brandon, Laura. Pegi by herself: the life of Pegi Nicol MacLeod, Canadian artist. Montréal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2005. 241 p. ill.
- Campbell, J. Clifford. Happenings in Ripples. Fredericton: The Author, 2004. 192 p.
- Campbell, W.E. (Gary). The road to Canada. The grand communications route from Saint John to Quebec. (New Brunswick Military Heritage Series, 5). Fredericton: Goose Lane Editions; New Brunswick Military Heritage Project, 2005. 115 p. ill; maps.
- Cao, Huhua, et Sylvain Lacombe. "Localisation des services de garde à l’enfance et de leur clientèle dans l’agglomeration bilingue de Moncton au Canada." Etudes canadiennes = Canadian Studies 55 (2003): 25-51.
- Clark, Peter D. Timeless stories of New Brunswick. Durham Bridge, NB: Peter D. Clark, 2004. 94 p. ill.
- Clifton Royal: the Wetmores and village life in Nineteenth-century New Brunswick. Edited by Judith Baxter. (Mercury Series; History Paper no. 53). Gatineau: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 2004. 414 p. ill.
- Cook, Tim. "Canada’s Great War on film: Lest we forget (1935)." Canadian Military History 14, 3 (Summer 2005): 5-20. – extensive reference to Beaverbrook and the Canadian War Records Office.
- Corbett, Ken. My secret river: canoe trips and campfire tales, New Brunswick, Canada. n.p.: The Author, 2004. 152 p.
- deMonts & Champlain voyage from France to St. Croix Island. Translated by W.F. Ganong. Calais, ME: St. Croix Historical Society, 2004. 31 p. map. – reprint. "This booklet . . . transcribed from the original Ganong translation, covers only that part of Champlain’s recorded work in which he leaves France and arrives at St. Croix Island." Translator’s preface is from Champlain Society of Canada, Publications ID 9-96821 [p. 201-202].
- Desmond, Lawrence A., and Donna M. Norell. The case for Fr. Charles Dominic Ffrench (1775-1851). Yorkton, SK: Laverdure & Associates, 2004. 216 p.
- Dis-moi grand-père, dis-moi grand-mère: compilation. Sous la direction d’Anita Dugas Cormier, et al. Moncton: Les Editions de la Francophonie, 2004. 228 p.
- Dougherty, Doug. The Milltown story (Union Mills, Upper Mills, Burnt Hill, Mohannes). St. Stephen, NB: Parsons Printing Ltd., 2004. 233 p. ill.
- Dubocquet, Charles et Valérie, avec la collaboration de Soeur Corinne Laplante. "Une acadienne, héroïne de la Résistance, Lilianne Allain." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys XXXII, 2 (mai-août 2004): 5-36.
- Dugas, Eudore. "Un épisode du ‘Caraquet Flyer’." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys XXXIII, 2 (mai-août 2005): 7-8.
- Fisher, Robert C. " ‘The grandmother’s story’: oral tradition, family memory, and a mysterious manuscript." Archivaria 57 (Spring 2004): 107-130. – re. Peter Fisher family, loyalists.
- Fox, Ross. "Furnishing excellence." Rotunda 36, 2 (Winter 2003-2004): 30-37. – re. Thomas Nisbet’s pre-confederation cabinetmaking.
- Fraser, Ray. The fighting fisherman. The life of Yvon Durelle. Halifax: Formac, 2005. 312 p. ill. – this edition replaces the Goodread edition of 1981.
- Goss, David. West side stories: people, history and local lore from West Saint John. Halifax: Nimbus, 2004. 252 p. ill.
- Hamilton, William B. At the crossroads: a history of Sackville, New Brunswick. Kentville, NS: Gaspereau Press, 2004. 311 p. ill; maps.
- Harnedy, Jim, and Jane Diggins Harnedy. Campobello Island. (Images of Canada). Charleston, SC; St. Catharines, ON: Arcadia Publishing; Vanwell Pub. Ltd., 2002. 128 p. ill.
- Hebb, Ross N. The Church of England in Loyalist New Brunswick 1783-1825. Madison, NJ: Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 2004. 228 p. ill.
- _____. "Samuel Cooke: father of the Church of England in New Brunswick." Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society 46, 1 (2004): 27-47.
- "Her Majesty the Queen . . . v. Dale M. Sappier and Clark P. Polchies [R. v. Sappier]." Canadian Native Law Reporter vol. 2(2003): 294-317. – re. harvesting lumber from Crown Lands for personal use; see Canadian Native Law Reporter (2004) pp. 281-288 in volume 3 and pp. 252-283 in volume 4 for N.B. Court of Queen’s Bench and N.B. Court of Appeal rulings.
- Hickey, Elsie Foreman. Bits and tidbits: memories of growing up in New Brunswick. Fredericton: Partners Publishing Ltd., 2001. 106 p.
- Johnston, James Robert. Riding into war: the memoir of a horse transport driver, 1916-1919. (New Brunswick Military Heritage Series, 4). Fredericton: Goose Lane Editions and the New Brunswick Military Heritage Project, 2004. 103 p. ill.
- "Joshua Bernard (Appellant) v. Her Majesty the Queen (Respondent) and Union of New Brunswick Indians (Intervenors), Attorney- General for the Province of Nova Scotia and Aboriginal People’s Council of New Brunswick." Canadian Native Law Reporter vol. 4(2003): 48-218. – re. harvesting timber from Crown Lands for personal use.
- Lang, Eric John Nielsen. New Denmark, New Brunswick: new approaches in the study of Danish migration to Canada, 1872-1901. M.A. thesis, Carleton University, 2005. 177 p.
- LaPlante, Corinne, Sr. "Petit histoire des foyers de soins dans la Vallée de 1943 à 2003." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys XXXIII, 2 (mai-août 2005): 9-16. – re. La Valée-Lourdes.
- _____. "Les premières femmes pharmaciennes au Nouveau-Brunswick: le Religieuses Hospitalières de Saint-Joseph." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys XXXII, 2 (mai-août 2004): 38-48.
- LeBlanc, Phyllis. "Women boarders in Moncton, 1901: a social and cultural analysis." In Canadian and American women: moving from private to public experiences in the Atlantic world. Edited by Valeria Gennaro Lerda and Roberto Maccarini. Milano: Selene Edizioni, 2002. pp. 103-127.
- LeBlanc, Ronnie-Gilles. Dynamiques familiales dans la communauté acadienne de Cap-Pelé-Chimougoui au XIXe siècle: un regard sur le rôle de la famille à l’époque de la survivance acadienne. Ph.D. thesis, l’Université Laval, 2003. 345 p.
- Litvak, Isaiah Alan. New Brunswick’s plastics industry: rhetoric versus reality. Halifax: Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, 2003. 23 p.
- MacDonald, Harold, with M.A. MacDonald. "Holland summer. Awaiting repatriation, May-August 1945." Canadian Military History 13, 4 (Autumn 2004): 29-45. – continuation of a series of excerpts from the letters of a member of the North Shore New Brunswick Regiment.
- MacDonald, Herb. "Two early New Brunswick railways: the European & North American and the New Brunswick Railway." Canadian Rail: the magazine of Canada’s railway heritage 497 (2003): 219-227. – reprint of an 1879 article in the British journal Engineering.
- Marquis, Greg. "Commemorating the Loyalists in the loyalist city: Saint John, New Brunswick, 1883-1934." Urban History Review 33, 1 (Fall 2004): 24-33.
- McCallum, Margaret E. "Rights in the courts, on the water, and in the woods: the aftermath of R. v. Marshall in New Brunswick." Journal of Canadian Studies 38, 3 (Fall 2004): 204- 218.
- Parker, Gerry. Men of the autumn woods: non-resident big-game hunting in New Brunswick, the golden years 1885-1935. Sackville, NB: Gerry Parker, 2004. 264 p. ill.; maps.
- Perley, Karen. Gabe. Edited by Helen Kristmanson. (New Brunswick Manuscripts in Archaeology, 41). Fredericton: Archaeological Services, Heritage Branch, Culture and Sport Secretariat, 2005. 31 p. ill.
- _____. Gabe. Sous la direction de Helen Kristmanson. (Manuscrits sur l’archéologie 41 du Nouveau-Brunswick). Fredericton: Les Services d’archéologie, direction du patrimoine, Secrétariat à la Culture at au Sport, 2005. 31 p. ill.
- Perron, F. René. "Avec les Motin et Le Creux, sur le Saint-Jehan en avril 1636: Jacqueline de Glaisnée et Jehanne Billard." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 36, 1 (mars 2005): 4-11.
- Petit, Jacques Guy, et Marie Laurendeau. "Entretien avec Stephen J. Augustine (Canada). Le Micmacs, l’ethnologie, les revendications autochtones." Etudes canadiennes = Canadian Studies 55 (2003): 185-187.
- Piper, Liza. "Backward seasons and remarkable cold: the weather over Long Reach, New Brunswick, 1812-1821." Acadiensis XXXIV, 1 (Autumn 2004): 31-55.
- Poitras, Jacques. The right fight: Bernard Lord and the Conservative dilemma. Fredericton: Goose Lane Editions, 2004. 366 p. ill.
- "Les quais de la péninsule acadienne. (Collection Normand F. Haché)." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys XXXIII, 2 (mai-août 2005): 53-68. – photographes.
- Robichaud, Donat. "Curiosités." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys XXXIII, 2 (mai-août 2005): 17-52. – extraits des journaux.
- _____. "Interview [avec Félix C. Godin]." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys XXXII, 2 (mai-août 2004): 48-53.
- _____ "Interview [avec M. & Mme. Francis Frenette]." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys XXXII, 2 (mai-août 2004): 54-56.
- _____. "Interview [avec Mme. Florida Lemieux]." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys XXXII, 2 (mai-août 2004): 57-59.
- _____. "Miscou éphémérides. Extraits de l’Evangéline raconte." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys XXXII, 3 (sept.- déc. 2004): 52-64.
- Robichaud, Ivan, et Mgr. Donat Robichaud. "De Moscou à Miscou." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys XXXII, 3 (sept.- déc. 2004): 5-51.
- Saulnier, Zoel. De la savane à la dune . . . une façon d’être au monde. [Moncton]: [Les editions de la Francophonie], 2004. 204 p. – autobiographie du Père Saulnier, né à Tracadie-Sheila.
- Steeves, John. The Dairytown dream. Sussex, NB: Dairytown Products Ltd., 2005. 187 p.
- Sullivan, Herman. Gone to yacht: a pictorial history of sailing on the St. John River. Saint John: DreamCatcher Publishing, 2004. 81 p.
- Theobald, Andrew. "Une loi extraordinaire: New Brunswick Acadians and the conscription crisis of the First World War." Acadiensis XXXIV, 1 (Autumn 2004): 80-95.
- Tremblay, Tony. "Dalton Camp & Frank McKenna: New Brunswick titans." Nashwaak Review 14-15 (Fall 2004-Winter 2005): 228-237.
- Trew, Johanne Devlin. "Conflicting visions: Don Messer, liberal nationalism, and the Canadian unity debate." International Journal of Canadian Studies = Revue internationale d’études canadiennes 26 (2002): 41-58.
- Tucker, Thomas L. Power trip: stumbling toward a policy for NB Power. Halifax: Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, 2003. 25 p.
- Winslow Papers. Electronic version of the Winslow Papers, University of New Brunswick, Archives & Special Collections Dept. – This site houses the electronic edition of the Winslow Family Papers, along with background information and links. The original Winslow manuscripts are located in the University of New Brunswick Archives & Special Collections. Consisting of over 3,600 items and 11,000 pages, the Papers cover the period from 1695 to 1866.
- Wolastoqiyik Ajemseg. The people of the beautiful river at Jemseg. Volume 1: Important stories and spoken histories. Edited by Karen Perley and Susan Blair. (New Brunswick Manuscripts in Archaeology, 34E). Fredericton: Archaeological Services, Heritage Branch, Culture and Sport Secretariat, Government of New Brunswick, 2003. 300 p. ill. – Jemseg Crossing archaeology project.
- Wolastoqiyik Ajemseg. The people of the beautiful river at Jemseg. Volume 2: Archaeological results. Edited by Susan Blair. (New Brunswick Manuscripts in Archaeology, 36E). Fredericton: Archaeological Services, Heritage Branch, Culture and Sport Secretariat, Government of New Brunswick, 2004. 330 p. ill.; tables; maps. – Jesmseg Crossing archaeological project.
- Wright, Esther Clark. Alexander Clark loyalist: a contribution to the history of New Brunswick. Edited and revised by Richard P. Murray. Vancouver: RPM Unlimited, 2004. 270 p. – originally published in 1990.
- Arms, Myron. Servants of the fish: a portrait of Newfoundland after the great cod collapse. Hinesburg, VT: Upper Access, 2004. 242 p. ill.; map.
- Barker, William. "Books and reading in Newfoundland and in Labrador." In History of the book in Canada. Volume 1 Beginnings to 1840. Edited by Patricia Lockhart Fleming, Gilles Gallichan, and Yvan Lamonde. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. pp. 361-368.
- Bridson, Mary. "John Winthrop and the Transit of Venus: how astronomy transports us into distant futurity!" Newfoundland Quarterly 97, 1 (Spring 2004): 40-42. – re. 1761 astronomy.
- _____. "Of cabbages and Muddy Bay: a Birdseye view." Newfoundland Quarterly 97, 2 (Summer 2004): 46-47. – re. Clarence Birdseye in Labrador, covers 1886-1950.
- Bruneau, Stephen E. Icebergs of Newfoundland and Labrador. 5th ed. St. John’s: Flanker Press, 2004. 64 p. ill.; maps.
- Burke, Rhonda Carol. Land, resources and discourses of development in central Labrador. M.A. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2004. 177 leaves.
- Burns, Robert J. "Bombs in the bush." The Beaver 84, 6 (Dec. 2004- Jan. 2005): 41- 44. - re. Goose Bay and the US military presence.
- Cadigan, Sean. "Power and agency in Newfoundland and Labrador’s history." Labour/Le Travail 54 (Fall 2004): 223-243.
- Carbonear Heritage Society: twenty-five years to remember 1979-2004. Carbonear, NL: Carbonear Heritage Society, [2004]. 24 p. ill.
- Chafe, Paul. " ‘The scuttlework of empire’: a postcolonial reading of Wayne Johnston’s The Colony of Unrequited Dreams. " Newfoundland Studies 19, 2 (2005): 322-346.
- Clement, Dominique. "Searching for rights in the age of activism: the Newfoundland-Labrador Human Rights Association, 1968-1982." Newfoundland Studies 19, 2 (2005): 347-372.
- Cockerill, A.W. "The trappers of Labrador." Material History Review 60 (Fall 2004): 86-90.
- Collins, Harold. Always a straight shooter. St. John’s: DRC Pub., [2004]. 213 p. ill.; maps. – P.C. cabinet minister’s autobiography.
- Coombs, Heidi. "‘I guess I should have been a suffragette!!!!’: a profile of Lesley Diack, nurse with the Grenfell Mission, 1950-1988." Newfoundland Quarterly 97, 2 (Summer 2004): 28-32. Also cited as Aspects 40, 1 (2004).
- Couture, Pauline. Ice: beauty, danger, history. Toronto: McArthur, 2004. 336 p. ill.
- Crummey, Michael, and Greg Locke. Newfoundland: journey into a lost nation. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2004. 143 p. ill. – pictorial.
- Daley, Katherine. Health services in Newfoundland & Labrador: timeline, 1662-2004. St. John’s: Newfoundland and Labrador Health and Community Services Archive and Museum, 2004. 126 p. ill. ; maps.
- Davis, David. "The other Courts of Newfoundland." Newfoundland Ancestor 20, 2 (2004): 66-69. – covers 1500s-1700-1915 law.
- De La Chaume, Henri. "Excursions and entertainments in 19th-century Newfoundland." Translated by J.M.F. McGrath. Newfoundland Quarterly 97, 1 (Spring 2004): 26-28. — Extracts from de la Chaume’s Terre-Neuve et les Terre-Neuviennes, 1886.
- "Did you know?" Downhomer 17, 2 (July 2004): 121. – re. first telephone, 1878, Heart’s Content.
- Dohey, Larry. "‘His noble library – the finest room in the colony’." Newfoundland Quarterly 97, 2 (Summer 2004): 9. – re R.C. Palace Library, St. John’s.
- Doyle, Marjorie. "My uncles didn’t dance." Queen’s Quarterly 111, 2 (Summer 2004): 199-213. – Discussion of traditional music, classical music, Newcult and who owns Newfoundland culture?
- Dragland, Sam. "The Colony of Unrequited Dreams: romancing history?" Essays on Canadian Writing 82 (Spring 2004): 187-213. – re. Wayne Johnston & historical fiction.
- Dunn, Christopher. "The quest for accountability in Newfoundland and Labrador." Canadian Public Administration 47, 2 (Summer 2004): 184-206. – re. government auditor’s dept.; covers 1855-2004.
- Dyer, Alison. "The fight for fish." The Beaver 84,6 (Dec. 2004-Jan. 2005): 56-57. – re. English settlement and French garrison in the Avalon Peninsula.
- Dyer, Helen. "Rebuilding Tilting." Canadian Geographic 124, 5 (Sept. - Oct. 2004): 24. – re. Fogo Island town.
- English, Christopher, and Sara Flaherty. " ‘What is to be done for failed marriages’: The Supreme Court and the recovery of jurisdiction over marital causes in Newfoundland in 1948." Newfoundland Studies 19, 2 (2005): 297-321.
- Field, Sukey Goodwin. "Report on tour of Labrador." Them Days 29, 1 (Fall 2004): 60-64. – report of VSO volunteer teacher.
- Fitzgerald, Jack. Untold stories of Newfoundland. St. John’s: Creative Publishers, 2004. 184 p. ill.
- Fitzgerald, John. "Departures of the forgotten Bishop: Thomas Francis Brennan (1855-1916) of Dallas and St. John’s." Canadian Catholic Historical Association. Historical Studies 71 (2005): 60-78.
- Fitzpatrick-McFarlane, Lucy. "Making perfect scents." Downhomer 17, 8 (Jan. 2005): 116-119. – re. the various smells related to traditional activities.
- Flynn, Paula. "Making and metaphor: hooked rug development in Newfoundland, 1973-2003." Material History Review 60 (Fall 2004): 20-34.
- Forsey, Helen. "As loved our fathers: a centennial memoir of Eugene Forsey." Newfoundland Quarterly 97, 3 (Fall 2004): 44-47.
- Gauntlett, Richard. "Reflections on my VSO year in Labrador." Them Days 29, 1 (Fall 2004): 48-51. – reminiscences of teaching at Hopedale in 1967-1968.
- Gipps, Troy M. "The pull of The Lure." Che-Mun 115 (Winter 2004): 6-12. – re. 2003 commemorative canoe trip in honour of the Wallace-Hubbard Labrador 1903 expedition.
- Godin, Rosemary. "A letter to yesteryear." Saltscapes 5, 6 (Nov.-Dec. 2004): 57-61. – re. lost art of letterwriting, letters in archives.
- Grann, David. "The squid hunter: can Steve O’Shea capture the sea’s most elusive creature?" New Yorker (May 24, 2004): 56-62, 64-67, 69-71. – mentions 1873 Newfoundland giant squid specimen and F.A. Aldrich in 1960s.
- Grant, Paul G. The evolution of fish trades associations and their changing role in the collective bargaining process in Newfoundland and Labrador. M.M.S. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2004. var. pp.
- Green, Gary. "Un grandiose repas dans le Petit Nord environ 1680: a grand meal in le Petit Nord circa 1680." Newfoundland Quarterly 97, 3 (Fall 2004): 22-25. – re. 17th-century-style French dinner, held in 2004.
- Greenfield, Nathan M. The battle of the St. Lawrence: the Second World War in Canada. Toronto: HarperCollins, 2004. 286 p. ill.; maps – includes references to the Newfoundland ferry and railroad.
- Grenfell, Wilfred T. "First annual report of the International Grenfell Association." Them Days 28, 3 (Spring 2004): 25-35. – written in 1914.
- Hallett, Vicki Sara. Janus faced woman: a search for Newfoundland identity. M.W.S. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2004. 141 leaves.
- Hanrahan, Maura. Tsunami: the Newfoundland tidal wave disaster. St. John’s: Flanker Press, 2004. 229 p. ill.; map. – re. 1929 tsunami.
- Harrington, Michael. "Cricket in St. John’s." Newfoundland Ancestor 20, 2 (2004): 90-91. – covers 1874-1904.
- Harris, Kristin M. "Traditional Newfoundland dance today." Newfoundland Quarterly 97, 2 (Summer 2004): 50-51. – re. set/square dancing .
- Harter, John-Henry. "Environmental justice for whom? Class, new social movements, and the environment: a case study of Greenpeace Canada, 1971-2000." Labour/Le Travail 54 (Fall 2004): 83-119.
- Heard, John O. "Off to school." Them Days 28, 3 (Spring 2004): 57-63. — reminiscences of education and recreation in Labrador.
- Higgins, Jenny. "Ode-fashioned music – A history of The Ode to Newfoundland." Newfoundland Quarterly 97, 1 (Spring 2004): 30-33. – includes lyrics in French and English; covers 1902-1979.
- Hiller, James. "From an English gentleman to a bum." Them Days 29, 1 (Fall 2004): 14-16. – reminiscences of teaching at Nain in 1961-1962.
- Hirschmann, Werner, with Donald Graves. Another place, another time: a U-Boat officer’s wartime album. Toronto: Robin Brass Studio; London: Chatham Pub., 2004. 255 p. ill.
- Hoyles, Beverley. "History of Nipper’s Harbour: ‘just havin’ a yarn’." [Nipper’s Harbour, NL: B. Hoyles], 2004. 52, [25] p. ill.
- Ivany, Lisa J. Christmas memories: stories of Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John’s: Creative Publishers, 2004. 195 p. ill.
- Johnson, Trudi. " ‘A matter of custom and convenience’: marriage law in 19th-century Newfoundland." Newfoundland Studies 19, 2 (2005): 282-296.
- Kearney Guigné, Anna. Kenneth Peacock’s ‘Songs of the Newfoundland outports’: the cultural politics of a Newfoundland song collection. Ph.D. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2004. 864 leaves.
- Keough, Glen. "Telecommunications pioneers: women operators at Heart’s Content." Newfoundland Quarterly 97, 3 (Fall 2004): 34-38. (also cited as Aspects 40, 3 (2004). – re. wireless stations 1912 to 1950s.
- Kirby, Dale. Paying the difference: rural and urban students at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Ph.D. thesis, University of Toronto, 2003. 158 leaves.
- Lake, Edward F.J. Sub Rosa Stealth: the Argentia operations. St. John’s: Argentia Pilgrim Inc., 2004. 409 p. – re. Second World War.
- Lambert, Katherine. The longest winter: the incredible survival of Captain Scott’s lost party. Washington: Smithsonian Books, 2004. 236 p. ill.; map. -previously published as Hell with a capital H. 2002 – re. ordeal of Capt. Victor Campbell’s North Party in Antarctica.
- Landry, Nicolas. "Les activités de course dans un port colonial français: Plaisance, Terre-Neuve, durant la guerre de Succession d’Espagne, 1702-1713. " Acadiensis XXXIV, 1 (Autumn 2004): 56-79.
- Liggins, Geoff. "Christmas on the coast: diary extracts." Them Days 29, 1 (Fall 2004): 56-60. – re. teaching at Pinsent’s Arm in 1968.
- _____. "Treated like royalty." Them Days 29, 1 (Fall 2004): 21-25. – reminiscences of teaching at Pinsent’s Arm, Labrador in 1968-1969.
- McGrath, Darrin Michael. The Newfoundland coyote. St. John’s: DRC Pub., 2004. 91 p. ill.
- McGrath, Robin. "The King Cake in Newfoundland." Newfoundland Quarterly 97, 3 (Fall 2004): 39. – re. French Christmas custom.
- McKay, James R. "CFB Goose Bay and operation ‘Desert Shield’ " Canadian Military History 14, 3 (Summer 2005): 71-79.
- McKervill, Hugh W. "Quite an exploit." Atlantic Salmon Journal 53, 2 (Summer 2004): 44-49. – re. Exploits River; covers 1700s-2004.
- _____. "S.S. Metagama S.O.S." Saltscapes 5, 6 (Nov.-Dec. 2004): 11-13. – re. 1924 collision with ship Clara Camus in fog off Cape Spear.
- Mario, Dean. "Newfoundland Vignettes (5) – Civil censorship, 1945." Maple Leaves 28, 7 (July 2004): 285-286. facsimile – re. postage stamp with image of St. John’s Narrows.
- _____. "Newfoundland Vignettes (6) - Nungesser-Coli search." Maple Leaves 28, 8 (Oct. 2004): 325. facsimile – re. 1927 failed trans-Atlantic flight; 1927 air mail carried on search plane.
- Maritime history as world history. Edited by Daniel Finamore. (New Perspectives on Maritime History and Nautical Archaeology). Salem, MA: Peabody Essex Museum; Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2004. 216 p. ill.; maps.
- Meek, Jim. "Mr. Williams’ war." Progress 12, 1 (Jan.-Feb. 2005): 60. – re. influence of three Newfoundland premiers on Canadian constitutional relationship with provinces: Smallwood, Wells, Williams.
- "Michael Richards (1673-1721), Brigadier-General, Master Surveyor, Stowe Manuscript #464-Reports/Correspondence/Orders." Newfoundland Ancestor 20, 2 (2004): 94-97. - includes 1702 census of Trinity Bay; military and administrative matters, 1702-1705.
- Miller, Elizabeth Russell. Uncle Mose: the life of Ted Russell. St. John’s: Flanker Press, 2005. 255 p. ill. - published in 1981 as The life & times of Ted Russell.
- Milligan, Frank. Eugene A. Forsey: an intellectual biography. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2004. 317 p.
- Moores, Lorraine. They were pioneers of the town of Conception Bay South: a legacy of five generations of ancestors. St. John’s: The author, 2004. 94, [31] p. ill.; maps.
- Morgan, Bernice. "The culture of place." Newfoundland Studies 19, 2 (2005): 373-377.
- Morris-Jenkins, Melanie. Fishers’ and scientists’ social-ecological knowledge and Newfoundland’s capelin fisheries. M.A. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2004. 179 leaves.
- Morton, Desmond. Fight or pay: soldiers’ families in the Great War. (Studies in Canadian Military History; 6) Vancouver: UBC Press, 2004. 326 p. ill.
- Neill, Richard. "What’s in a name? A toponymic study of St. Lunaire Bay, Newfoundland." Newfoundland Quarterly 97, 1 (Spring 2004): 43. – covers 1766-1850.
- Newitt, M.D.D. A history of Portuguese overseas expansion, 1400-1668. London: New York: Routledge, 2005. 300 p. ill.; maps.
- Ni Shuilleabhain, Caoimhe. The wren tradition and other visiting customs in Newfoundland and Ireland. M.A. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2004. 179 leaves.
- Nolan, Stephen M. A history of health care in Newfoundland & Labrador. St. John’s: Newfoundland and Labrador Health and Community Services Archive and Museum, 2004. 253 p. ill.
- Norman, Katie. "The spoken word." Newfoundland Ancestor 20, 2 (2004): 71-72. – overview of Newfoundland dialects.
- O’Dea, Shane. "Culture and Country." Newfoundland Studies 19, 2 (2005): 378-386.
- Pieroway, Phyllis. Memories of Sandy Point, St. George’s Bay, Newfoundland. 2nd ed. Fredericton: Broken Jaw Press, 2004. 119 p. ill.
- Pike, Robyn. "The Rorke Stores museum: ‘Balancing the scales’." Material History Review 60 (Fall 2004): 78-85.
- Pollock, Jeff. "Geology of the Roman Catholic Basilica of St. John the Baptist, St. John’s, Newfoundland." Geoscience Canada 31, 1 (Mar. 2004): 1-10.
- Poole, Calvin J. Of ice and men: the end of an era – the last large vessel seal hunt 1982. St. Lewis, NL: Batal Distributors, 2004. 76 p. – re. ship Clayton M. Johnson.
- Pope, Peter Edward. Fish into wine: the Newfoundland plantation in the seventeenth century. Chapel Hill: Published for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia, by the University of North Carolina Press, 2004. 463 p. ill.; maps.
- Power, Nicole G. What do they call a fisherman?: men, gender, and restructuring in the Newfoundland fishery. (Social and economic studies; no. 69). St. John’s: ISER Books, 2005. 224 p. ill.
- Prim, Joseph, and Michael McCarthy. Men against the sea: ships lost in the Newfoundland foreign trade. St. John’s: Flanker Press, 2004. 210 p. ill.
- Pritchard, Llewelyn. "Port Hope Simpson ramblings." Them Days 29, 1 (Fall 2004): 37-44.
- Quarrington, Lucinda. "A soldier in Newfoundland, 1942." The Beaver 84, 5 (Oct.-Nov. 2004): 50-51. – soldier stationed at Cape Spear
- Redmond, Kevin. Landscapes & legacies: parks, natural areas and historic sites of Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John’s: Creative Publishers, 2004. 98 p. ill.
- Rennie, Richard. "The historical origins of an industrial disaster: occupational health and labour relations at the Fluorspar Mines, St. Lawrence, Newfoundland, 1933-1945." Labour/Le Travail 55 (Spring 2005): 107-142.
- Rhodes, Richard. John James Audubon: the making of an American. New York: Knopf, 2004. 514 p. ill.; maps – includes Audubon’s work in Labrador.
- Richer, Shawna. "Our fading lights." Saltscapes 5, 5 (Sept.-Oct. 2004): 38-44. – re. lighthouse preservation projects.
- Rolfson, Andrew. "Lieutenant William Lilburn, Commander of the Independent Regiment of Foot at St. John’s Newfoundland, 1698-1700." Newfoundland Quarterly 97, 1 (Spring 2004): 34-39. Also cited as Aspects 40, 1 (2004) – re. duel and conviction of garrison commander.
- Rompkey, Bill. (Sen.) "VSO in Labrador." Them Days 29, 1 (Fall 2004): 3-4. – re. Voluntary Service Overseas teachers in Labrador 1950s-1970s.
- "Roundup of traditional words." Them Days 28, 3 (Spring 2004): 19-22. – glossary of Labrador words.
- Roy, Wendy. "Visualizing Labrador: maps, photographs, and geographical naming in Mina Hubbard’s A Woman’s Way through Unknown Labrador." Studies in Canadian Literature = Etudes en littérature canadienne 29, 1 (2004): 13-34.
- Scott, Albert "Scottie". "65 years after the War: a reflection." Downhomer 17, 2 (July 2004): 188. – re. 1940 duty on convoy ship H.M.S. Anemone.
- Sharpe, C.A. " ‘The devil’s in the details’: benign neglect and the erosion of heritage in St. John’s Newfoundland." Newfoundland Studies 19, 2 (2005): 251-281.
- Sharpe, Sarah L. The impact of the 1992 Newfoundland fisheries crisis on school children in rural communities: a focus on community perceptions, future career interests and academic achievements. M.Sc. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2004. 125 leaves.
- Simms, David. "Outport album." Canadian Geographic 124, 5 (Sept.-Oct. 2004): 100-106. – re. 1970-1971 photos of St. Lawrence-Lamaline area.
- Small, David. An alternative method of fish price determination in Newfoundland and Labrador: the Icelandic experience with fish auctions. M.M.S. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2004. 70 leaves.
- Smith, Charles F. "Childhood memories of Labrador." Them Days 28, 3 (Spring 2004): 36-38 – c.1907.
- Smith, Ed. You might as well laugh. St. John’s: Flanker Press, 2004. 239 p.
- Smith, Sandra (Wheeler). "A volunteer in Labrador." Them Days 29, 1 (Fall 2004): 30-33. – reminiscences of teaching in Hopedale in 1966-1967.
- Strowbridge, Nellie P. Far from home: Dr. Grenfell’s little orphan: a novel. St. John’s: Pennywell Books, 2004. 227 p. – historical fiction.
- Sutherland, Ian. "Rediscovering Rainer Rees." Newfoundland Quarterly 97, 2 (Summer 2004): 33-37. – re. music teacher, organist, composer, 1926-1992.
- Taylor, Patricia. "Labrador taught me a lot." Them Days 29, 1 (Fall 2004): 9-13. – reminiscences of teaching at Nain in 1967.
- Temple, Blair. Somerset and Dorset ceramics at seventeenth-century Ferryland, Newfoundland. M.A. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2004. 207 leaves.
- The Titanic in myth and memory: representation in visual and literary culture. Edited by Tim Bergfelder and Sarah Street. London: I.B. Tauris, 2004. 241 p. ill.
- Tobin, John Patrick. Where you from? I’m from the far east, boy: autobiography of John Patrick "Jack" Tobin. Kamloops, BC: Overland Press, 2004. 314 p. ill.; map – re. pulp and paper industry union activist at Corner Brook mill.
- Toman, Cynthia. "Officers and ladies": Canadian Nursing Sisters, women’s work, and the Second World War. Ph.D. thesis, University of Ottawa, 2003. 450 p.
- Tompkins, Edward. Ktaqmkukewaq Mi’kmaq: wlqatmuti = The Mi’kmaw people of Newfoundland: a celebration. Corner Brook: Federation of Newfoundland Indians, 2004. 128 p. ill.; map. – photographic exhibition catalogue.
- Tuttle, Martitia P., Alan Ruffman, Thane Anderson, and Hewitt Jeter. "Distinguishing tsunami from storm deposits in eastern North America: the 1929 Grand Banks tsunami versus the 1991 Halloween storm." Seismological Research Letters 75, 1 (Jan.-Feb. 2004): cover page, 117-131.
- "Unique anniversary." Newfoundland Sportsman 14, 4 (July-Aug. 2004): 60. – 100th anniversary of introduction of moose to Newfoundland island.
- Webb, Jeff A. "VOUS – Voice of the United States: the armed forces radio service in Newfoundland." Journal of Radio Studies 11, 1 (2004): 89-99. – covers 1941-1945.
- Wells, Graham. "The deadly avalanche of 1959." Downhomer 17, 8 (Jan. 2005): DT14 – in the Battery, St. John’s.
- Weyler, Rex. Greenpeace: how a group of ecologists, journalists and visionaries changed the world. Vancouver: Raincoast Books, 2004. 623 p. ill.
- Whalen, Jon. "VOWR – The groovin’est channel on the dial?" Newfoundland Quarterly 97, 3 (Fall 2004): 52-54. – 1920s-2004.
- White, Linda. "The Centre for Newfoundland Studies Archives: the Job Kean Christmas card collection." Newfoundland Quarterly 97, 3 (Fall 2004): 9-11.
- _____. "The Centre for Newfoundland Studies Archives: the Mary Schwall photograph collection." Newfoundland Quarterly 97, 2 (Summer 2004): 7-8. – re. collection held at Memorial University Libraries of 1913-1915 photos from Newfoundland-Labrador voyage.
- Williams-Carawan, Lena. Listening to the voices of the fishing people: how fishers make sense of their lives in today’s world. Ph.D. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2004. 220 leaves.
- Williamson, Tony. "Black Island sealing." Newfoundland Quarterly 97, 2 (Summer 2004): 21-24. – 1965 Labrador visit.
- _____. "Bound for Labrador on board MV Nonia." Newfoundland Quarterly 97, 1 (Spring 2004): 48-50. – re. 1965 trip from St. John’s to Goose Bay.
- Worn, David. "Pink snow and icebergs." Them Days 29, 1 (Fall 2004): 18-21. – reminiscences of teaching at Makkovik in 1968-1969.
- Adams, Trevor J. "Pride of place." East Coast Living 7, 2 (Spring-Summer 2004): 11-15. – re. Acadian architecture on Nova Scotia’s southwestern coast.
- Anastakis, Dimitry. "Building a ‘new Nova Scotia’: state intervention, the auto industry and the case of Volvo in Halifax, 1963-1998." Acadiensis XXXIV, 1 (Autumn 2004): 3-30.
- Argyle Municipality Historical and Genealogical Society. The Argus: the first 10 years. Argyle : The Society, 2005. 1 cd [contains 10 years of The Argus newsletter).
- Atwell, Doris. White Rock past and present. [Kentville, NS]: D. Atwell, 2004. 326 p. ill.
- Bedford, David. On the road with Dutch Mason. Halifax: Nimbus, 2005. 202 p.
- Bernard, Wanda Thomas, and Judith Fingard. "Black women at work: race, family and community in greater Halifax." In Mothers of the municipality: women, work and social policy in post-1945 Halifax. Edited by Judith Fingard and Janet Guildford. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005. pp. 189-225.
- Blanke, Horst Walter. "Akadien in Europa: die Europaische berichterstattung uber die Halbinsel l’Acadie, Ile Royale und Nova Scotia im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert." Zeitschrift fur Kanada-Studien 24, 1 (2004): 33-60. ["Acadia as seen from Europe: European reporting on the Acadian Peninsula, Ile Royale, and Nova Scotia in the 17th-18th centuries."].
- Bleakney, J. Sherman. Sods, soil, and spade: the Acadians at Grand Pré and their dykeland legacy. Montréal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2004. 221 p. ill.
- Boileau, John. Fastest in the world : the saga of Canada’s revolutionary hydrofoils. Halifax: Formac, 2004. 96 p. ill.
- Brown, R. Blake. " ‘To err is human, to forgive divine’: the Labour Relations Board and the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 1947-1965." In The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 1754-2004: from imperial bastion to provincial oracle. Edited by Philip Girard, Jim Phillips, and Barry Cahill. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. pp. 449-489.
- Brown, R. Blake, and Susan S. Jones. "A collective biography of the Supreme Court judiciary of Nova Scotia, 1900-2000." In The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 1754-2004: from imperial bastion to provincial oracle. Edited by Philip Girard, Jim Phillips, and Barry Cahill. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. pp. 204-242.
- Cahill, Barry, and Jim Phillips. "The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia: origins to Confederation." In The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 1754-2004: from imperial bastion to provincial oracle. Edited by Philip Girard, Jim Phillips, and Barry Cahill. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. pp. 53-139.
- Chambers, Sheila, Joan Dawson, and Edith Wolter. Historic LaHave River valley. (Images of our past series). Halifax: Nimbus, 2004. 200 p. ill.
- Chapman, Harry. Crossings: fifty years of the Angus L. Macdonald Bridge. Halifax: Nimbus, 2005. 96 p. ill.
- Christianson, David. "First Nations archaeology in Halifax." In Underground Halifax: stories of archaeology in the city . Edited by Paul Erickson. Halifax: Nimbus, 2005. pp. 1-7.
- Christie, Michael. Barrington seafarers and shipbuilders. Sheet Harbour, NS: M. Christie, 2004. 168 p. ill.
- Clyde F. Macdonald. More notable Pictonians. New Glasgow: Clyde F. Macdonald, 2004. 196 p. ill.
- Cochkanoff, Greg. "Steamship china from Halifax Harbour." In Underground Halifax: stories of archaeology in the city . Edited by Paul Erickson. Halifax: Nimbus, 2005. pp. 124-134.
- Corbett, M. " ‘It was fine, if you wanted to leave’: educational ambivalence in a Nova Scotian coastal community 1963-1998." Anthropology and Education Quarterly 35, 4 (Dec. 2004): 451-471.
- Crooker, William S. Pirates of the North Atlantic. Halifax: Nimbus, 2004. 185 p. ill.
- Cuthbertson, Brian. "Halifax homes of the Nova Scotia Supreme Court." In The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 1754-2004: from imperial bastion to provincial oracle. Edited by Philip Girard, Jim Phillips, and Barry Cahill. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. pp. 243-258.
- Davis, Stephen A., and April D. MacIntyre. "Along the Shubenacadie Canal." In Underground Halifax: stories of archaeology in the city. Edited by Paul Erickson. Halifax: Nimbus, 2005. pp. 90-100.
- Dwyer, Terry. Wreck hunter: quest for lost shipwrecks. Pottersfield: East Lawrencetown, 204. 224 p. ill.
- Donovan, Kenneth. "An interview with Geoffrey S. Cornish: Stanley Thompson and the construction of Cape Breton Highlands Links, Ingonish, Cape Breton, 1938-1939." Nashwaak Review 14-15 (Fall 2004-Winter 2005): 322-387.
- _____. "Slaves in Ile Royale, 1713-1758." French Colonial History 5 (2004): 25-42.
- _____. " ‘Thinking down the road’: Stanley Thompson, Canada’s golf architect, artist and visionary, 1893-1953." Nashwaak Review 14-15 (Fall 2004-Winter 2005): 252-302.
- Dyke, Danny. "What maps can show us." In Underground Halifax: stories of archaeology in the city . Edited by Paul Erickson. Halifax: Nimbus, 2005. pp. 45-53.
- Early, Frances. " ‘A grandly subversive time’: the Halifax Branch of the Voice of Women in the 1960s." In Mothers of the municipality: women, work and social policy in post-1945 Halifax. Edited by Judith Fingard and Janet Guildford. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005. pp. 253-280.
- Erickson, Dawn T. "Samuel Sellon’s grandmother’s house." In Underground Halifax: stories of archaeology in the city . Edited by Paul Erickson. Halifax : Nimbus, 2005. pp. 25-32.
- Erickson, Paul A. Historic North End Halifax. Halifax: Nimbus, 2004. 185 p. ill .
- Evangéline collection. Digital collection of poems, letters, maps, images and books relating to Evangéline.
- Fader, Gordon. "The marine archaeology of Halifax Harbour." In Underground Halifax: stories of archaeology in the city. Edited by Paul Erickson. Halifax: Nimbus, 2005. pp. 135-145.
- Fay, Jeanne. "The ‘right kind’of single mothers: Nova Scotia’s regulation of women on social assistance, 1956-1977." In Mothers of the municipality: women, work and social policy in post-1945 Halifax. Edited by Judith Fingard and Janet Guildford. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005. pp. 141-168.
- Feintuch, B. "The conditions for Cape Breton fiddle music: the social and economic setting of a regional soundscape." Ethnomusicology 48, 1 (Winter 2004): 73-104.
- Fingard, Judith. "Women’s organizations: the heart and soul of women’s activism." In Mothers of the municipality: women, work and social policy in post-1945 Halifax. Edited by Judith Fingard and Janet Guildford. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005. pp. 25-48.
- Flemming, David. Explosion in Halifax Harbour : the illustrated account of a disaster that shook the world. Halifax: Formac, 2004. 96 p. ill.
- The Gaelic songster = An t-oranaiche : no, Co-thional taghte do orain ur agus shean, a’chuid mhor dhiubh nach robh riamh roimhe ann an clo/ le Gilleasbuig Mac-Na-Ceardadh. 2nd. ed. Edited by Trueman E. Matheson. [St. Andrews, NS]: Siol Cultural Entrerprises, 2004. 585 p., +1 sound disk – digital 4-3/4 in.
- Gillis, Donald L. Inverness: history, memoirs, anecdotes. Inverness, N.S.: Donald Gillis-Ned MacDonald Publications, 2004. 352 p. ill.
- Girard, Philip. "The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia: Confederation to the twenty-first century." In The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 1754-2004: from imperial bastion to provincial oracle. Edited by Philip Girard, Jim Phillips, and Barry Cahill. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. pp. 140-203.
- Gordon, Joleen. Acadian root baskets of Atlantic Canada. Halifax: Nova Scotia Museum and Nimbus, 2005. 86 p.
- Grant, John N. Historic Guysborough: a portrait of home. Halifax: Nimbus, 2004. 170 p. ill.
- Gregor, Frances. " ‘Home nursing has continued to present problems…’: The St. John Ambulance home nursing program in Nova Scotia." In Mothers of the municipality: women, work and social policy in post-1945 Halifax. Edited by Judith Fingard and Janet Guildford. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005. pp. 226-252.
- Guildford, Janet. "A fragile independence; the Nova Scotia Advisory Committee on the Status of Women." In Mothers of the municipality: women, work and social policy in post-1945 Halifax. Edited by Judith Fingard and Janet Guildford. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005. pp. 281-304.
- _____. "The end of the Poor Law: public welfare reform in Nova Scotia before the Canada Assistance Plan." In Mothers of the municipality: women, work and social policy in post-1945 Halifax. Edited by Judith Fingard and Janet Guildford. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005. pp. 49-75.
- Gwyn, Julian. "The Miikmaq, poor settlers, and the Nova Scotia fur trade, 1783-1853." Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 14 (2003): 65-91.
- _____. "Female litigants before civil courts of Nova Scotia, 1749-1801." Histoire Sociale – Social History 36, 72 (Nov. 2003): 311-346.
- _____. "Women as litigants before the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 1754-1830." In The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 1754-2004: from imperial bastion to provincial oracle. Edited by Philip Girard, Jim Phillips, and Barry Cahill. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. pp. 294-320.
- Heseltine, John. "The angle on Spring Garden Road." Plan Canada 44, 3 (Autumn 2004): 34-37.
- Hibbitts, Bernard J. "Her Majesty’s Yankees: American authority in the Supreme Court of Victorian Nova Scotia, 1837-1901." In The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 1754-2004: from imperial bastion to provincial oracle. Edited by Philip Girard, Jim Phillips, and Barry Cahill. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. pp. 321-360.
- Historical atlas of the Maritime Provinces 1878. Introduction and captions by Joan Dawson. Halifax: Nimbus, 2005. 72 p - Originally published in 1878 as Atlas of the Maritime Provinces of the Dominion of Canada.
- Johnston, Justin Marcus. James Robinson Johnston: the life, death and legacy of Nova Scotia’s first Black lawyer. Halifax: Nimbus, 2005. 85 p. ill.
- Jonah, Anne Marie Lane. "The Acadians of Cape Breton." Nashwaak Review 12-13 (Fall 2003-Winter 2004): 198-218.
- Kerr, W. P. Port-Royal Habitation: the story of the French and Mi’kmaq at Port-Royal (1604-1613). Halifax: Nimbus, 2005. 106 p. ill.
- Lahey, William. "Confederation, adjudicative culture, and the law of the constitution: the late nineteenth-century persistence of local autonomy in the Nova Scotia Supreme Court." In The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 1754-2004: from imperial bastion to provincial oracle. Edited by Philip Girard, Jim Phillips, and Barry Cahill. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. pp. 392-448.
- Livingston, Kim. "Competing for public space: how Maritime cities have accommodated the sidewalk cafe." Plan Canada 45, 1 (Spring 2005): 27-30.
- Luffman, Earl. "Plumbing the past: water and sewage at Fort Charlotte and Fort George." In Underground Halifax: stories of archaeology in the city. Edited by Paul Erickson. Halifax: Nimbus, 2005. pp. 8-17.
- MacAulay, S. "Contradictions between aims and practice in community economic development: the case of New Dawn Enterprises." Canadian Journal of Development Studies 25, 3 (2004): 445-463.
- MacDonald, Allan (the Ridge). As a’bhraighe = Beyond the braes: the Gaelic songs of Allan the Ridge MacDonald (1794-1868). Compiled by Effie Rankin. Sydney: University College of Cape Breton Press, 2004. 212 p. ill.
- Macdonald, E. J. "Ned". Governed by the whistle: a history of Inverness Town 1803-2004. [Inverness: NS]: E. J. MacDonald, 2004. 111 p. ill.
- MacDonald, Jimmy. Holy Family School of Inverness 1904-1964. Antigonish, NS: Casket Publishing, 2004. 202 p. ill .
- MacIntyre, April D., and Stephen A. Davis. "The Central Trust affair and lessons learned." In Underground Halifax: stories of archaeology in the city. Edited by Paul Erickson. Halifax: Nimbus, 2005. pp. 18-24.
- MacKenzie, Rennie. That bloody Cape Breton coal: stories of mining disasters in everyday life. Wreck Cove, NS: Breton Books, 2004. 166 p. ill.
- Macleod, Lois. An unofficial person of history: Winthrop Pickard Bell. Guelph: JC Young, 2005. 219 p. ill.
- Mancke, Elizabeth. "Colonial and imperial contexts." In The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 1754-2004: from imperial bastion to provincial oracle. Edited by Philip Girard, Jim Phillips, and Barry Cahill. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. pp. 30-52.
- _____. The fault lines of empire: political differentiation in Massachusetts and Nova Scotia, ca. 1760-1830. (New world in the Atlantic world). New York: Routledge, 2005. 214 p. ill.
- Marsters, Roger. Bold privateers: terror, plunder and profit on Canada’s Atlantic coast. Halifax: Formac, 2004. 128 p. ill.
- _____. "The long walk home: Luc de la Corne; Cape Breton shipwreck." The Beaver 85, 2 (Apr.-May 2005): 14-19.
- McNeil, Daniel. "Afro (Americo) centricity in Black (American) Nova Scotia." Canadian Review of American Studies 35, 1 (2005): 57-85
- Morton, Suzanne. "Managing the unmarried mother ‘problem’: Halifax maternity homes." In Mothers of the municipality: women, work and social policy in post-1945 Halifax. Edited by Judith Fingard and Janet Guildford. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005. pp. 110-140.
- Mothers of the municipality: women, work and social policy in post-1945 Halifax. Edited by Judith Fingard and Janet Guildford. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005. 318 p. ill.
- Muir, James. "Instrumentalism and the law of injuries in nineteenth-century Nova Scotia." In The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 1754-2004: from imperial bastion to provincial oracle. Edited by Philip Girard, Jim Phillips, and Barry Cahill. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. pp. 361-391.
- Muir, James, and Jim Phillips. "Michaelmas term, 1754: the Supreme Court’s first session." In The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 1754-2004: from imperial bastion to provincial oracle. Edited by Philip Girard, Jim Phillips, and Barry Cahill. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. pp. 259-293.
- Munroe, Norman. Along the Sunrise Trail. Stellarton, NS: Auldearn Press, 2004. 183 p. ill. - picture book with historical narrative.
- Murphy, Liam D. "Archival resources for archaeology downtown." In Underground Halifax: stories of archaeology in the city. Edited by Paul Erickson. Halifax: Nimbus, 2005. pp. 33-44.
- Murray, Jock. "Development of a medical humanities program at Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine, Nova Scotia, Canada, 1992-2003." Academic Medicine 78, 1 (Oct. 2003): 1020-1023.
- Naugler, Christopher T. The tangled vine: wine growing in Nova Scotia. Bridgewater, NS: Blue Frog, 2004. 148 p. ill.
- Nicholls, Andrew. "Showdown at Fort Rosemar: in 1629, sixty Scots landed on Cape Breton to begin the island’s first Scottish settlement. The French were not amused." The Beaver 84, 3 (June-July 2004): 30-34.
- Niven, Laird. "A day at the beach: the Coote Cove archaeology project." In Underground Halifax: stories of archaeology in the city . Edited by Paul Erickson. Halifax: Nimbus, 2005. pp. 115-123.
- Norman, Howard. My famous evening: Nova Scotia sojourns, diaries & preoccupations. New York and Washington: Simon & Schuster and National Geographic, 2004. 197 p. ill; map.
- O’Connor, D’Arcy. The secret treasure of Oak Island: the amazing true story of a centuries-old treasure hunt. Guilford, CT: Lyons Press, 2004. 279p. ill. – first published in 1978.
- O’Neill, Mora Dianne. Paintings of Nova Scotia: from the collection of the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia. Halifax: Nimbus, 2004. 108 p. ill.
- Panofsky, Ruth. "Case study: Thomas Chandler Haliburton’s The Clockmaker." In History of the book in Canada. Volume 1 Beginnings to 1840. Edited by Patricia Lockhart Fleming, Gilles Gallichan, and Yvan Lamonde. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. pp. 352-354.
- Parker, George L. "Case study: Joseph Howe and freedom of the press." In History of the book in Canada. Volume 1 Beginnings to 1840. Edited by Patricia Lockhart Fleming, Gilles Gallichan, and Yvan Lamonde. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. pp. 330-331.
- Parker, Mike. Fortress Halifax: portrait of a garrison town. Halifax: Nimbus, 2004. 244 p. ill.
- Parsons, Catriona NicIomhair. "Comparison of Scottish and Cape Breton of the same waulking songs." Eigse – a Journal of Irish studies 34 (2004): 171-192.
- Perry, Hattie. School days: schools of Barrington Municipality and the town of Clark’s Harbour. Barringon, NS: Spindrift, 2004. 158 p. ill.
- Phillips, Jim, and John MacLeod. "The records of the Nova Scotia Supreme Court." In The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 1754-2004: from imperial bastion to provincial oracle. Edited by Philip Girard, Jim Phillips, and Barry Cahill. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. pp. 491-501.
- Pickles, K. "Locating widows in mid-nineteenth century Pictou County, Nova Scotia." Journal of Historical Geography 30, 1 (Jan. 2004): 70-86.
- Plank, Geoffrey. "Childhood and the expansion of the eighteenth-century British empire." Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife. Annual Proceedings 27 (2002): 93-111. – re. plan to assimilate Acadians in Nova Scotia.
- Powers, Natasha. "Beyond cultural differences: interpreting a treaty between the Mi’kmaq and British at Belcher’s Farm, 1761." Atlantis 29, 2 (Spring 2005): 47-54.
- Raymond, Michele. "Deadmans Island: preserving the past for the future." In Underground Halifax: stories of archaeology in the city. Edited by Paul Erickson. Halifax: Nimbus, 2005. pp. 82-89.
- Reid, John G. "Pax Britannica or Pax Indigena? Planter Nova Scotia (1760-1782) and competing strategies of pacification." Canadian Historical Review 85, 4 (Dec. 2004): 669-694.
- The road to Tarbot = An rathad do Thairbeart : a community history and genealogical sketches of pioneer families and their descendants, Tarbot, Victoria County, Nova Scotia. Edited by Bonnie Thornhill and W. James MacDonald. St. Ann’s, NS: Victoria County Historical Society, 2004. 324 p. ill.
- Robins-Cottreau, Katie. "Excavation of Seaview African Baptist Church, Africville." In Underground Halifax: stories of archaeology in the city . Edited by Paul Erickson. Halifax: Nimbus, 2005. pp. 101-107.
- Rosner, Cecil. "Free speech and Joseph Howe." The Beaver 85, 1 (Feb.-Mar. 2005): 11-12.
- Schwarz, Lynne, and Fred Schwarz. "A walk in the park: Point Pleasant Park after Hurricane Juan." In Underground Halifax: stories of archaeology in the city. Edited by Paul Erickson. Halifax: Nimbus, 2005. pp. 73-81.
- Side, Katherine, and Janice Keefe. "The role of unpaid work in maintaining individual and community health in Atlantic Canada. A case study." Canadian Woman Studies 24,1 (Fall 2004): 129-137. – re. Parrsboro, N.S.
- Somacarrera, P. "A madwoman in a Cape Breton attic: ‘Jane Eyre’ in Ann-Marie McDonald’s Fall on your knees." Journal of Commonwealth Literature 39, 1 (Jan. 2004): 55-75.
- Stewart, Bruce. "Location, location, location! Archaeological mitigation on the Halifax Wastewater Treatment property." In Underground Halifax: stories of archaeology in the city. Edited by Paul Erickson. Halifax: Nimbus, 2005. pp. 63-72.
- Surette, Roland F. Métis/Acadian heritage 1604 to 2004 Lower Wedgeport, NS: R.F. Surette, [2004]. 113 p. ill.
- The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 1754-2004: from imperial bastion to provincial oracle. Edited by Philip Girard, Jim Phillips, and Barry Cahill. Toronto: University of Toronto Press for the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, 2004. 515 p. ill.; maps
- Tennyson, Brian Douglas. Cape Bretoniana: an annotated bibliography. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005. 789 p.
- Tillotson, Shirley. "Democracy, dollars and the Children’s Aid Society: the eclipse of Gwendolen Lantz." In Mothers of the municipality: women, work and social policy in post-1945 Halifax. Edited by Judith Fingard and Janet Guildford. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005. pp. 76-109.
- Twohig, Peter L. Labour in the laboratory: medical laboratory workers in the Maritimes, 1900-1950. Montréal and Kingston: McGill-Queens’s University Press, 2005. 241 p. ill.
- Underground Halifax: stories of archaeology in the city. Edited by Paul Erickson. Halifax: Nimbus, 2005. 156 p. ill.
- Underwood, Jay. "The legend of the Grecian Bend." Canadian Rail: the Magazine of Canada’s Railway Heritage 500 (2004): 102-111. – re. the routing of the Intercolonial Railway through Londonderry and its Acadian Iron Mining Association’s mine and foundry, and the influence of John Livesey.
- Wagg, Len. Nova Scotia landmarks: portrait of a province from the air. Photos and text by Len Wagg. Halifax: Formac, 2004. 132 p. ill.
- Wagner, J., and A. Davis. "Property as a social relation: rights of ‘kindness’ and the social organization of lobster fishing among northeastern Nova Scotian Scottish Gaels." Human Organization 63, 3 (Fall 2004): 320-333.
- Webster, Duncan, SwarnaWeerasinghe, and Peter Stevens. "Morbidity and mortality rates in a Nova Scotia First Nations community, 1996-1999." Canadian Journal of Public Health 95, 5 (Sept.-Oct. 2004): 369-374.
- Whitman, Dave. Lost in the woods: the lure and history of Roxbury. Paradise, NS: Bailey Chase Books. 187 p. ill.
- Williams, Paul. "Tales from the crypt: excavations beneath the Little Dutch Church." In Underground Halifax: stories of archaeology in the city . Edited by Paul Erickson. Halifax: Nimbus, 2005. pp. 54-62.
- Williamson, David. "The Rockingham Inn project." In Underground Halifax: stories of archaeology in the city. Edited by Paul Erickson. Halifax: Nimbus, 2005. pp. 108-114.
- Abassi, Jamila. It’s not easy being green: people, potatoes, and pesticides on Prince Edward Island. M.A. thesis, Concordia University, 2004. 196 leaves.
- Arsenault, Jean-Paul. "The road to Havre-Saint-Pierre." Island Magazine 56 (Fall-Winter 2004): 27-31.
- Bittermann, Rusty. "Rural protest on Prince Edward Island in transatlantic context: from the aftermath of the Seven Years’ War to the 1840s." In Transatlantic rebels: agrarian radicalism in comparative context. Edited by Thomas Summerhill and James C. Scott. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 2004. pp: 21-54. -essays first presented at the Jack and Margaret Sweet Symposium at Michigan State University in 2000.
- Bittermann, Rusty, and Margaret McCallum. "When private rights become public wrongs: property and the state in Prince Edward Island in the 1830s." In Despotic dominion: property rights in British settler societies. Edited by John McLaren, A.R. Buck, and Nancy E. Wright. (Law and society series). Vancouver: UBC Press, 2005. pp: 144-168.
- Bradford, Brenda. HerStory of woman abuse and the PEI justice system: analysis. [Charlottetown: Equinox Consulting, 2004]. 103 p. -with: Woman abuse and the justice system : a literature review; prepared by Marian Bruce.
- Bruce, Marian. Pets, professors, and politicians: the founding and early years of the Atlantic Veterinary College. Charlottetown: Island Studies Press, 2004. 232p. ill. – co-published by the Atlantic Veterinary College.
- Christy, Kevin. Flue-cured tobacco on Prince Edward Island: a history of Island tobacco production, 1959-1995. [PEI]: PEI Tobacco History Association & Kevin Christy, 2004. 154 p. ill.
- Dobbin, Kevin Cory. Accepting abandonment: building for change. M.Arch. thesis, Dalhousie University, 2003. 59p. – the thesis contends that new community-based architecture can utilize the abandoned fishing and boating industry buildings in the community.
- Gillis, Eliza, Viola Gillis, and Linda Jean Nicholson. Leap over time: history and recollections of one-room schools in the Belfast area, 1803-1968. Belfast, P.E.I: Belfast Historical Society, 2004. 210 p. ill.
- The history of Clinton, Prince Edward Island : a 2004 project of the Clinton Women’s Institute. [Clinton, PEI]: The Institute, [2004]. 154 p. ill.
- Holloway, Andy. "Island of dreams." Canadian Business 77, 19 (Sept.2004): 66-68. Humour not intended: excerpts from old Island papers (for a smile, a chuckle, a laugh, a gasp or a cry). Collected and edited by Nathan Mair. Georgetown, PEI: Nathan Mair, 2005. 35 p.
- Hunter, Andrew. To a watery grave. Charlottetown: Confederation Centre Art Gallery, 2004. 99 leaves. ill. – text in English and French; accompanying publication for exhibit May 16, 2004 - September 19, 2004 at Confederation Centre Art Gallery; uses historical works from Canadian museums and archives, and the works of contemporary Canadian artists, to delve into the deeper meanings of such events as the 1851 Yankee Gale on PEI and other Canadian shipwrecks.
- Île-du-Prince-Édouard. Affaires acadiennes et francophones. Services en français: portrait de nos progrès 2000-2003. [Charlottetown]: Affaires acadiennes et francophones, [2004]. 51 p. – text in English and French.
- The intimate life of L.M. Montgomery. Edited by Irene Gammel. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005. 305 p. ill.
- King, R., T. Nadasdi, and G. R. Butler. "First-person plural in Prince Edward Island Acadian French: the fate of the vernacular variant je...ons." Language Variation and Change 16, T3 (2004): 237-256.
- MacDonald, Edward. "The August gale and the arc of memory on Prince Edward Island." Island Magazine 56 (Fall-Winter 2004): 9-20.
- MacDonald, Hesta A. Can I tell you a story?: the life of Honourable M. Lorne Bonnell, M.D.,C.M., LL.D. Charlottetown: Hesta A. MacDonald, 2004. 328 p. ill.
- Macdonald, Kent. From a distance: a book of Boughton Island. [Cardigan, PEI: The Author], 2004. 101 p. ill.
- MacKinnon, Hillard. Donald MacPhee of Brae P.E.I. and his descendants. Charlottetown: The Author, 2004. 198p. ill.
- MacLeod, Lloyd Beck. The way things were: growing up on a Prince Edward Island farm during the depression and World War II. Stratford, PEI: Lloyd B. MacLeod, 2004. 226 p. ill.
- McRae, Matthew. Manufacturing paradise: tourism development and mythmaking on Prince Edward Island, 1939-1973. M.A. thesis, Carleton University, 2003. 222 leaves.
- MacKinnon, Lesley M. An analysis of the waste management policies of Prince Edward Island with respect to the tourism industry. M.A. thesis, Dalhousie University, 2004. 85 leaves.
- McCloskey, J.P. "Old Hillsborough Bridge." Island Magazine 56 (Fall-Winter 2004): 32-37.
- Montgomery, L. M. A writer’s garden: inspired photographs with selected writings by L.M. Montgomery. Halifax: Nimbus, 2004. 96 p. ill. – writings by L.M. Montgomery; selected by Sandy Wagner; photographs by Anne MacKay and Wayne Barrett.
- Morrison, J. Clinton. Chasing a dream: Prince Edward Islanders in the Klondike. Summerside: Crescent Isle Publishers, 2004. 256 p. ill.
- MVP : Conn Smythe winner Brad Richards and the Tampa Bay Lightning’s Stanley Cup Championship season. Edited by Mike Bynum and Michelle White. [Calgary]: Canada Hockey LLC, 2004. 112 p. ill. – feature stories originally published in The New York Times and USA Today.
- Neary, Peter. "Sixty years of veterans affairs." The Beaver 84, 5 (Oct.-Nov. 2004): 11-13. – history of the Department of Veterans Affairs which moved its operations to Charlottetown in 1976 and in 1984 became known at Veterans Affairs Canada.
- O’Connor, Ryan Ernest. "Shutting the Island down": Prince Edward Island conservatism and the 1971 National Farmers Union Highway Demonstration. M.A. thesis, Queen’s University, 2004. 120 leaves .
- O’Grady, Brendan. Exiles and Islanders: the Irish settlers of Prince Edward Island. Montréal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2004. 313 p. ill.
- O’Shea, Art. Nuns of P.E.I. Charlottetown: Art O’Shea and the Diocese of Charlottetown, 2004. unpaged. ill. – names and details of more than 900 PEI sisters; 36 photographs of religious habits.
- Prince Edward Island. Environment, Energy and Forestry. Discussion paper : Prince Edward Island forest policy: creating a vision for the future. Charlottetown: the department, 41 p. ill. – Doc # 04FO33-9758.
- Prince Edward Island pictorial review. Photo credits: Ron Garnett, Wayne Crouse, Jennie R. Kemp, and Dan MacKinnon. Charlottetown: Allied Sales, 2003. 25 p. ill.
- The Ray Sark collection of Mi’kmaq baskets. Text by Pan Wendt and Faye Pound; photography by John Sylvester; foreword by Hilda Woolnough. Halifax: Printed by Maritime Digital Colour, 2003. 36 p. ill. – catalogue to accompany an exhibit at the Arts Guild, Charlottetown, P.E.I., Sept. 6-Oct. 18, and Lennox Island, PEI, Oct. 19-31, 2003.
- Remembering St. Dunstan’s University centennial scholars, 1954-2004: a retrospective. Edited by Mariedith Crockett. Charlottetown: St. Dunstan’s University Class of ‘54 Centennial Commemorative Committee, 2004. 58 p. ill. – features photographs of the SDU class of 1954 and updated biographical information.
- The selected journals of L. M. Montgomery, Volume V: 1935-1942. Edited by Mary Rubio and Elizabeth Waterson. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2004. 474 p. ill.
- Shaw, J. A. "Troubled waters under the bridge: Red Tide, aquatic pollution, and the Prince Edward Island shellfish poisoning of 1987." Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies 13(2004): 31-64.
- Spears, J.T. Where it began: 721 Communication Regiment and its antecedents, 1904-2004. Stratford, PEI: Tea Hill Press, 2005. 234 p. ill.
- Stairs, Michele. "Matthews and Marillas: bachelors and spinsters in Prince Edward Island in 1881." In Mapping the margins: the family and social discipline in Canada, 1700-1975. Edited by Michael Gauvreau and Nancy Christie. Montréal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2004. pp. 247-270.
- Thompson, Reg ‘Dutch’. "It wasn’t a bad life. Part Two." Island Magazine 56 (Fall-Winter 2004): 2-8.
- The Twelve Bishops of the Diocese of Charlottetown. 175th Anniversary of Charlottetown Diocese. Diocese of Charlottetown, P.E.I. – from Bishop Angus MacEachern, 1829-1835 to Bishop Vernon Fougere, 1992- .
- Weale, David. "And the Lord was pleased to bless my soul: the ministry of Francis Metherall." Island Magazine 56 (Fall-Winter 2004): 21-26.
- _____. Pride in small places: a photographic remembrance of rural Prince Edward Island, 1900-1960. Charlottetown: Tangle Lane, 2004. 207p. ill.
- Wilchynski, Rebecca, Evelyn Martin, and Wayne Crouse. Memories made on P.E.I.. Charlottetown: Cy Designs, 2004. 37p. ill. – a collection of poems and imagery by Island artists.