Corps de l’article
Joan Ritcey,
Newfoundland and Labrador.
John MacLeod,
Nova Scotia.
Sharon Clark,
Prince Edward Island.
Parties annexes
- Algonquians, Hurons, and Iroquois: Champlain explores America, 1603-1616: being the voyages and explorations of Samuel de Champlain (1604-1616). Dartmouth: Brook House Press, 2000. 238 p. ill. – republication in one volume of the 1906 Annie Bourne two-volume translation.
- "Atlantic Canada’s major projects inventory 2000: building for the future." Atlantic Report [Atlantic Provinces Economic Council] 35, 1 (Spring 2000): 1-12.
- "Back to the future: a discussion." Acadiensis XXX, 1 (Autumn 2000): 60-63. – from the forum: "Back to the future: the new history of Atlantic Canada," Atlantic Canada Studies Conference XIII, May 2000.
- Beaulieu, Gérard. "Pour une histoire des relations culturelles Québec-Acadie. Note de recherche." Francophonies d’Amérique 9 (1999): 21-24.
- Bell, D.G. "Was Amerindian dispossession lawful? The response of 19th-century Maritime intellectuals." Dalhousie Law Journal 23, 1 (Spring 2000): 168-182.
- Belliveau, Joël. "Regard sur l’Acadie et ses rapports avec le Québec: analyse critique." Égalité : revue acadienne d’analyse politique 44-45 (printemps 1999): 289-300. – re le livre de Patrice Dallaire.
- Best, Michael. "40 reasons we love Atlantic Canada." Coast Life (Fall-Winter 2000): 22-28.
- "Best companies to work for in Atlantic Canada." Atlantic Progress 7, 4 (May 2000): 35-42.
- Braud, Gérard-Marc. "L’odyssée acadienne à travers une famille Aucoin de Martin à Alexandre." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 31, 3-4 (déc. 2000): 241-245.
- Buckner, P.A. "‘Limited identities’ revisited: regionalism and nationalism in Canadian history." Acadiensis XXX, 1 (Autumn 2000): 4-15.
- Chiasson, Guy, and Joseph Yvon Thériault. "Construction d’un sujet acadien: résistance et marginalité." International Journal of Canadian Studies 20 (automne 1999): 81-99.
- Clarke, P.D. "L’Acadie perdue; Or, Maritime history’s other." Acadiensis XXX, 1 (automne 2000): 73-91.
- Coates, Ken S. The Marshall decision and native rights. (McGill-Queen’s Native and Northern Series, no. 25). Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2000. 246 p. ill.
- Conrad, Margaret. "Why I am (sometimes) a separatist: a view from the margins." In Can Canada survive? Under what terms and conditions? = Le Canada peut-il encore survivre? Comment et dans quelles conditions? Edited by / Sous la direction de David M. Hayne. (Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Series VI, vol. VII, pt. 1, 1996). Toronto: The Royal Society of Canada by the University of Toronto Press, 1997. pp. 93-102.
- Coops, P. Lorraine. "That small still voice: The Allinite legacy and Maritime Baptist women." In Revivals, Baptists & George Rawlyk: a memorial volume. Edited by Daniel C. Goodwin. (Baptist Heritage in Atlantic Canada Series, 17). Wolfville: Acadia Divinity College, 2000. pp. 113-131.
- Couturier, Jacques Paul. "‘L’Acadie, c’est un détail’: les représentations de l’Acadie dans le récit national canadien." Acadiensis XXIX, 2 (printemps 2000): 102-119.
- Cumming, Judi. "The child emigrant from Great Britain: the experience of Middlemore Homes = Les enfants émigrés de la Grande-Bretagne: l’histoire des Middlemore Homes." Archivist = L’Archiviste 115 (1997): 6-11.
- Davies, Gwendolyn. "The three wise men of Maritime literature: a personal tribute." Acadiensis XXX, 1 (Autumn 2000): 31-37. – re Fred Cogswell, Douglas Lochhead, and Malcolm Ross.
- "Déclaration finale du sommet parallèle de la francophonie." Égalité : revue acadienne d’analyse politique 44-45 (printemps 1999): 229-235. – de la Coalition du Sommet de la Francophonie, 1999.
- Dick, W.M. "Sex and class revisited." Acadiensis XXIX, 2 (Spring 2000): 156-169.
- Dupont, Jean-Claude. "Quelques mythes et symboles de la tradition acadienne." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 31, 3-4 (déc. 2000): 231-240.
- Dupuy, Richard, Francine Mayer, and René Morissette. Rural youth: stayers, leavers and return migrants. (Statscan. Analytical Studies Branch. Research Papers, 152). Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2000. 177 p. tables. – report funded in part by Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, paper available at
- Fawcett, Anne. Atlantic Canada’s comforts of home: special hosts and their places to stay. Illustrated by Helen Opie. 2nd ed. Gagetown, N.B.: Otnabog Editions, 2000. 281 p. ill.
- "Forum on R. v. Marshall." Dalhousie Law Journal 23, 1 (Spring 2000): 5-182. – includes five articles on the Marshall decision.
- Friesen, Gerald. "Atlantic Canada’s historical writing today: no Howe?" Acadiensis XXX, 1 (Autumn 2000): 64-72.
- Gidengil, Elisabeth, André Blais, Richard Nadeau, and Neil Nevitte. "Making sense of regional voting in the 1997 Canadian federal elections: Liberal and Reform support outside Québec." Canadian Journal of Political Science XXXII, 2 (June 1999): 247-272.
- Godfrey, W.G. "‘The peoples in between’: Phips, Eddy and Acadie/Nova Scotia." Acadiensis XXIX, 2 (Spring 2000): 147-155.
- Gould, Eliga H. The persistence of empire. British political culture in the age of the American Revolution. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2000. 262 p. ill.
- Hale, Sarah L., and J.E. Bishop. Mountain bike! Atlantic Canada: a guide to the classic trails. (America by mountain bike series). Birmingham, Ala.: Menasha Ridge Press; [n.p.]: Vanwell Pub., 1999. 421 p. ill. maps.
- Harvey, Fernand. "L’avenir des relations Acadie-Québec: le rôle stratégique de la société civile." Égalité : revue acadienne d’analyse politique 44-45 (printemps 1999): 121-139.
- Henry, Jacques. "Réalignement francophone: les relations Louisiane-Québec-Acadie." Francophonies d’Amérique 9 (1999): 63-72.
- Hewey, Krista. "Eyes wide open: the making of Hollywood north." Atlantic Business 11, 4 (2000): 24-25; 27-28.
- Hiller, James K. "Is Atlantic Canadian history possible?" Acadiensis XXX, 1 (Autumn 2000): 16-22.
- Howell, Colin D. "Development, deconstruction and region: a personal memoir." Acadiensis XXX, 1 (Autumn 2000): 23-30.
- Léger, Ernest. "Le 15 août à travers les âges." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 31, 3-4 (déc. 2000): 165-174.
- Léger, Maurice A. "Cent personnalités de l’histoire religieuse de l’Acadie." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 31, 2 (juin 2000): 100-146.
- Mancke, Elizabeth. "Early modern imperial governance and the origins of Canadian political culture." Canadian Journal of Political Science XXXII, 1 (Mar. 1999): 3-20.
- Marquis, Greg. "Economic time line: Atlantic Canada to the year 2000." Atlantic Progress 7, 1 (Feb. 2000): 26-28, 30, 32, 34-39. – chronological table.
- McKay, Ian. "A note on ‘region’ in writing the history of Atlantic Canada." Acadiensis XXIX, 2 (Spring 2000): 89-101.
- McMahon, Fred. Retreat from growth: Atlantic Canada and the negative-sum economy. Halifax: Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, 2000. 182 p. ill.
- Middlemiss, Jim. "Firmly rooted in the east." Canadian Lawyer 24, 8 (Aug. 2000): 28-30; 32-35. – re Atlantic Canadian law firms.
- Migneault, Gaétan. "Le droit international et le dilemme des francophonies minoritaires et majoritaires au Canada." Francophonies d’Amérique 9 (1999): 25-39.
- Morris, Mark. Atlantic Canada handbook: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador. 2nd ed. (Moon travel handbooks). [Emeryville, Ca.: Avalon Travel Publishing], 1999. 459 p. ill. maps.
- Morton, Suzanne. "Gender, place, and region: thoughts on the state of women in Atlantic Canadian history." Atlantis 25, 1 (Fall 2000): 119-128.
- Muise, D.A. "Organizing historical memory in the Maritimes: a reconnaissance." Acadiensis XXX, 1 (Autumn 2000): 50-60.
- Nash, Knowlton. Visions of Canada. Searching for our future. In conversation with Knowlton Nash. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1991. 304 p. ill. – includes interviews with Elsie Wayne, Alex Colville, Robert Stanfield, Jeff McConaghy (University of New Brunswick student) and Harold Horwood.
- Noll, Mark. "George Rawlyk’s vision from the periphery and the study of American history: a preliminary probe." In Revivals, Baptists & George Rawlyk: a memorial volume. Edited by Daniel C. Goodwin. (Baptist Heritage in Atlantic Canada Series, 17). Wolfville: Acadia Divinity College, 2000. pp. 29-51. – re George Rawlyk’s scholarship on Maritime religious history.
- Ommer, Rosemary E. "Sustainability of communities of fish and fishers on the east coast of Canada." In Human survivability in the 21st century = La survivance de l’être humain au 21e siècle. Edited by / Sous la direction de David M. Hayne. (Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Ser. VI, vol. IX, pt. 1, 1998). Toronto: The Royal Society of Canada by the University of Toronto Press, 1999. pp. 65-84.
- Pelchat, André. "Private war over Acadia." Beaver 80, 6 (Dec. 2000-Jan. 2001): 8- 11. – re La Tour.
- "Perspectives on Marshall." Saskatchewan Law Review 63, 2 (2000): 617-749. – includes five papers on treaty rights and interpretations and the Marshall case.
- Plank, Geoffrey G. An unsettled conquest: the British campaign against the peoples of Acadia. (Early American Series). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000. 239 p. ill.
- Poirier, Lisa. "‘J’étions un Métis’: La moitié des Acadiens auraient des ancêtres autochtones." Actualité 25, 11 (juil. 2000): 39, 41.
- Ray, Arthur J. "Regina v. Marshall: native history, the judiciary and the public." Acadiensis XXIX, 2 (Spring 2000): 138-146.
- Revivals, Baptists & George Rawlyk: a memorial volume. Edited by Daniel C. Goodwin. (Baptist Heritage in Atlantic Canada Series, 17). Wolfville: Acadia Divinity College, 2000. 188 p.
- Richard, Ricky G. "Discours et référence identitaires: regard critique sur l’étude de l’acadianité moderne." Égalité : revue acadienne d’analyse politique 44-45 (printemps 1999): 239-275.
- Rotman, Leonard I. "Developments in Aboriginal law: the 1999-2000 term. Part I: R. v. Marshall." Supreme Court Law Review. Second Series 13 (2000): 1-30.
- RunningWolf, Michael B., and Patricia Clark Smith. On the trail of elder brother: Glous’gap stories of the Micmac Indians. New York: Persea Books, 2000. 142 p. ill.
- Savoie, Donald J. Community economic development in Atlantic Canada: false hope or panacea? (Maritime Monograph Series, no. 7). Moncton: Institut canadien de Recherche sur le Développement régional, 2000. 130 p. maps. – see also at
- Schneider, Ruth Morris, Health and social policy are everyone’s business: collaboration and social inclusion in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. (Policy discussion series paper, no. 5). Halifax: The Centre, 2000. 34 1.
- Smart, Tom. Artists in a floating world: the Marion McCain Atlantic Art Exhibition 2000 = Des artistes dans un monde flottant: l’exposition d’art atlantique Marion McCain 2000. Fredericton: Beaverbrook Art Gallery; Marion McCain Foundation, 2000. 103 p. ill.
- The Supreme Court of Canada and its justices, 1875-2000: a commemorative book = La Cour suprême du Canada et ses juges, 1875-2000: un livre commémoratif. Toronto: Dundurn Group and the Supreme Court of Canada in cooperation with Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2000. 222 p. ill. – includes three Chief Justices and ten Puisne judges from Atlantic Canada.
- Thompson, Courtney. Lighthouses of Atlantic Canada: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland & Labrador: a pictorial guide. Mt. Desert, Me.: CatNap Publications, 2000. 128 p. ill.; maps.
- Toner, Patrick. If I could turn and meet myself. The life of Alden Nowlan. Fredericton: Goose Lane Editions, 2000. 339 p. ill.
- Waseem, Gertrud. Germans. (Peoples of the Maritimes). Halifax: Nimbus, 2000. 84 p. ill.
- White, Stephen A. English supplement to the Dictionnaire généalogique des familles acadiennes; part 1, 1636 to 1714. Moncton: Centre d’études acadiennes, Université de Moncton, 2000. 336 p.
- Whitford, David. "Steel, sweat, and oil: ... Canada’s ... Atlantic provinces are finally getting a chance to achieve a rugged, old-economy kind of prosperity." Fortune (US) 142, 7 (2 Oct. 2000): 200-202; 204.
- Wiber, Melanie G. "Fishing rights as an example of the economic rhetoric of privatization: call for an implicated economics." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 37, 3 (Aug. 2000): 267-288.
- Williams, W. John E. Ralph Pickard Bell: a biography. Lockeport, N.S.: Community Books, 2000. 71 p. ill.
- Women’s health in Atlantic Canada trilogy. Edited by Carol Amaratunga. [Halifax]: Maritime Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health, 2000. 3 v.
- Allardyce, Gilbert. "‘The vexed question of sawdust’: river pollution in nineteenth-century New Brunswick." In Consuming Canada. Readings in environmental history. Edited by Chad Gaffield and Pam Gaffield. (New Canadian Readings). Toronto: Copp Clark, 1995. pp. 119-130.
- Belkhodja, Chedly. "Entre la discorde et l’indifférence: le Québec, le Nouveau-Brunswick et la Francophonie internationale." Francophonies d’Amérique 9 (1999): 7-20.
- Bell, D.G. "Yankee Preachers and the struggle for the New Brunswick Christian Conference, 1828-1838." In Revivals, Baptists & George Rawlyk: a memorial volume. Edited by Daniel C. Goodwin. (Baptist Heritage in Atlantic Canada Series, 17). Wolfville: Acadia Divinity College, 2000. pp. 93-112.
- Bertrand, Gabriel. "La campagne de refrancisation de 1934 à Moncton." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 31, 3-4 (déc. 2000): 195-230.
- Black, David W. "That thing of shreds and patches: an archaeological narrative of the Bliss Islands thoroughfare, Quoddy region, New Brunswick." In The entangled past: integrating history and archaeology. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Chacmool Archaeological Association. Edited by M. Boyd, J.C. Erwin, and M. Hendrickson. Calgary: Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary, 2000. pp. 146-155.
- Brownell genealogy: from Thomas of Rawmarsh, England. Fall River, N.S.: J.A. Brownell, 2000. 543 p. ill. – re descendants of Jeremiah Brownell and Anna (Copp) Brownell.
- Burchill, John G. A Miramichi saga. n.p.: n.p., 2000. 156 p.+ app. ill. – re history of George Burchill and Sons Company, Miramichi; lumber industry.
- Cassidy, Marion Mahoney. "A little bit of Ireland – Johnville, New Brunswick, grew from a dream." Echoes. The Northern Maine Journal 50 (Oct.-Dec. 2000): 36-39.
- _________."A little bit of Ireland – Johnville, New Brunswick, Part II." Echoes. The Northern Maine Journal 51 (Jan.-Mar. 2001): 37-39.
- Chiasson, Anselme. "Père Pacifique de Valigny." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 31, 2 (juin 2000): 82-99.
- Chiasson, Herménégilde. "Le théâtre de Rick Burns." ArtsAtlantic 17, 3 (Summer-Fall 2000): 50-53.
- Chiasson, Jean-Stéphane. "La participation des citoyens dans le domaine de la santé au Nouveau-Brunswick: mythes et réalités." Égalité : revue acadienne d’analyse politique 44-45 (printemps 1999): 175-209.
- Clark, Peter D. Golden memories of New Brunswick. Durham Bridge, N.B.: Penniac Books, 2000. 87 p. ill.
- Comeau-Brideau, Alma. "Bouquet de souvenirs par Mme. Alma Comeau-Brideau." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys 28, 3 (sept.-déc. 2000): 1-86.
- Connell, Allison. "Governed by nature. Contemplating the bio-regions of the St. John River watershed." Echoes. The Northern Maine Journal 51 (Jan.-Mar. 2001): 32-34; 47.
- Coyne’s corner: cartoons by J.J. Coyne – the 1960s. [St. Stephen, N.B.]: [privately printed], [1999]. – cartoons by John Joseph Coyne (1917-1993) which appeared in the Saint Croix Courier, St. Stephen, New Brunswick.
- Craig, Béatrice, and Judith Rygiel. "Femmes, marchés et production textile au Nouveau-Brunswick au cours du XIXe siècle." Histoire & mesure XV, 1-2 (2000): 83-112.
- Cronin, Ray. "Flood level rising. A Canadian artist’s curious journey." ArtsAtlantic 17, 3 (Summer-Fall 2000): 36-39. – re Alexandra Flood.
- "Dictionnaire biographique du nord-est du Nouveau-Brunswick. 10e cahier." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys 28, 2 (mai-août 2000): 1-107.
- Dougherty, Doug. St. Stephen – yesterday. St. Stephen, N.B.: [author?], 2000. 196 p. ill.
- Fingard, Judith. "Focusing on their roots: University of New Brunswick historians and regional history." Acadiensis XXX, 1 (Autumn 2000): 38-44.
- Fitch, Kay. History of Governor Carleton Chapter IODE. Part I: 1900-1950; Part II: 1950-1999. [Fredericton]: n.p., 1999. 16 l.; 91 l. ill.
- Forbes, Alex, and Bill DeGrace. "Two hundred years of planning in Fredericton." Plan Canada [Canadian Institute of Planners] 40, 3 (Apr.-June 2000): 25.
- Forrest, Julian. "Response & responsibility: Julian Forrest interviews John Murchie." ArtsAtlantic 17, 3 (Summer-Fall 2000): 44-49.
- Graham, Shawn. "A New Brunswick perspective on youth in politics."/"Quelques réflexions sur les jeunes et la politique." Canadian Parliamentary Review-Revue parlementaire canadienne 23, 4 (Winter/hiver 2000-2001): 11-14/12-15.
- Harper, Marjory. "Notes from eastern Canada: Scottish immigration to the Maritime provinces in the 1920s." In Myth, migration and the making of memory. Scotia and Nova Scotia c.1700-1990. Edited by Marjory Harper and Michael Vance. Toronto: Fernwood, 1999. pp. 232-252. – re Cossar Farm, pp. 238-250.
- Harrison, Kathryn. "The regulator’s dilemma: regulation of pulp mill effluents in the Canadian federal state." Canadian Journal of Political Science XXIX, 3 (Sept. 1996): 469-496. – includes New Brunswick.
- Harvey, Janice. "Buoying up Grand Manan’s future." Américas 52, 4 (July-Aug. 2000): 6-17. – publication of the Organization of American States.
- Harvey Settlement cemetery, 1837-1999. Harvey, N.B.: J.S. Hall, 2000. 141 p. ill.
- Hayes, Wilhelmina Fair. Return to Orrock. Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Que.: Shoreline Press, 2000. 82 p. ill. – re Scottish immigration, Kings County.
- Herring weirs: the only sustainable fishery. A pictorial journey by Rick Doucet and Richard Wilbur. St. George, N.B.: Image Express, 2000. 76 p. ill.
- Hyson, Stewart. "Electoral boundary re-distribution by independent commission in New Brunswick, 1990-1994." Canadian Public Administration 43, 2 (Summer 2000): 174-197.
- Johnson, Daniel F. Vital statistics from New Brunswick (Canada) newspapers, 1892; v. 82. Saint John: Daniel F. Johnson, 2000. – records from The Reporter, Fredericton, New Brunswick.
- _________. Vital statistics from New Brunswick (Canada) newspapers, 1892; v. 83. Saint John: Daniel F. Johnson, 2000. – records from The Review, Richibucto, New Brunswick.
- _________. Vital statistics from New Brunswick (Canada) newspapers, 1892; v. 84. Saint John: Daniel F. Johnson, 2000. 240 p. – records from the Daily Telegraph, Saint John, New Brunswick.
- Keenan, Mary. Molly: child number 583. Burnstown, Ont.: General Store, 2000. 253 p. ill. – re Saint John orphanage.
- LaRoche, Daniel. "Le Marco Polo, un navire canadien de renommée mondiale au milieu du XIXe siècle." Material History Review 48 (Fall 1998): 82-88.
- The Law Society of New Brunswick. An historical sketch = Le Barreau du Nouveau-Brunswick. Esquisse historique. Fredericton: Law Society of New Brunswick = Barreau du Nouveau-Brunswick, 1999. [24]; [27] p. ill.
- Levasseur, Jean. "Portrait d’auteur: Jacques Savoie: de Moncton à Montréal." Francophonies d’Amérique 9 (1999): 41-47.
- Lewis, Kathryn Fawcett. The Fawcetts of Sackville. Gagetown, N.B.: Otnabog Editions, 2000. 4v. [1124 p.] ill. – Volumes 1 and 2: William Fawcett, pt. 1 and 2; Volumes 3 and 4: John Fawcett, pt. 1 and 2.
- MacKinnon, William R., Jr. Over the portage. Early history of the Upper Miramichi. rev. ed. Fredericton: New Ireland Press, 2000. 130 p. maps. – includes two new maps and new data in the appendices.
- Martin, G.L. For love of stone. Volume I: the story of New Brunswick’s building stone industry. (Misc. Report, no. 8). Fredericton: New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Mineral Resources Division, 1990. 176 p. ill.
- _________. For love of stone. Volume II: an overview of stone buildings in New Brunswick. (Misc. Report, no. 9). Fredericton: New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Mineral Resources Division, 1990. 249 p. ill.
- Martin, Geoff. "Anatomie d’un bouleversement politique: le front commun Angela Vautour – NPD dans Beauséjour-Petitcodiac." Égalité : revue acadienne d’analyse politique 44- 45 (printemps 1999): 213-225.
- Mazerolle, Rodrique, and Noel Mazerolle. Les Mazerolle en Amerique = The Mazerolles in America. v. 3: Fredericton, Madawaska and their American descendants. Montreal: R. Mazerolle, 2000. 372 p. ill.
- _________. Les Mazerolle en Amerique = The Mazerolles in America. v. 4: the descendants of Mathurin Mazerolle. Montreal: R. Mazerolle, 2000. 270 p. ill.
- _________. Les Mazerolle en Amerique = The Mazerolles in America. v. 5: Pokemouche / Ste.-Rose. Montreal: R. Mazerolle, 2000. 148 p. ill.
- _________. Les Mazerolle en Amerique = The Mazerolles in America. v. 6: the descendants of Paul Mazerolle. Montreal: R. Mazerolle, 2000. 360 p. ill.
- McCue, Michael Westaway. "The Aroostook war." Beaver 80, 4 (Aug.-Sept. 2000): 12-14. – re Maine-New Brunswick border dispute.
- Miedema, Baukje, and Sandra Wachholz. "A complex web: access to justice for abused immigrant women in New Brunswick." Canadian Woman Studies 19, 1-2 (Spring-Summer 1999): 175-181.
- New Brunswick Commissions of Enquiry = Les Commissions d’enquête du Nouveau-Brunswick. –
- Peacock, Kurt. Red Tory: the political ideas and legislative legacy of R.B. Bennett. M.A. thesis, Carleton University, 1999. 181 p.
- Pichette, Robert. "Une découverte: les armoiries de Mgr. Marcel-François Richard." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 31, 2 (juin 2000): 147-150.
- Rees, Ronald. Some other place ... than here. St. Andrews and the Irish emigrant. Fredericton: New Ireland Press, 2000. 81 p. ill.
- Reimer, Samuel. "A more irenic Canadian evangelicalism?: comparing Evangelicals in Canada and the U.S." In Revivals, Baptists & George Rawlyk: a memorial volume. Edited by Daniel C. Goodwin. (Baptist Heritage in Atlantic Canada Series, 17). Wolfville: Acadia Divinity College, 2000. pp.153-179. – statistical study based on personal interviews including Evangelicals in New Brunswick.
- Savoie, Donald J. Aboriginal economic development in New Brunswick. (Maritime Series Monographs). Moncton: Canadian Institute for Research on Regional Development, 2000. 143 p. ill. map.
- Soucy, Gilles. "Aboriginal Heritage Gardens & Heron Island: Eel River Bar First Nation, New Brunswick." Parks & Recreation Canada 58, 2 (May-June 2000): 18-19.
- Thomas, Wynne. "Thoughts from the rails." Imperial Oil Review 83, 433 (Summer 1999): 26-30. – re train trip through New Brunswick, reflecting on Northrop Frye.
- Tillson, Tamsen. "Pigmillion." Report on Business Magazine 17, 2 (Aug. 2000): 13- 14. – re Michael McCain and Maple Leaf Foods.
- Trueman, William Albert. ‘Round a Chignecto hearth. Summerside, P.E.I.: Sin Twister Publications, 2000. 71 p. ill.
- Turner, Glenda. James Owen Dineen. Profile of an engineering educator. Fredericton: Fredericton Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of New Brunswick and Faculty of Engineering, University of New Brunswick, 2000. 103 p. ill.
- Wilson Robert S. "‘Conservative but not contentious’: the early years of the United Baptist Bible Training School." In Revivals, Baptists & George Rawlyk: a memorial volume. Edited by Daniel C. Goodwin. (Baptist Heritage in Atlantic Canada Series, 17). Wolfville: Acadia Divinity College, 2000. pp. 133-151.
- Winder, Gordon M. "Trouble in the north end: the geography of social violence in Saint John, 1840-1860." Acadiensis XXIX, 2 (Spring 2000): 27-57.
- Andersen, James R. "Looking back from the beginning of the year 2000." Them Days 25, 2 (Winter 2000): 41-43. – covers 1896-1980s.
- Assiniwi, Bernard. The Beothuk saga: a novel. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2000. 341 p. map – translation of La saga des Béothuks.
- Begley, Sharon. "The ancient mariners." Newsweek (3 Apr. 2000): 48-49, 52, 54.
- Bemisters of Carbonear family reunion, 1999: souvenir book. [Carbonear, Nfld.: Bemister Reunion Organizing Committee], 1999. 54 p. ill.
- Benoit, Cecilia. Women, work and social rights: Canada in historical and comparative perspective. Scarborough: Prentice Hall Allyn & Bacon Canada, 2000. 184 p. ill.
- Billard, J. Gordon. "Early Newfoundland schools and curriculum." Newfoundland Quarterly (Spring-Summer 2000): 21-28. – covers 1612-1870s.
- Blake, John. "The future of hunting." Newfoundland Sportsman 10, 2 (Mar.-Apr. 2000): 14-20.
- Blore, Shawn. "Love on the run." Saturday Night 37 (29 July - 5 Aug. 2000): 14-22. – re Shannon Murrin.
- Bourque, Bruce. "Trapper and guide." Them Days 25, 3 (Spring 2000): 36-44. – reminiscences of trapline etiquette, trappers’ skills, canoes.
- Boychuck, Rick. "Deflating the myths of the seal wars." Canadian Geographic 120, 2 (Jan.-Feb. 2000): 11. – re Ray Guy and sealing protests.
- Brian Tobin, 20 years in public service. [St. John’s: Liberal Party of Newfoundland and Labrador?, 2000.] 64 p. ill.
- Brittain, Julie. The distribution of the conjunct verb form in Western Naskapi and related morpho-syntactic issues. 1999. 399 p. Ph.D. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2000.
- Brown, Stephen R. "Cormack’s quest." Beaver 80, 2 (Apr.-May 2000): 34-39. – covers 1766- 1868.
- _________. "Shanawdithit’s story." Mercator’s World 5, 5 (Sept.-Oct. 2000): 26-31. – covers 1768-1829.
- Budgell, Leonard. "Remarkable women." Them Days 25, 2 (Winter 2000): 24-26. – re hardships endured by Inuit women in the early 20th century.
- Burgess, Andrea. Nuggets from the past: folklore from the Baie Verte Peninsula. Baie Verte, Nfld.: Baie Verte Scholarship Fund, 2000. 70 p. ill.
- Bursey, Brian C. Newfoundland and Labrador. [St. John’s]: B.C. Bursey, 2000. 28 p. ill. – pictorial work
- Butt, Grace. "The past is the present." Newfoundland Quarterly (Spring-Summer 2000): 12. – reminiscences of the fall of Responsible Government and Confederation, 1949.
- Butt, Hughie, Dan Murphy, and Tom Philpott. Where continents collided: an outdoor education curriculum. Corner Brook, Nfld.: School District 3, 1999. 1 v. (loose leaf). ill. maps.
- Cameron, Bill. "The candidate." Saturday Night 115, 22 (7 Oct. 2000): 24-32. – re Brian Tobin.
- Campbell, Lydia. Sketches of Labrador life. St. John’s: Killick Press, 2000. 53 p. ill.
- "Canada must act for the future." Fairplay 338, 6061 (2 Mar. 2000): 32-33. – reasons for lack of marine infrastructure and ship management companies in Canada.
- Carter, W. Hodding. A Viking voyage: in which an unlikely crew attempts an epic journey to the new world. New York: Ballantine, 2000. 305 p. ill. map.
- Chafe, Dawn. "Globalization: the scourge of our times? Part II." Atlantic Business Magazine 11, 2 (2000): 80-85.
- Childs, Dorothy, and W. Childs. 100 years and more: a history of St. James Church and the communities of Lark Harbour and York Harbour. Lark Harbour, Nfld.: Outer Bay of Islands Round Table Inc., 2000. 199 p. ill.
- Clarke, Frank E. "The fisherman’s road, Victoria Village, 1875." Newfoundland Ancestor 16, 1 (Spring 2000): 51-53. – covers Carbonear district, 1830-1900s.
- Coish, E. Calvin. Stories of the Mi’kmaq. Grand Falls, Nfld.: College of the North Atlantic, 2000. 68p. ill.
- Cole, Doug. Rhodes scholars of Newfoundland. Portugal Cove, Nfld.: ESP Press, 2000. 159 p. ill.
- Common threads: opportunities for growth in the Newfoundland and Labrador apparel industry. Edited by Alastair Allan, Chair, Newfoundland and Labrador Apparel Industry IAS Committee. [St. John’s: Newfoundland and Labrador Apparel Industry IAS Committee, 2000] 250 p. ill.
- Conquest and discovery, Viking millennium. St. John’s: Communications Ten, 2000. 46 p. ill. maps.
- "Corner Brook: a brief history." Newfoundland Ancestor 16, 1 (Spring 2000): 59. – covers prehistory, 1600s-2000.
- Cranford, Garry. Not too long ago: seniors tell their stories. St. John’s: Senior Resource Centre, 1999. 148 p. ill.
- Crant, Bill. "Thomas Leg – Return to Dorset." Newfoundland Ancestor 15, 3 (Fall 1999): 149. – 1763 account of planter’s apprentice in Newfoundland.
- Daley, Christopher C. An overview of the Newfoundland sealing industry, the animal rights movement and resource management issues currently facing the Newfoundland seal fishery. 1999. 56, [52] p. M.M.S. Thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1999.
- Danielson, Vivian. "Voisey’s Bay between a rock and a hard place." Northern Miner 85, 47 (17- 23 Jan. 2000): 1-2, 19.
- Davis, David. "New archives, museum and art gallery complex is approved." Newfoundland Ancestor 16, 1 (Spring 2000): 5. – re The Rooms, St. John’s.
- Dick, Ray. "Blood-stained uniform among artifacts collected from Beaumont Hamel." Legion Magazine 75, 1 (Jan.-Feb. 2000): 55.
- Dicks-Peyton, Kathy. "A history of development." Atlantic Oil Works 8, 6 (Jan. 2000): 4-45. – overview; 1812-1970s, 1980s, 1990s.
- Dion, Stéphane. "Amendment of Term 17 of the Terms of Union of Newfoundland with Canada (Newfoundland schools)." In Straight Talk: on Canadian unity by Stéphane Dion. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1999. pp. 86-92.
- "Doorway to a new corridor." Canadian Geographic 120, 3 (Mar.-Apr. 2000): 28. – re ice survey off Labrador.
- Durst, Douglas, J.M. MacDonald, and D. Parsons. "Finding our way: a community needs assessment on violence in native families in Canada." Journal of Community Practice 6, 1 (1999): 45-59. – re Conne River.
- Dwyer, Paul. The design, construction and use of the Bay of Islands dory: a study in tradition and culture. 224 p. M.A. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2000.
- The Eastport Peninsula: a people of the sea and the soil: Celebrations 2000. Edited by D.B. Hynes. Eastport, Nfld.: Eastport Peninsula Celebrations 2000, 2000. 156 p. ill. map.
- Ecke, Robert Skidmore. Snowshoe & lancet: memoirs of a frontier Newfoundland doctor, 1937- 1948. Portsmouth, N.H.: P.E. Randall Publisher, 2000. 334 p. ill.
- Endangered peoples of the Arctic: struggles to survive and thrive. (Endangered peoples of the world series). Edited by Milton M.R. Freeman. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2000. 278 p. ill.
- Enemies within: Italian and other internees in Canada and abroad. Edited by Franca Iacovetta, Roberto Perin, and Angelo Principe. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000. 429 p. ill.
- Finding our sea legs: linking fishery people and their knowledge with science and management. (Social and economic papers, 24). Edited by Barbara Neis and Lawrence Felt. St. John’s: ISER Books, 2000. 318 p. ill. maps.
- Foote, Judy. "A transcription of Buchan’s census for Brigus, Conception Bay 1817." Newfoundland Ancestor 16, 1 (Spring 2000): 45-46.
- Full circle: first contact: Vikings and skraelings in Newfoundland and Labrador. Edited by K. McAleese. St. John’s: Newfoundland Museum; Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, 2000. 64 p. ill. maps – exhibition catalogue.
- Goodyear, Cyril. Nunatsuak: stories of the big land: Labrador and Newfoundland. St. John’s: Creative Publishers, 2000. 143 p. ill.
- Great Britain. Public Record Office. Calendar of state papers, colonial: North America and the West Indies [computer file]. London; New York: Routledge, 2000. One computer laser optical disc and user guide (36 p.) ill.
- Haig: a reappraisal 70 years on. Edited by Brian Bond and Nigel Cave. London: Leo Cooper, 1999. 271 p.
- Harling Stalker, L. Lynda. Wool and needles in my casket: knitting as habit among rural Newfoundland women. 136 p. M.A. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2000.
- Hebbard, Gary. I’d rather be flying: the airborne life and times of Ted Pearcey. St. John’s: Creative Publishers, 2000. 86 p. ill.
- Herridge, Fay. "Recycling in the good old days." Newfoundland Quarterly 93, 1 (Fall 1999): 7-9.
- Hiscock, Philip. "Map songs." Canadian Geographic 120, 1 (2000): 114. – re routers, includes "Wadham’s Song."
- Horn, Michiel. "Socialism and academic freedom at McGill [in the 1920s & 1930s]." University Affairs 40, 9 (Nov. 1999): 24-27. – includes Eugene Forsey.
- Horwood, Harold Andrew. Among the lions: a lamb in the literary jungle. St. John’s: Killick Press, 2000. 249 p. ill. – autobiography.
- Hughes, S.H.S. Steering the course: a memoir. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2000. 294 p. ill.
- Hyland, Hilary. The wreck of the Ethie. Atlanta: Peachtree, 1999. 115 p. ill. maps. – historical fiction.
- International Congress of Historical Sciences (19th: 2000: Universitetet i Oslo). Voyages and exploration in the North Atlantic from the Middle Ages to the XVIIth century: papers. Reykjavík: Institute of History, University of Iceland [and] University of Iceland Press, 2000. 140 p. ill. maps.
- It’s like the legend: Innu women’s voices. Edited by Nympha Byrne and Camille Fouillard. Charlottetown: Gynergy Books, 2000. 295 p. ill.
- Jackson, Lawrence. Castles in the sea: all about icebergs. Illustrations by Diana Dabinett. St. John’s: Tuckamore Books, 2000. 32 p. ill. map.
- Janes, Burton K. Reflections from Ship Cove Pond to the Harbour Hills: the history of the Pentecostal Tabernacle, Port de Grave, Newfoundland: celebrating 75 years of preaching Jesus, 1925-2000. Port de Grave, Nfld.: Pentecostal Tabernacle, (St. John’s: Good Tidings Press), 2000. 246 p. ill.
- Jelsma, Johan. A bed of ochre: mortuary practices and social structure of a Maritime Archaic Indian society at Port Au Choix, Newfoundland: proefschrift ter verkrijging van het doctoraat in de letteren ann de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Groningen: Rijkuniversiteit Groningen, 2000. 332 p. ill. maps.
- Johnson, Josephine. Product of a baker’s dozen. Trinity, Nfld.: Oceanside Press, 2000. 103 p. ill. – re Little Harbour, Newfoundland.
- Jones, Francis I.W. Looking for Captain Robert: the Jones family of Trinity East, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland. Bedford, N.S.: [F.I.W. Jones], 2000. 81 p. ill.
- Just fish: ethics and Canadian marine fisheries. (Social and economic papers, 23). Edited by Harold Coward, Rosemary Ommer, and Tony Pitcher. St. John’s: ISER Books, 2000. 304 p. ill. maps.
- Kean, Abram. Old and young ahead. Edited by S. Ryan. St. John’s: Flanker Press, 2000. 149 p. ill. – autobiography of famous sealing captain; reprint, with some additions, of the 1935 London edition.
- Kindl, Rita. Change and continuity: three generations of women’s work in North West River, Labrador. 354 p. M.A. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1999.
- Kurlansky, Mark. Un poisson à la conquête du monde: ou, La fabuleuse histoire de la morue. [Paris]: J.C. Lattès, 1999. 333 p. ill. maps – translation of Cod: a biography of the fish that changed the world.
- Land, sea & time. Edited by Edward A. Jones. St. John’s: Breakwater, 2000. 3 v. - re study and teaching of Newfoundland art and literature.
- Lanken, Dane. "To the end of every river." Canadian Geographic 120, 1 (2000): 91-101. – re mapping of Canada; includes aerial photo of hills of Davis Inlet.
- Lawrence, Otto R. Challenges and chances for Crosbie: steering a sensible course. Kitchener, Ont.: O.R. Lawrence, 2000. 143 p. ill. map – re John Crosbie’s book, No holds barred and sustainable development of Newfoundland.
- Leamon, David, and B. Parmenter. Guide to genealogical material in the Newfoundland Collection, St. John’s Public Libraries. 4th ed. St. John’s: Provincial Resources Libraries, 2000. 51 p.
- Letto, Doug. In Cain’s footsteps: people of the Labrador Straits. Paradise, Nfld.: Blue Hill, 2000. 1 v.
- Lingard, Mont. The Newfie Bullet: the story of train passenger service in Newfoundland. Grand Falls-Windsor, Nfld.: M. Lingard Pub., 2000. 128 p. ill. map.
- Loewen, Brad. Les barriques de Red Bay et l’espace Atlantique septentrional, vers 1565. 1999. 2 v. Thèse (Ph.D.) – Université Laval, 1999.
- Loring, Stephen. "Labrador community archaeology." Arctic Studies Center Newsletter (Smithsonian Institution) 7 (Aug. 1999): 9-11.
- Lynch, John. "Leading the way ... Newfoundlanders head up post secondary education in Canada." Downhomer 11, 12 (May 1999): 3-4, 6-8.
- MacAfee, Michelle. "High voltage." Atlantic Progress 6, 3 (Apr. 1999): 80-82, 84. – re Lower Churchill Falls hydro project.
- McGhee, Robert. "Canada Y1K: The first millennium." Beaver 79, 6 (Dec. 1999 -Jan. 2000): 8- 17. – re Native Americans c.1000.
- McKay, Sharon E. Charlie Wilcox. Toronto: Stoddart Kids, 2000. 221 p. – historical fiction, re Royal Newfoundland Regiment, World War I.
- Martin, Roland T. Debtor’s prison II: shortening the sentence. (AIMS research report). Halifax: Atlantic Institute for Market Studies/AIMS. 1999. 58 p. graphs.
- Mellin, Robert. "Modernism in Newfoundland." Canadian Architect 45, 3 (Mar. 2000): 18-21. – covers the 1950s-1970s.
- Memorial University of Newfoundland. Centre for Newfoundland Studies. Archives. Joseph R. Smallwood papers, Coll-075. Arranged and described by Bert Riggs and Linda Russell. [St. John’s]: Centre for Newfoundland Studies Archives, 2000. 130 l.
- Mercer, Kenneth M. Mother Hen’s Canada: (a fable). Middle Cove, Nfld.: K.M. Mercer in association with RB Books, 1999. [31] p. ill.
- Millertown: a pictorial review of one hundred years of logging history. [Millertown, Nfld.: Albert W. Taylor], 2000. 69 p. ill.
- Mills, Stephen Francis. Seventeenth-century life in Renews, Newfoundland: archaeological analysis of an English West Country planter’s house. 237 p. M.A. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2000.
- Mitchell, John S. "All gone widdun (‘asleep’/died). Was Shawnadithit right? A speculative approach." Newfoundland Quarterly 93, 1 (Fall 1999): 39-41.
- Mitchell, Wilson. "Trapping and fishing." Them Days 24, 2 (Winter 1999): 27-36.
- Neis, Barbara, and B. Grzetic. From fish plant to nickel smelter: policy implications, policy development and the determinants of women’s health in an environment of restructuring. [St. John’s: B. Neis and B. Grzetic], 2000. 151 p.
- Niven, Jennifer. The ice master: the doomed 1913 voyage of the Karluk. New York: Hyperion, 2000. 402 p. ill. maps.
- O’Neill, J.P. The great New England sea serpent: an account of unknown creatures sighted by many respectable persons between 1638 and the present day. Camden, Me.: Down East Books, 1999. 256 p. ill. maps.
- O’Sullivan, Julia, and M.L. Howe. Overcoming poverty: promoting literacy in children from low- income families. Thunder Bay, Ont.: Lakehead University, 1999. 57 p.
- Our first thousand years: including the Vikings 1000th anniversary and the Newfoundland and Labrador Who’s Who millennium edition 2000: millennium book of Newfoundland. [St. John’s]: Stirling Communications, 2000. 119 p. ill.
- Owen, Victor J., and John D. Greenough. "Les Chateaux in the mist." Mercator’s World 5, 1 (Jan.-Feb. 2000): 26-33. – re Strait of Belle Isle.
- Perry, Hattie A. Ordeals at sea. Barrington, N.S.: Sprindrift Pub., 1999. 165 p. ill.
- Pilgrim, Earl B. Blood on the hills. St. John: Flanker Press, 2000. 143 p. ill. map – re poaching and game protection.
- Porter, Trevor. The place-names of Trinity Bay, Newfoundland: a syntactic analysis. 1999. 128 p. M.A. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1999.
- The Portuguese in Canada: from the sea to the city. Edited by Carlos Teixeira and Victor M.P. Da Rosa. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000. 248 p. ill. maps.
- Putting the hum on the Humber: the first 75 years. [Corner Brook, Nfld.: Corner Brook Pulp and Paper?, 2000]. 78 p. ill.
- Quincey, Jennifer. "Radiocarbon dating, culture theory, and culture change: the history of interactions of different ‘ethnic groups’ in Labrador." Arctic Studies Center Newsletter (Smithsonian Institution) 7 (Aug. 1999): 12.
- Rast, Timothy L. Investigating palaeo-Eskimo and Indian settlement patterns along a submerging coast at Burgeo, Newfoundland. 1999. 209 p. M.A. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1999.
- Redmond, Kevin, and Dan Murphy. "Technology in the wilderness." Newfoundland Sportsman 10, 1 (2000): 20-22, 24. – re wilderness travelling.
- Rodgers, Theresa Heath. Work, household economy, and social welfare: the transition from traditional to modern lifestyles in Bonavista, 1930-1960. 220 p. M.A. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2000.
- Rolton, Chris. Doin’ the locum motion. St. John’s: Creative, 2000. 211 p.
- Ruffman Alan. "The Saxby Gale: an October 4-5 1869 tropical cyclone with a hybrid twist." Argonauta 16, 2 (Apr. 1999): 3-5.
- Russell, Manetta Scott. "The saga of Grand Falls." Downhomer 11, 11 (Apr. 1999): 82-83. – covers 1918-1924.
- Ryan, Beth. "Black gold." Atlantic Progress 6, 3 (Apr. 1999): 104-105. – re international oil prices and Hibernia and Terra Nova development.
- Sailing through the narrows: the Naval Reserve in Newfoundland: in commemoration of HMCS Cabot’s 50th anniversary. [St. John’s: HMCS Cabot, 2000]. 119 p. ill.
- "Sale of the century." New Scientist 165, 2226 (19 Feb. 2000): 3. – re human genome databases.
- Sarsfield, Pete. Hollow water: stories and travels. Winnipeg: Turnstone, 2000. 196 p.
- The sea beacon: quarterly newsletter of the Lighthouse Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. Mount Pearl, Nfld. [The Society, 2000- ]. – quarterly.
- Seary, E.R. Place names of the Northern Peninsula. New ed. (Social and economic studies, 64). Edited by Robert Hollett and William J. Kirwin. St. John’s: ISER Books, 2000. 256 p. ill. map.
- Seaver, Kirsten A. "Land of wine and forests: the Norse in North America." Mercator’s World 5, 1 (Jan.-Feb. 2000): 18-25.
- Sexty, Robert W., and Gina Pecore. "Tracking history and strategy at Memorial’s Faculty of Business." In Captializing knowledge. Essays on the history of business education in Canada. Edited by Barbara Austin. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000. pp. 252- 265.
- Silver-Cavalinni, Phyllis. "My father – the Portuguese stow-away." Downhomer 11, 12 (May 1999): 9-12. – covers 1918-1990s.
- Small, Contessa. Occupational narratives of pulp and paper mill workers in Corner Brook, Newfoundland: a study in occupational folklife. 1999. 166 p. M.A. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1999.
- Steffler, John. The afterlife of George Cartwright. (New Canadian library). Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1999. 276 p. – historical fiction.
- Stikeman, Alexander. "What’s my line? A brief look at other Canadian border disputes." Canadian Geographic 120, 1 (2000): 62. map – re Labrador boundary.
- Stockley, Grace C. My second life line: a personal story of challenge, attitude and faith. Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Nfld.: G. Stockley, 2000. 201 p.
- Strowbridge, Linda. "Riding the wave: Newfoundland and Labrador." Atlantic Progress 7, 4 (May 2000): 72-73.
- _________. "Survival instinct." Atlantic Progress 7, 3 (April 2000): cover, 30-42. – re Harvey and Co.; covers 1865-2000.
- Taylor-Hood, Victoria. Religious life in French Newfoundland to 1714. 1999. 339 p. M.A. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2000.
- Thorne, Robert G. "Whaling at Aquaforte." Downhomer 12, 4 (Sept. 1999): 92. – covers 1794-1972.
- Thomas, Gordon W. "Air ambulance service in northern Newfoundland and Labrador." Canadian Geographical Journal 64, 1 (Jan. 1962): 16-19.
- Thorlaksson, Thord. Icelandic Skálholt map. [St. John’s]: Historic Sites Association of Newfoundland and Labrador, [2000]. One map facsimile.
- Through women’s eyes: twelve painters in Newfoundland. [St. John’s: David Ariss Fine Art], 2000. 27 p. ill. – exhibition catalogue.
- Thrower, Norman J.W. "To make observations on the magneticall needle." Mercator’s World 5, 1 (Jan.-Feb. 2000): 48-52. – covers 1670-1742.
- Tizzard, Gary T. "King William was King George’s son." Downhomer 11, 12 (May 1999): 116. – re games played at Carmanville, 1950s-1960s.
- Vikings: the North Atlantic saga. Edited by William W. Fitzhugh and Elisabeth I. Ward. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press in association with the National Museum of Natural History, 2000. 432 p. ill. maps.
- Walk on the wild side: East Coast Trail hiker’s guide, Newfoundland, Canada. St. John’s: East Coast Trail Association, [2000]. Nine map sheets, one pamphlet.
- Weir, Gail. A guide to the performing arts collections in the Centre for Newfoundland Studies Archives of the Memorial University Library. 3rd ed. [St. John’s]: Centre for Newfoundland Studies. Memorial University Library, 2000. 26 p. ill.
- Wicks, John. Seventeenth- and eighteenth-century bottle glass from Ferryland, Newfoundland. 1999. 195 p. M.A. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1999.
- Allen, J. Stanley, and Richard Allen. Sun bright and well beloved: three hundred years of a North American family and their farther past. Ottawa: Allen Family Publications, 1998. 547 p. ill. maps. – Planter family.
- Anne Murray Centre scrapbook. Edited by Anne Murray. Vancouver: Raincoast Books, 2000. 96 p. ill.
- As true as I’m sittin’ here: 200 stories told on "Archie Neil’s Cape Breton." Edited, with an introduction, by Brian Sutcliffe and Ronald Caplan. Wreck Cove, N.S.: Breton Books, 2000. 224 p.
- Binkley, Marian. "‘Getting by’ in tough times: coping with the fisheries crisis." Canadian Studies International Forum 23, 3 (2000): 323-332.
- Bird, Will R. The communication trench: anecdotes & statistics from the Great War, 1914-1918. Ottawa: CEF Books, 2000. 150 p. – compilation of First World War-related articles originally published in Amherst, Nova Scotia.
- _________. Here stays good Yorkshire. Ottawa: CEF Books, 2000. 216 p. – originally published by Ryerson in 1945.
- Boudreau, Gérald C. "De l’exorcisme au rigorisme: l’évangélisme de Sigogne chez les Acadiens." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 31, 2 (juin 2000): 73-81.
- Brackey, William H. "The planter motif among Baptists from New England to Nova Scotia, 1760-1850." In Pilgrim pathways: essays in Baptists history in honour of B.R. White. Edited by William H. Brackney and Paul S.Fiddes, with John H.Y. Briggs. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 1999. pp. 283-302.
- Brooks, Randal C. "A Canadian time ball." Material History Review 52 (Fall 2000): 72-74. – timekeeping on the Halifax Citadel.
- Bruce, Harry. "Good morning, Ms. S." Imperial Oil Review 84, 438 (Autumn 1999): 26-30. – re Big Tancook Island Elementary School.
- Cahill, Barry. "Removing a ‘Section 96’ judge: an historical case study." Dalhousie Law Journal 23, 1 (Spring 2000): 233-248. – re L.H. Martell.
- _________. The thousandth man: a biography of James McGregor Stewart. Toronto: Published for the Osgoode Society for Legal History by University of Toronto Press, 2000. 266 p. ill.
- Caldwell, R.H. "The VE Day riots in Halifax, 7-8 May 1945." Northern Mariner [Canada] 10, 1 (2000): 3-20.
- Cameron, David M. "Equity and purpose in financing universities: the case of Nova Scotia." Canadian Public Administration 43, 3 (Fall 2000): 291-320.
- Chapman, Harry S. In the wake of the Alderney: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1750-2000. Dartmouth: Dartmouth Historical Association, 2000. 562 p. ill.
- Coldwell, Douglas Wayne. The love of tollers: breeding the Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever: the Jeffry-Coldwell Little River dynasty. Pictou, N.S.: Advocate Printing & Publishing, 1999. 144 p. ill.
- Corkum, Hugh H. On both sides of the law. Halifax: Nimbus, 2000. 167 p. ill. – reissue of the 1989 Lancelot Press edition.
- Cruickshank, Jim. "The Chancery Court of Nova Scotia: jurisdiction and procedure, 1751-1855." Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies 1, 1 (Spring 1992): 27-48.
- Cuthbertson, Brian. Halifax City Hall. Halifax: Halifax Regional Municipality: Tourism, Culture and Heritage, 2000. 17 p. ill. – architectural and human history of Halifax City Hall.
- _________. Voices of business: a history of commerce in Halifax, 1750-2000. Halifax: Metropolitan Halifax Chamber of Commerce, 2000. 78 p. ill. – corporate history of the chamber and its predecessors.
- Davey, William. "Naming patterns of Cape Breton Island, 1820-1890." Onomastica Canadiana 80, 1 (1988): 1-23.
- Douglas, Bob. Life is a ball: 50 years of Nova Scotia sport. Halifax: Links Publications, 2000. 487 p. ill.
- Faber, Bene. "‘My stammering tongue and unpolished pen’: Henry Alline’s language and literature." In Revivals, Baptists & George Rawlyk: a memorial volume. Edited by Daniel C. Goodwin. (Baptist Heritage in Atlantic Canada Series, 17). Wolfville: Acadia Divinity College, 2000. pp. 77-91.
- Forbes, E.R. "Dalhousie University and the flowering of Atlantic provinces historiography, 1960-1980." Acadiensis XXX, 1 (Autumn 2000): 45-49.
- Foyn, Sean Flynn. The underside of glory: AfriCanadian enlistment in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1917. M.A. thesis, University of Ottawa, 2000. 154 p. MAI 38/05, October 2000.
- Fuller, Mac. Sparks and volunteers. Carleton, N.S.: [author], 2000. 96 p. ill. – history of Baddeck fire department.
- Gillis, Rannie. This is not the mainland, either: a bard’s tour of Cape Breton. Halifax: Nimbus, 2000. 98 p. ill.
- Granfield, Linda. Pier 21: gateway of hope. Toronto: Tundra Books, 2000. 48 p. ill. – history of immigration through Halifax; juvenile market. Reprint of 1988 edition.
- Haigh, Elizabeth. "Bright lights and skullduggery: Nova Scotia’s Abraham Gesner revolutionized the lighting of cities in the nineteenth century ..." Beaver 80, 4 (Aug.- Sept. 2000): 32-37.
- Hancock, Glen. My real name is Charley: memoirs of a grocer’s clerk. Wolfville: Gaspereau Press, 2000. 203 p. ill.
- Harvey, Andrew S., and Jamie E.L. Spinney. Life on and off the job: a time-use study of Nova Scotia. Halifax: Time-Use Research Program, Saint Mary’s University, 2000. 51 p. ill.
- Hawkins, John. The founding of Halifax: Duc D’Anville, Governor Cornwallis, Captain John Gorham. Halifax: Goldcloth Publications, 1999. 53 p. ill.
- Hill, Andria. Mona Parsons: from privilege to prison, from Nova Scotia to Nazi Europe. Halifax: Nimbus, 2000. 240 p. ill.
- Historic Colchester: towns and countryside. (Images of our past). Halifax: Colchester Historical Society; Nimbus, 2000. 189 p. ill.
- Homestead collections. Edited by Margaret L. MacMaster. Lockeport, N.S.: Community Books, 2000. 128 p. ill. – anecdotes of Caribou, Nova Scotia.
- Jenson, L.B. Tin hats, oilskins & seaboots: a naval journey, 1938-1945. Foreword by W.A.B. Douglas. Toronto: Robin Brass Studio, 2000. 312 p. ill.
- Kalkman, Tony. Along the tracks of the Dominion Atlantic and the Halifax & South Western Railways. [Kentville, N.S.: H.A. Kalkman], 2000. 98 p. ill.
- King, Lionel Bradley. The electrification of Nova Scotia, 1884-1973: technological modernization as a response to regional disparity. Ph.D thesis, University of Toronto, 1999. 369 p. AAT NQ4 1192.
- Kitz, Janet F. Survivors: children of the Halifax explosion. Halifax: Nimbus, 2000. 134 p. ill. – juvenile.
- Lockett, James P. "The deportation of the Maroons of Trelawny Town to Nova Scotia, then back to Africa." Journal of Black History 30, 1 (1999): 5-14.
- Lucas, Susan. Where are the urban elderly?: Clustered and concentrated in aged spaces: three examples Kitchener-Waterloo, Halifax and Victoria. Ph.D thesis, Wilfrid Laurier University, 1999. 303 p. DAI 2000 60(12): 4546-A. DANQ 44829.
- MacPhie, J.P. Pictonians at home and abroad. (Canadiana reprint series, 19). Milton, Ont.: Global Heritage Press, 2000. 232 p. ill. – reprint of 1914 Boston edition.
- McCormick, A. James. The Presbyterian Witness, and Evangelical Advocate: vital statistics, 1848-1887. Westville, N.S.: Pictou County Roots Society, 2000. 4 vols. – reprint of 1995 edition.
- _________. The Presbyterian Witness, and Evangelical Advocate: vital statistics, 1888-1908. Westville, N.S.: Pictou County Roots Society, 2000. 4 vols. – reprint of 1995 edition.
- McCue, Michael Westaway. "The thank-you tree." Beaver 80, 4 (Aug.- Sept. 2000): 43-45. – re Nova Scotia’s Halifax explosion-related annual gift to Boston.
- McIntosh, Robert. Boys in the pits: child labour in coal mining. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2000. 305 p. ill.
- Millington, Elsie. Purcell’s Cove: the little place that helped build Halifax city. Victoria: S. Millington. 87 p. ill.
- Millward, Hugh. "The spread of commuter development in the Eastern Shore zone of Halifax, N.S., 1920-1988." Urban History Review = Revue d’histoire urbaine XXIX, 1 (Oct. 2000): 21-32.
- _________. "Factors affecting growth in rural commuter housing: a case study east of Halifax, Nova Scotia." Proceedings. New England – St. Lawrence Valley Geography Society 29 (2000): 34-48.
- Moffat, Sandra. "Looking at ‘subversive repetitions’ for my daughter. Examining Margaret’s resistance to becoming a mother in the film Margaret’s Museum." Canadian Woman Studies 18, 2-3 (Summer-Fall 1998): 145-149.
- Moody, Barry. "George Rawlyk’s Henry Alline." In Revivals, Baptists & George Rawlyk: a memorial volume. Edited by Daniel C. Goodwin. (Baptist Heritage in Atlantic Canada Series, 17). Wolfville: Acadia Divinity College, 2000. pp. 53-75.
- Morgan, Robert. Early Cape Breton: from founding to famine, 1784-1851: essays, talks and conversations. Wreck Cove, N.S.: Breton Books, 2000. 170 p. ill.
- Ogden, Harold J., and Cathy Driscoll. "Business studies at Saint Mary’s University: progress with a human touch." In Capitalizing knowledge. Essays on the history of business education in Canada. Edited by Barbara Austin. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000. pp. 239-251.
- Ontario and Nova Scotia settlers, 1796-1860. CD-ROM. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2000. Comprises the text of six different titles containing information about Canadian immigration: Nova Scotia immigrants to 1867, vol. 1 & 2 (Leonard and Norma Smith); Yarmouth Nova Scotia genealogies (George S. Brown); Loyalists and land settlement in Nova Scotia (Marion Gilroy); and two titles relating to Ontario.
- Our architectural heritage: a celebration of Amherst’s architecture. Text by Leslie Childs. Amherst: Amherst Township Historical Society, 2000. 58 p. ill. – new text with original pictures from 1906 and 1910 Board of Trade publications.
- O’Neill, Patrick B. "The Halifax Concert Party in World War II." Theatre Research in Canada 20, 2 (Fall 1999): 181-206.
- Parker, Mike. Historic Digby. (Images of our past). Halifax: Nimbus, 2000. 164 p. ill.
- Parsons, Robert Charles. In peril on the sea: shipwrecks of Nova Scotia. Lawrencetown Beach, N.S.: Pottersfield Press, 2000. 192 p. ill.
- Paul, Daniel N. We were not the savages: a Mi’kmaq perspective on the collision between European and native American civilizations. Halifax: Fernwood, 2000. 359 p. ill.
- Perry, Hattie. More ordeals at sea. Barrington, N.S.: Spindrift Publications, 2000. 173 p.
- Poole, Stephen. Halifax, discovering its heritage. Photography by Keith Vaughan. Halifax: Formac, 2000. 72 p. ill. – second edition of Halifax: a colour guidebook, 1995.
- Prime, Russell. "Through the eyes of The Tattler: concerns of Baptist youth in rural Nova Scotia, 1933-1940." Canadian Society of Church History. Historical Papers (1998): 45-66.
- Riordon, Bernard. Joe Norris: painted visions of Nova Scotia. Halifax and Fredericton: Art Gallery of Nova Scotia and Goose Lane Editions, 2000. 151 p. ill.
- Rivers, Cecil Roy. 254 days on the road: Calgary to Halifax by covered wagon. Rocky Mountain House, Alta.: Wilderness Publications, 2000. 217 p. ill.
- Robertson, Allen Barry. John Wesley’s Nova Scotia businessmen: Halifax Methodist merchants, 1815-1855. (American University Studies Series. IX, History; 163). New York: P. Lang, 2000. 177 p. ill.
- Robinson, Neil. Lion of Scotland. Edinburgh: Birlinn, 1999. 155 p. ill. – originally published in London, 1952. - re Norman McLeod’s voyage to Australia and New Zealand.
- _________. To the ends of the earth: Norman McLeod and the Highlanders’ migration to Nova Scotia and New Zealand. Auckland, N.Z.: HarperCollins Publishers, 1999. – reprint of a 1997 edition; first printed in 1952.
- Roch, Anna. "Survive or thrive: Nova Scotia western valley women choose change." Canadian Woman Studies 20, 3 (Fall 2000): 130-135.
- Sandberg, L. Anders, and Peter Clancy. Against the grain: foresters and politics in Nova Scotia. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2000. 335 p. ill.
- The Savage years: the perils of reinventing government in Nova Scotia. Peter Clancy, James Bickerton, Rodney Haddow, and Ian Stewart. Halifax: Formac, 2000. 313 p. ill.
- Stevenson, Michael D. "Conscripting coal: the regulation of the coal labour force in Nova Scotia during the Second World War." Acadiensis XXIX, 2 (Spring 2000): 58-88.
- Sweet, Brad. "Father François Lejamtel: ecclesiastical education at Arichat (1792-1819)." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 31, 3-4 (déc. 2000): 175-194.
- Wagar, Terry H. "Provincial government restructuring in Nova Scotia: the freezing and thawing of labour relations." In Public-Sector labour relations in an era of restraint and restructuring. Edited by Gene Swimmer. Don Mills: Oxford, 2000. pp. 36-65.
- Walsh, Darryll. Ghosts of Nova Scotia. Lawrencetown Beach, N.S.: Pottersfield Press, 2000. 127 p. ill.
- The war diary of Clare Gass. Edited and introduced by Susan Mann. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2000. 306 p. ill.
- Whittier, Henry S. The other watch. West Bay, N.S.: Medicine Label Press, 2000. 173 p. – novel based on the Saladin Mutiny.
- Yorkshire settlers to Annapolis County, Nova Scotia. Annapolis Royal, N.S.: Historic Restoration Society of Annapolis County, 1999. var. p. ill. – a series of booklets featuring specific families including Robinson, Hudson, Gilliatt, Jacques, Wilson, Hawksworth, Milner, Clark, Halliday, Mills, Bath and Jefferson.
- Alberton and area: a pictorial experience through time. Compiled by the Alberton Millennium Committee. Edited by Betty M. Jeffery, Allan J. MacRae, and Lorraine Warren. Alberton, P.E.I.: Alberton Historical Preservation Foundation, 2000. 153 p. ill.
- Arsenault, Georges. "Gilbert Buote: a man of the Acadian renaissance." The Island Magazine 48 (Fall-Winter 2000): 23-30. – biography of the editor of the L‘Impartial newspaper.
- _________. "La saga d’Alexis Doiron, ancêtre des Doiron de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 31, 3-4 (déc. 2000): 246-257.
- Atkinson, Ron H., W.A. Beer, and Harry K. Simmonds. A treasure called Belvedere: a century of activity at the Charlottetown Golf Club. Charlottetown: Belvedere Golf Club, 2000. 211 p. ill.
- A baker’s dozen: news, views & interviews with 13 Island women: celebrating 25 years of the PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women, 1975-2000. Edited by Ellen Reynolds. Charlottetown: Prince Edward Island Advisory Council on the Status of Women, 2000. 27 p. ill. – includes list of council members and staff, 1975-2000.
- Baskett, T.F., and D.A.E. Shephard. "The obstetric trials and tribulations of Dr. John Mackieson. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, 1827-1857." Obstetrics and Gynecology 96, 2 (Aug. 2000): 314-318 .
- The bend in the road: an invitation to the world and work of L.M. Montgomery. Project Director: Deirdre Kessler. Charlottetown: L.M. Montgomery Institute, 2000. Interactive multimedia CD ROM; user guide (13 p.) ill.
- Bridging tradition and technology: an economic development strategy for Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown: The Province, 2000. 26 p. ill. – "This report sets the framework for provincial support of economic development in Prince Edward Island over the next five years. It first reviews the Island economy 1950-2000...".
- Bumsted, J.M. "The land question on Prince Edward Island and the quitrent controversy of 1802-1806." Acadiensis XXIX, 2 (Spring 2000): 3-26.
- Campion, Margaret. A brief history of Lyndale and Dundee, 1829-2000. [Lyndale, P.E.I.]: author, [2000]. 109 p. – collection of historical articles, student and patrons lists, letters, newspaper clippings, photographs and miscellany from the period 1829-2000.
- Charlottetown Conference of 1864. SchoolNet Digital Collections program, Industry Canada, 1998.
- Congram, John. "Remembering Lucy Maud: Lucy Maud Montgomery’s only surviving housekeeper recalls life with Canada’s most famous Presbyterian author." Presbyterian Record 124, 10 (Nov. 2000):19-20.
- Connors, Stompin’ Tom. Stompin’ Tom – Vol. II – The Connors Tone. Toronto: Viking, 2000. 648 p. ill. – covers 1967-2000; discography (Vol. 1: "Before the Fame" – 1995).
- Cousins, J. Andrew. Electoral reform for Prince Edward Island: a discussion paper. Charlottetown: Institute of Island Studies, University of Prince Edward Island Press, 2000. 53 p.
- Cran, Emily Elizabeth. Success on the edge: portrait of a small town. Halifax: New World Publications, 2000. 120 p. ill. – portrait of Tignish, Prince Edward Island.
- Deschênes, Donald. "Recension: contes, légendes et chansons de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard de Georges Arsenault." Francophonies d’Amérique 9 (1999): 59-61.
- Drake, Lawson. Sea over bow: a Prince Edward Islander in the Royal Canadian Volunteer Reserve in World War II. Cornwall, P.E.I.: L. Drake, 2000. 158 p. ill. – biography of Arthur Vernon Drake.
- 1841 Census of Prince Edward Island. SchoolNet Digital Collections program, Industry Canada.
- Eldershaw, Edith V. Pioneer days & shanty ways. Tignish, P.E.I.: author, 2000. 200 p. ill.– stories, poems and photographs of West Prince, Prince Edward Island.
- Ellis, Larry. "Geddies: Canada’s first Presbyterian missionaries." Presbyterian Record 124, 7 (July-Aug. 2000): 30. – John and Charlotte Geddie had a ministry in New London, Prince Edward Island in 1838.
- First hand: arts, crafts, and culture created by PEI women of the 20th century. Created by the PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women and the PEI Inter-ministerial Women’s Secretariat. Research Coordinator: Sasha Mullally. 2000. – includes modules: basket weaving (by Tiffany Sark); literary writing (by Jane Ledwell); mat hooking (by Anne Nicholson); photography (by Sasha Mullally); quilting (by A.-L. Beaumont and E. Zakem) and visual arts (by Sandy Kowalik).
- The fisheries, then & now, Prince Edward Island. SchoolNet Digital Collections program. Industry Canada, 1999.
- Fraser, Ted, and Don Glendenning. Henry Purdy: freedom comes inside out. Foreword by Terry S. Graff. Charlottetown: Confederation Centre Art Gallery & Museum, 2000. 44 p. ill. – based on the exhibition by the same title, 8 August-10 October 1999 at the Confederation Centre Art Gallery & Museum.
- Fullerton, Robin Catherine. Potato farmers in exile: power, state, and the mobilization of an interest group. Ph.D thesis, University of New Brunswick, 1995. 224 p. AAT NQ 46303.
- Graham, Allan. A photo history of the Prince Edward Island railway. Alberton, P.E.I.: A. Graham, 2000. 250 p. ill.
- The Grahams of lots 20, 21 & 22: vol. 2 part 1 – descendants of John Graham Sr. and Mary Belinda Bernard. [P.E.I.]: [n.p.], 2000. unpaginated.
- Heartz, Frank Richard, and Ruth Heartz-MacKenzie. "The baron." The Island Magazine 48 (Fall-Winter 2000): 15-22. – re Richard Jacob Heartz.
- The Island Way of Life. SchoolNet Digital Collections program, Industry Canada. – includes over 400 photographs in the "Gallery" section.
- Jack Turner’s War. SchoolNet Digital Collections program, Industry Canada. – World War I photographs by P.E.I. photographer Jack Turner. Includes some photographs of O’Leary, Prince Edward Island.
- King, Ruth. The lexical basis of grammatical borrowing. A Prince Edward Island French case study. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 209). Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000. 260 p.
- Koughan, Eleanor, and Jim Koughan. Prince Edward Island: East River heritage project for Hillsborough River Association. [Donagh, P.E.I.]: authors, 2000. 13 p. ill.
- Leard, Waldron H., and Susan L.C. Leard. Burial sites of interesting people on Prince Edward Island: historic sites and monuments. 1996, 2000.
- Lewis, Grover C. "The strenuous winter passage to P.E. Island." The Island Magazine 48 (Fall-Winter 2000): 10-14. – text in English and French.
- The life and work of Milton Acorn: "the people’s poet," 1923-1986. SchoolNet Digital Collections program, Industry Canada.
- "The lonely diarist: Lucy Maud Montgomery [Canadians who inspired the world]." Maclean’s 113, 36 (4 Sept. 2000): 30.
- MacDonald, G. Edward. If you’re stronghearted: Prince Edward Island in the twentieth century. Charlottetown: Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation, 2000. 418 p. ill.
- MacDonald, Stewart. As I remember them – the neighbours of Little Sands. Hunter River, P.E.I.: TWiG Publications, 2000. 121 p. ill.
- MacKinnon, Darin. "Louise and Lorne: the Vice-regal visit of 1879." The Island Magazine 48 (Fall-Winter 2000): 3-9.
- Making history: a celebration of Prince Edward Island women of the 20th century. Charlottetown: Zonta Club of Charlottetown, 2000. 224 p. ill.
- Malpeque, people of a sacred bay. SchoolNet Digital Collections program, Industry Canada. – history and traditions of the Lennox Island First Nation.
- Malpeque and its people Volume II: 1700-1999. Compiled by the Malpeque Historical Society. [Malpeque, P.E.I.]: Malpeque Historical Society, 2000. 89 p. ill.
- McBride, Sheri. "Dress codes: the etiquette of dress in 19th century Charlottetown." The Island Magazine 48 (Fall-Winter 2000): 31-38.
- McQuaid, C.R. The building of the House. [Charlottetown]: author, 2000. 105 l. – history of the PEI Legislative Assembly and Council.
- _________. Early Island schools and schoolmasters. [Charlottetown]: author, 2000. 68 l.
- Millar, Bev. The life story of James Almore Cody and his descendants. [P.E.I.]: author, 2000. 166 p. ill.
- Perry, Felix. Red soil: a PEI soldier’s life at the front. Halifax: Nimbus, 2000. 89 p. ill.
- The potato, then & now, Prince Edward Island. SchoolNet Digital Collections program, Industry Canada, 1999.
- Rankin, Allan. "Transforming to a purpose and the fixing of an old house: the MacNaught History Centre and Archives in Summerside." P.E.I. Genealogical Society Newsletter 24, 4 (Nov. 2000, no. 95): 1, 10-11.
- Refrains et mélodies de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard = Acadian Folk Music of Prince Edward Island. (Collection Traditions acadiennes). Moncton: Centre d’études acadiennes. 2000. – music CD with selections from the field recordings of Georges Arsenault c. 1971-1990s, with traditional singers and musicians from West Prince, the Evangeline Region and Summerside; accompanied by 24 pages of illustrations and bilingual booklet.
- Robertson Library: the first twenty-five years. Edited by Cathy Callaghan. Charlottetown: University of Prince Edward Island, 2000. 12 p. ill.
- Rossiter, Juanita. Gone to the bay – a history of the St. Peters fire district area. St. Peters Bay, PEI: author, 2000. 364 p. ill.
- Sandilands, Catriona. "Ecological integrity and national narrative: cleaning up Canada’s National Parks." Canadian Woman Studies 20, 2 (Summer 2000):137-42. – includes Prince Edward Island National Park.
- Schmeisser, Barbara. Building a colonial outpost on Île St. Jean, Port La Joye, 1720-1758. [n.p.]: Parks Canada, Atlantic Service Centre, 2000. 154 p.
- Statutes of Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown: Prince Edward Island Legislative Counsel. – access through an alphabetical listing by title of statute or by keyword to the full-text of the statutes; site also gives access to issues of the Royal Gazette which contain information about changes to Statutes and Regulations, as well as reports mandated by Statute. (Electronic version is an unofficial one and intended for reference and informational purposes.)
- "Teachers Brooklyn School: taken from the Legislative Assembly, Annual Reports 1863-1942 and other sources." P.E.I. Genealogical Society Newsletter 24, 3 (Sept. 2000, no. 94): 34.
- The Tignish Virtual Museum. SchoolNet Digital Collections program, Industry Canada. – history of the community; genealogies of founding families.
- Walker, Frank. From a stretcher handle: the World War One poems and journal of Private Frank Walker. Edited by Mary F. Walker. Charlottetown: Institute of Island Studies, University of Prince Edward Island Press, 2000. 143 p. ill.
- Watson, Julie V. Ardgowan: a journal of house and garden in Victorian Prince Edward Island: cuisine, etiquette and social life as observed at the home of William H. Pope, Father of Confederation, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown: Seacroft, 2000. 128 p. ill.
- Welcome to the history & folklore of West Prince. P.E.I. SchoolNet Digital Collections program, Industry Canada.
- Wells, P.F. "The fiddle music of Prince Edward Island: Celtic and Acadian tunes in living tradition by Ken Perlman." Journal of American Folklore 113, 448 (Spring 2000): 227-229. – book review.
- Wolf, Doris Karen. Cultural politics and the English-Canadian small press movement: three case studies. Ph.D. thesis, University of Alberta, 1999. 129 p. AAT NQ 46946. – includes a study of "gynergy books" of Charlottetown.
- Wright, Wayne. "‘Never back down’: the Forbes Kennedy Jr. story." Island Sport Scene (Summer 2000): 2. – from the column "Heroes of Island Sport."
- Yarr, Kevin. "Shotgun wedding? Founders’ Hall in Charlottetown, designed to celebrate Confederation and to make a profit, is drawing much-needed funding away from respectable heritage development." Atlantic Progress 7, 8 (Oct. 2000): 227-230.