Corps de l’article
Volume 66–1
Symposium on Employment Relations and New Actors in Emerging Economies
Symposium sur les relations d’emploi et les nouveaux acteurs dans les économies émergentes
Introduction Guest Editors: Fang Lee Cooke and Geoffrey Wood |
3 |
New Actors in Employment Relations in the Periphery: Closing the Representation Gap amongst Micro and Small Enterprises Edward Webster and Christine Bischoff |
11 |
Decent Work and Poverty Reduction Strategies Steve Hughes and Nigel Haworth |
34 |
Community Unionism in Africa: The Case of Mozambique Pauline Dibben and Sara Nadin |
54 |
The Chinese Medical Doctor Association: A New Industrial Relations Actor in China’s Health Services? Xuebing Cao |
74 |
Nouvelles identités professionnelles des femmes et syndicalisme : une possible compatibilité ? Catherine Le Capitaine |
98 |
L’effet de l’habilitation sur la performance adaptative des employés Audrey Charbonnier-Voirin et Assâad El Akremi |
122 |
Volume 66–2
Puissance et pouvoir en négociation collective Pier-Luc Bilodeau |
171 |
Supportive Legislation, Unsupportive Employers and Collective Bargaining in New Zealand Barry Foster, Erling Rasmussen, John Murrie and Ian Laird |
192 |
Employee and Organizational Impacts of Flexitime Work Arrangements Derek Eldridge and Tahir M. Nisar |
213 |
Occupational Similarity and Spousal Support: A Study of the Importance of Gender and Spouse’s Occupation Jean E. Wallace and Alyssa Jovanovic |
235 |
Activité professionnelle et responsabilités familiales : les mères sont-elles encore perdantes dans leur qualité d’emploi ? Luc Cloutier, Paul Bernard et Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay |
256 |
Commitment or Even Compliance? An Australian University’s Approach to Equal Employment Opportunity Andrea North-Samardzic and Sarah Gregson |
279 |
Volume 66–3
Éditorial / Editorial / Editorial Esther Déom – Allen Ponak |
321 |
The Earnings Gap between Black and White Workers in Canada: Evidence from the 2006 Census Gervan Fearon and Steven Wald |
324 |
Attitudes towards Faculty Unions and Collective Bargaining in American and Canadian Universities Ivan Katchanovski, Stanley Rothman and Neil Nevitte |
349 |
Participación sindical de los trabajadores en Argentina: principales determinantes y tendencias Marcelo Delfini, Analía Erbes y Sonia Roitter |
374 |
How Precarious Employment Affects Health and Safety at Work: The Case of Temporary Agency Workers Elsa Underhill and Michael Quinlan |
397 |
Exploring the Career Pipeline: Gender Differences in Pre-Career Expectations Linda Schweitzer, Eddy Ng, Sean Lyons and Lisa Kuron |
422 |
Intergenerational and Intercultural Differences in Work Values in Quebec and the United Arab Emirates Thierry Wils, Tania Saba, Marie-France Waxin and Christiane Labelle |
445 |
Volume 66–4
Numéro thématique / Special issue
Les systèmes de représentation au travail : à la mesure des réalités contemporaines ? |
493 |
Employee Representation in the New World of Work: The Dynamics of Rights, Voice, Performance and Power Christian Brunelle, Annette Hayden et Gregor Murray, rédacteurs invités |
503 |
Labour, Liberalism, and the Democratic Party: A Vexed Alliance Nelson Lichtenstein |
512 |
L’évolution de la négociation collective et de ses acteurs dans six pays européens Christian Dufour et Adelheid Hege |
535 |
Rethinking Unionism in a Changing World of Work, Family and Community Life Barbara Pocock |
562 |
Organizing Women in the Spaces between Home, Work and Community Charlotte A.B.Yates |
585 |
New Forms to Settle Old Scores: Updating the Worker Centre Story in the United States Janice R. Fine |
604 |
La représentation collective des travailleurs précaires : évolution et défis contemporains Urwana Coiquaud |
631 |
Représentation collective et citoyenneté au travail en contexte de projet Marie-Josée Legault et Martine D’Amours |
654 |
Recensions / Book Reviews
Volume 66–1
Ethical Socialism and the Trade Unions: Allan Flanders and British Industrial Relations Reform By John Kelly Richard Hyman |
150 |
Working Life: Renewing Labour Process Analysis Edited by Paul Thompson and Chris Smith Bob Russell |
151 |
Unions, Equity, and the Path to Renewal Edited by Janice Foley and Patricia Baker Gerald Hunt |
154 |
Working Bodies: Interactive Service Employment and Workplace Identities By Linda McDowell Carol-Anne Gauthier |
156 |
Smiling Down the Line: Info-Service Work in the Global Economy Par Bob Russell Gilles Marcoux |
158 |
Questions sociales : analyses anglo-saxonnes – Socialement incorrect ? Par Julien Damon Hedva Sarfati |
160 |
Studies of Labor Market Intermediation Sous la direction de David H. Autor Jean-Michel Cousineau |
163 |
Human Resource Management: A Critical Approach Sous la direction de David G. Collings et Geoffrey Wood François Bernard Malo |
165 |
Volume 66–2
Healing Together : The Labor-Management Partnership at Kaiser Permanente Par Thomas A. Kochan, Adrienne E. Eaton, Robert B. McKersie et Paul S. Adler Paul-André Lapointe |
302 |
Power in Coalition: Strategies for Strong Unions and Social Change By Amanda Tattersall Janis Bailey |
305 |
Working for Justice: The L.A. Model of Organizing and Advocacy Edited by Ruth Milkman, Joshua Bloom and Victor Narro Roy Adams |
307 |
Les identités au travail : analyses et controverses Coordonné par Jean-Yves Causer, Jean-Pierre Durand et William Gasparini Martine D’Amours |
308 |
Êtes-vous qualifié pour servir ? Par Sylvie Monchatre Colette Bernier |
311 |
The State of Working America 2008/2009 By Jared Bernstein, Lawrence Mishel and Heidi Shierholz Anthony M. Gould |
312 |
Regulating Flexibility: The Political Economy of Employment Standards By Mark P. Thomas Travis William Fast |
314 |
Ce que sait la main : la culture de l’artisanat Par Richard Sennett Fernand Morin |
316 |
Volume 66–3
La signification du travail : nouveau modèle productif et ethos du travail au Québec Par Daniel Mercure et Mircea Vultur Philippe Barré |
470 |
Union Revitalisation in Advanced Economies: Assessing the Contribution of Union Organising Edited by Gregor Gall Stephanie Ross |
471 |
Travail et citoyenneté : quel avenir ? Sous la direction de Michel Coutu et Gregor Murray Marie-Josée Legault |
474 |
Employment Policy in the European Union: Origins, Themes and Prospects Edited by Michael Gold Jean-Claude Barbier |
478 |
Le droit de l’emploi au Québec, 4e édition Par Fernand Morin, Jean-Yves Brière, Dominic Roux et Jean-Pierre Villaggi Denis Nadeau |
480 |
The Employment Relationship : A Comparative Overview Sous la direction de Guiseppe Casale Pierre Verge |
482 |
Economics for Everyone: A Short Guide to the Economics of Capitalism By Jim Stanford Travis Fast |
485 |
From Servants to Workers: South African Domestic Workers and the Democratic State By Ally Shireen Andrew Sparks |
486 |
Volume 66–4
Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations Edited by David Lewin, Bruce Kaufman and Paul Gollan Mark Thompson |
678 |
Mondialisation et recomposition des relations professionnelles Sous la direction de François Aballéa et Arnaud Mias Marc-Antonin Hennebert |
680 |
Globalization, Labor, and the Transformation of Work: Readings for Seeking a Competitive Advantage in an Increasingly Global Economy Edited by Jonathan H. Westover Carol-Anne Gauthier |
684 |
Droit fédéral du travail Par Michel Coutu, Julie Bourgault et Annick Desjardins, avec la collaboration de Guy Dufort et de Annie Pelletier Pierre Verge |
686 |
Union Contributions to Labor Welfare Policy and Practice Edited by Paul A. Kurzman and R. Paul Maiden Geoffrey Wood |
688 |
Les jeunesses au travail : regards croisés France-Québec Sous la direction de Christian Papinot et Mircea Vultur Jonas Masdonati |
690 |
Changes in Japanese Employment Practices: Beyond the Japanese Model By Arjan Keizer Peter Matanle |
692 |
Insidious Workplace Behavior Sous la direction de Jerald Greenberg François Courcy |
694 |