Corps de l’article

Relations du travail / Labour Relations

Numéro thématique. Les stratégies syndicales face aux systèmes mondiaux de production, Journal international de recherche syndicale, 1 (1), 2009, 5–108.

Numéro thématique. Les stratégies mondiales de gestion de capital et réponses des syndicats : Négociation collective et coopération syndicale internationale, Journal international de recherche syndicale, 1 (2), 2009, 11–243.

Statutory Union Recognition Provisions as Stimulants to Employer Anti-Unionsm in Three Anglo-Saxon Countries, Gregor Gall, Economic and industrial democracy, 31 (1), February 2010, 7–33.

Strategies for Union Renewal in the Context of Public Sector Outsourcing, Ian Cunningham and Philip James, Economic and industrial democracy, 31 (1), February 2010, 34–61.

The Lived Experience of Isolation for Vulnerable Workers Facing Workplace Grievances in 21st-Century Britain, Anna Pollert, Economic and industrial democracy, 31 (1), February 2010, 62–92.

Occurrence Mechanism and Resolution Process of Labor Disputes: Cases of Community Unions (Kyushu Area), Oh Hak-Soo, Japan Labor Review, 7 (1), Winter 2010, 83–101.

Reframing the Representation Debate: Going Beyond Union and Non-Union Options, Mordehai Mironi, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63 (3), April 2010, 367–383.

What’s the Point of Industrial Relations? BUIRA, Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, 25/26 Spring/Autumn 2008, 1–18.

British Syndicalism and Trade-Union Officialdom, Ralph Darlington, Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, 25/26 Spring/Autumn 2008, 103–140.

“A Silent Revolution” The Role of Union Trustees in Occupational Pension Funds in the UK: Lessons from the 1970s and 1980s, Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, 25/26 Spring/Autumn 2008, 141–176.

When Do U.S. Workers First Experience Unionization? Implications for Revitalizing the Labor Movement, John W. Budd, Industrial Relations, 49 (2), April 2010, 209–225.

Never Say Never? Uncovering the Never-Unionized in the United States, Jonathan E. Booth, John W. Budd an Kristen M. Munday, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 48 (1), March 2010, 26-52.

No Panacea for Success: Member Activism, Organizing and Union Renewal, Robert Hickey, Sarosh Kuruvilla and Tashlin Lakhani, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 48 (1), March 2010, 53-83.

Inequality and Union Membership: The Influence of Relative Earnings and Inequality Attitudes, Daniele Checchi, Jell Visser and Herman G. van de Werflhorst, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 48 (1), March 2010, 84-108.

Employee Representation and Consultative Voice in Multinational Companies Operating in Britain, Paul Marginson, Paul Edwards, Tony Edwards, Anthony Ferner and Olga Tregaskis, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 48 (1), March 2010, 151-180.

Organisations syndicales et patronales / Union and Employer Organizations

Contemporary Party-Union Relations in Canada, Larry Savage, Labor Studies Journal, 35 (1), March 2010, 8–26.

Changing Union-Party Relations in Canada: The Rise of the Working Families Coalition, Bradley Walchuk, Labor Studies Journal, 35 (1), March 2010, 27–50.

Political Activism as Part of a Broader Civic Engagement: The Case of SEIU Florida Healthcare Union, Bruce Nissen, Labor Studies Journal, 35 (1), March 2010, 51–72.

Droit du travail / Labour Law

Union Access to Workers during Organizing Campaigns: A New Look through the Lens of B.C. Health Services, David J. Doorey, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 15 (1), 2009–2010, 4–48.

The Institutional Specificity of Quebec in the Context of Globalization, Jacques Bélanger & Gilles Trudeau, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 15 (1), 2009–2010, 49–76.

Proceed With Caution, or Stop Wherever Possible? Ongoing Paradoxes in Legalized Labour Politics, Timothy J. Bartkiw, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 15 (1), 2009–2010, 77–100.

Why Are Canadian Judges Drafting Labour Codes – And Constitutionalizing the Wagner Act Model?, Brian Langille, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 15 (1), 2009–2010, 101–128.

The Spanish Law on Dependent Self-Employed Workers: A New Evolution in Labor Law, Esther Sanchez Torres, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 31 (2), Winter 2010, 231–248.

Des 30 ans d’ultralibéralisme aux suicides du travail, Henri Vacquin, Droit social, 3, Mars 2010, 255–257.

La prise en compte du suicide au titre des risques professionnels : regards croisés sur la jurisprudence judiciaire et administrative, Benjamin Joly, Droit social, 3, Mars 2010, 258–266.

Actualité des TIC, Jean-Emmanuel Ray, Droit social, 3, Mars 2010, 267–279

La négociation collective du temps de travail en France depuis 1982, Annette Jobert, Droit Social, 4, Avril 2010, 367–373.

German Law on Dependent Self-Employment Workers: A Comparison to the Current Situation Under Spanish Law, Stefanie Sorge, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 31 (2), Winter 2010, 249–252.

A Canadian Perspective on the Scope of Employment Standards, Labor Rights, and Social Protection: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Judy Fudge, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 31 (2), Winter 2010, 253–266.

The Fair work Act 2009 (Cth) and the Right to Strike, Shae McCrystal, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 23 (1), December 2009, 3–38.

The Transfer of Business Provisions of the Fair Work Act in National and International Context, Breen Creighton and Elizabeth Shi, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 23 (1), December 2009, 39–59.

Democratic Deliberation of Labour Law: A Preliminary Inquiry into the Making of the Fair Work Act, Joo-Cheong Tham, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 22 (3), December 2009, 232–257.

Unfinished Constitutional Business: Building a National System to Regulate Work, Rosemary Owens, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 22 (3) December 2009, 258–283.

Fair Work and the Re-regulation of Collective Bargaining, Rae Cooper and Bradon Ellem, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 22 (3), December 2009, 284–305.

Gestion des ressources humaines et des organisations / Human Resources Management and Organizations

Comment gérer des personnes pathologiquement réfractaires à l’autorité ? Gérard Ouimet, Gestion, 35 (1), Printemps 2010, 18–30.

The next available agent: work organisation in Indian call centres, Mohan Thite and Bob Russell, New Technology, Work and Employment, 25 (1), March 2010, 2–18.

Seeing the full picture? Technologically enabled multi-agency working in health and social care, Susan Baines, Rob Wilson and Sarah Walsh, New Technology, Work and Employment, 25 (1), 19–33.

IT self-employed workers between constraint and flexibility, Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay and Emilie Genin, New Technology, Work and Employment, 25 (1), 34–48.

Sociologie du travail / Sociology of Work

Justice organisationnelle, confiance et comportements de citoyenneté : test d’un modèle multi-sources multi-cibles de l’échange social au travail, Mohamed Ikram Nasr, Assâad El Akremi, Christian Vandenberghe, Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 74, Octobre-Novembre-Décembre 2009, 3–23.

La légitimité intra-organisationnelle des pratiques de gestion. Le cas de l’introduction de la rémunération au mérite dans les organisations de service public, Marie-Laure Buisson, Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 74, Octobre-Novembre-Décembre 2009, 63–84.

La validation des acquis de l’expérience est-elle un moyen de reconnaissance du travail ? Marie-Christine Bureau et Carole Tuschszirer, Sociologie du travail, 52 (1), Janvier-Mars 2010, 55–70.

Numéro spécial. Colloque de Cerisy : “Penser la négociation aujourd’hui”, Sophie Allain, Négociations, 2, 2009, 11–290.

Économique du travail, main-d’oeuvre, sécurité sociale / Labour Economics, Employment and Social Security

Current Situation and Future Direction of Employee Benefits, Koji Nishikubo, Japan Labor Review, 7 (1), Winter 2010, 4–27.

Current Situation and Issues of Retirement Benefit (Corporate Pension) in Japan, Shigeto Kashiwazaki, Hiroharu Fukazawa, Japan Labor Review, 7 (1), Winter 2010, 66–82.

The Effect of Legislated Minimum Wage Increases on Employment and Hours: A Dynamic Analysis, Dale L. Belman and Paul Wolfson, Labour, 24 (1), March 2010, 1–25.

Welfare Effects of Local versus Central Wage Bargaining, Marcus Dittrich, Labour, 24 (1), March 2010, 26–34.

Is Part-time Employment Here to Stay? Working Hours of Dutch Women over Successive Generations, Nicole Bosch, Anja Deelen and Rob Euwals, Labour, 24 (1), March 2010, 35–54.

Is There a Motherhood Wage Penalty in the Finnish Private Sector?, Sami Napari, Labour, 24 (1), March 2010, 55–73.

Effect of a Family Policy Reform on Immigrants’ Labour Supply and Earnings, Ghazala Naz, Labour, 24 (1), March 2010, 74–92.

Informal Caregiving and Women’s Work Choices: Lessons from the Netherlands, Flavia Coda Moscarola, Labour, 24 (1), March 2010, 93–105.

Institutional Economics and the Minimum Wage: Broadening the Theoretical and Policy Debate, Bruce E. Kaufman, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63 (3), April 2010, 427–453.

Growth of Participant Direction in Defined Contribution Plans, William E. Even and David A. Macpherson, Industrial Relations, 49 (2), April 2010, 190–208.

Special Issue: Coordination of taxation policies within the EU – impact on employment and incomes. Transfer, 16 (1), Spring 2010, 1–127.

Numéro spécial : Flexicurité, sécurisation des parcours professionnels et protection sociale.La Revue de l’Ires, 63 (4), 2009, 5–192.

Numéro spécial : Travail à bas salaire en Europe et aux États-Unis. Revue internationale du Travail, 148 (4), Décembre 2009, 361–507. Introduction, P. Osterman; Le travail faiblement rémunéré dans cinq pays européens et aux États-Unis, G. Bosch; Entre marché et flexicurité : le personnel d’entretien dans les hôtels au Danemark, T. Eriksson et J. Li; L’industrie agro-alimentaire française : salaires relatifs élevés et forte intensité du travail, E. Caroll, J. Gautié et A. Lamanthe; Qualité des emplois dans les centres d’appels en Allemagne, C. Weinkopf; L’emploi dans le commerce de détail aux Pays-Bas : bas salaires et modération salariale, M. Van Klaveren, W. Salverda et K. Tijdens; Le rôle des institutions sur le travail à bas salaire : l’exemple du secteur hospitalier au Royaume-Uni, D. Grimshaw.

Unequal Japan: Conservative Corporatism and Labour Market Disparities, Ji-Whan Yun, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 48 (1), March 2010, 1–25.

Immigration, Ethnic Wage Differentials and Output Pay in Canada, Tony Fang and John S. Heywood, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 48 (1), March 2010, 109–130.

Équité au travail / Equity at Work

Changing Levels or Changing Slopes? The Narrowing of the U.S. Gender Earnings Gap, 1959–1999, Catherine J. Weinberger and Peter J, Kuhn, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63 (3), April 2010, 384–406.

Controverse autour du thème : Spéculations sur les performances économiques des femmes, Travail, genre et sociétés, 23, Avril 2010, 167–267. Femmes aux commandes, entreprises performantes ? Sophie Landrieux-Kartochian; Les femmes influencent-elles la performance des entreprises ? Michel Ferrary; Genre, prise de décision et performance, Chester S. Spell et Katerina Bezrukova; Le sexe et la bourse, Danièle Meulders; Psychologie évolutionniste, mixité et sexisme bienveillant, Irène Jonas.

Études comparatives et mondialisation / Comparative Studies and Globalization

Numéro spécial : Travail à bas salaire en Europe et aux États-Unis. Revue internationale du Travail, 148 (4), Décembre 2009, 361–507. Introduction, P. Osterman; Le travail faiblement rémunéré dans cinq pays européens et aux États-Unis, G. Bosch; Entre marché et flexicurité : le personnel d’entretien dans les hôtels au Danemark, T. Eriksson et J. Li; L’industrie agro-alimentaire française : salaires relatifs élevés et forte intensité du travail, E. Caroll, J. Gautié et A. Lamanthe; Qualité des emplois dans les centres d’appels en Allemagne, C. Weinkopf; L’emploi dans le commerce de détail aux Pays-Bas : bas salaires et modération salariale, M. Van Klaveren, W. Salverda et K. Tijdens; Le rôle des institutions sur le travail à bas salaire : l’exemple du secteur hospitalier au Royaume-Uni, D. Grimshaw.

Determinants of job insecurity in five European countries, Rafael Munoz de Bustillo and Pablo de Pedraza, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 16 (1), March 2010, 5–20.

Employee participation and involvement: Experiences of aerospace and automobile workers in the UK and Italy, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 16 (1), March 2010, 21–38.

What explains high unemployment among low-skilled workers? Evidence from 21 OECD countries, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 16 (1), March 2010, 39–56.

Numéro thématique. Les stratégies syndicales face aux systèmes mondiaux de production, Journal international de recherche syndicale, 1 (1), 2009, 5–108.

Numéro thématique. Les stratégies mondiales de gestion de capital et réponses des syndicats : Négociation collective et coopération syndicale internationale, Journal international de recherche syndicale, 1 (2), 2009, 11–243.

Généralités / General

Special Issue: Symposium: “Labour, Capital and Change: Selected Papers from AIRAANZ 2009”, Journal of Industrial Relations, 52 (1) February 2010, 5–118. Symposium Introduction: “Labour, Capital and Change: Selected Papers from AIRAANZ 2009”, John Lever and Shaun Ryan; Framing Globalization and Work: A Research Agenda, Gregor Murray; Contemporary Developments in Australian Trade Practices and their Implications for Industrial Relations, Michael T. Schaper and John Lever; Daggy Shirts, Daggy Slogans? Marketing Unions to Young People, Janis Bailey, Robin Price, Lin Esders and Paula McDonald; “Anomalies”, Damned “Anomalies” and Statistics: Construction Industry Productivity in Australia, Cameron Allan, Andrew Dungan and David Peetz; A Typology of Employee Explanations of Misbehaviour: An Analysis of Unfair Dismissal Cases, Kym Southey; Has the Strategic Role and Professional Status of Human Resource Management Peaked in New Zealand?, Erling Rasmussen, Torben Andersen and Nigel Haworth.

Numéro spécial. Colloque de Cerisy : “Penser la négociation aujourd’hui”, Sophie Allain, Négociations, 2, 2009, 11–290.

Special Issue: Employment Relations in India. Industrial Relations, 41 (2), March 2010, 104–187. Introduction: employment relations in India – old narratives and new perspectives, Debashish Bhattacherjee and Peter Ackers; The employment effects of labour legislation in India: a critical essay, Errol D’Souza; Globalisation and outsourcing: confronting new human resource challenge in India’s business process outsourcing industry, Sarosh Kuruvilla and Aruna Ranganathan; Examining resistance, accommodation and the pursuit of aspiration in the Indian IT-BPO space: reflections on two case studies, M. N. Ravishankar, Laurie Cohen and Amal El-Sawad; Trade unions in a constrained environment: workers’ voices from a New Industrial Zone in India, Anita Hammer.