Corps de l’article

Relations du travail / Labour Relations

Collective Bargaining, Macroeconomic Performance and the Sectoral Composition of Trade Unions, Franz Traxler and Bernd Brandl, Industrial Relations, 49 (1), January 2010, 91–115.

An Analysis of Workplace Representatives, Union Power and Democracy in Australia, David Peetz and Barbara Pocock, BJIR, 47 (4), December 2009, 623–652.

Workplace Democracy and the Global Financial Crisis, Russell D. Lansbury, Journal of Industrial Relations, 51 (5), November 2009, 599–616.

The (Continuing) Importance of Industry Studies in Industrial Relations, Mark Bray and Peter Waring, Journal of Industrial Relations, 51 (5), November 2009, 617–634.

The Revitalization of Trade Unions and the Re-emergence of Industrial Conflict in Argentina: The Case of the Oil Industry, Cecilia Senéen Gonzalez and Barbara Medwid, Journal of Industrial Relations, 51 (5), November 2009, 709–722.

Free movement, equal treatment and workers’ rights: can the European Union solve its trilemma of fundamental principles?, Jon Erick Dolvik and Jelle Visser, Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (6), November 2009, 491–509.

The train drivers’ strike in Germany 2007–2008: warnings for the future of the German trade union movement?, Jürgen Hoffmann and Rudi Schmidt, Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (6), November 2009, 524–533.

Recast directive on European works councils: cosmetics surgery or substantial progress?, Romuald Jagodzinski, Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (6), November 2009, 534–545.

The frontiers within: why employee representatives fail to set up European works councils, Michael Whittall, Stefan Lücking and Rainer Trinczek, Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (6), November 2009, 546–562.

Family Businesses and Trade Unions in Norway, Trygve Gulbrandsen, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 30 (4), November 2009, 592–613.

Between trust and control: company-level bargaining on flexible working hours in the Danish and German metal industries, Anna Ilsoe, Industrial Relations Journal, 41 (1), January 2010, 34–51.

Union absorptions in times of restructuring: the importance of attitude towards merger in predicting post-merger attachment levels, Stephan Baraldi, Magnus Sverke and Gary Chaison, Industrial Relations Journal, 41 (1), January 2010, 52–73.

Understanding organising activity among US national unions, Jack Fiorito and Paul Jarley,Industrial Relations Journal, 41 (1), January 2010, 74–92.

Parcours du syndicalisme dans la mondialisation, Stéphane Le Queux, Organisations & Territoires, 18 (3), Automne 2009, 55–68.

Project Labor Agreements’ Effect on School Construction Costs in Massachusetts, Dale Belman, Russel Ormiston, Richard Kelso, William Schriver and Kenneth A. Frank, Industrial Relations, 49 (1), January 2010, 44–60.

Avoiding Labor Shortages by Employers Signaling: On the Importance of Good Work Climate and Labor Relations, Ushci Backes-Gellner and Simone Turo, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63 (2), January 2010, 271–286.

Special Issue : Institutional Change and Labour Market Segmentation in European Call Centres, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 15 (4), December 2009, 347–456. Editorial, Richard Hyman; Introduction: Institutional Change and Labour Market Segmentation in European Call Centres, Virginia Doellgast, Rosemary Batt and Ole H. Sorensen; Institutional Change and the Restructuring of Service Work in the French and German Telecommunications Industries, Virginia Doellgast, Hiroatsu Nohara and Robert Tchobanian; Pay and Working Conditions in Finance and Utility Call Centres in Denmark and Germany, Ole Henning Sorensen and Claudia Weinkopf; Industrial Relations and Labour Market Segmentation in Dutch Call Centres, Danielle van Jaarsveld, Andries de Grip and Inge Sieben; Collective Bargaining and Temporary Contracts in Call Centre Employment in Austria, Germany and Spain, Karen A. Shire, Annika Schönauer, Mireia Valverde and Hannelore Mottweiler.

Organisations syndicales et patronales / Union and Employer Organizations

Union Responses to Restructuring and the Growth of Contingent Labour in the Irish Telecommunications Sector, Robert MacKenzie, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 30 (4), November 2009, 539–563.

The Direction of Union Mergers in the United States: The Rise of Conglomerate Unionism, Kim Moody, BJIR, 47 (4), December 2009, 676–700.

Union Organizing as a Mobilizing Strategy: The Impact of Social Identity and Transformational Leadership on the Collectivism of Union Members, Christina Cregan, Timothy Bartram and Pauline Stanton, BJIR, 47 (4), December 2009, 701–722.

What Helps Organizing Work? The Indications and the Facilitators of Organizing, Rosaria Burchielli and Timothy Bartram, Journal of Industrial Relations, 51 (5), November 2009, 687–708.

The end of the Ghent system as trade union recruitment machinery? Jens Lind, Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (6), November 2009, 510–523.

Union Members’ Usage of IT, Marick F. Masters, Ray Gibney, Thomas J. Zagenczyk and Iryna Shechuk, Industrial Relations, 49 (1), January 2010, 83–90.

Special Issue: Community and Unions: An Australian and British Perspective. Labor Studies Journal, 34 (4), December 2009, 437–542. Community and Unions, Donna M. Buttigieg, Sandra Cockfield, Marjorie Jerrard and Al Rainnie; Subcontracted Employment and Its Challenge to Labor, Jane Wills; Community Unionism and Union Renewal: Building Linkages between Unions and Community in Victoria, Australia, Sandra Cockfield, Al Rainnie, Donna Buttigieg and Marjorie Jerrard; A Little Help from Our Friends: Exploring and Understanding when Labor-Community Coalitions are Likely to Form, Amanda Tattersall; The Relevance of Community Unionism: The Case of the Durham Miners Association, David Wray; The Crisis of “Social Democratic” Unionism: The “Opening up” of Civil Society and the Prospects for Union Renewal in the United Kingdom, France and Germany, Martin Upchurch, Graham Taylor and Andy Mathers.

Droit du travail / Labour Law

Numéro spécial : Vie professionnelle et vie personnelle. Droit Social, 1, Janvier 2010, 3–79. D’un droit des travailleurs aux droits de la personne au travail, Jean-Emmanuel Ray; Vie professionnelle et vie personnelle, Jean-Denis Combrexelle; Vie privée, vie professionnelle et vie personnelle, Philippe Waquet; Vie professionnelle, vie personnelle et vie syndicale, Paul-Henri Antonmattei; Temps et lieux de vie personnelle, temps et lieux de vie professionnelle, Françoise Favennec-Héry et Françoise Schoenberger; Amour et travail : retour sur un drôle de ménage, Christophe Radé; La vie personnelle au travail: dernières évolutions jurisprudentielles, Évelyne Collomp; Vie professionnelle, vie personnelle et TIC, Jean-Emmanuel Ray et Jean-Paul Bouchet; La maladie du salarié au prisme de la distinction de la vie personnelle et de la vie professionnelle, Sylvie Bourgeot et Pierre-Yves Verkindt; La religion dans l’entreprise, François Gaudu; Travail et religion : une cohabitation sous tension, Jean-Christophe Sciberras; En conclusion… Vie professionnelle et vie personnelle, ou les manifestations d’un nouveau droit du travail, Gilles Trudeau.

Réflexions sur le droit disciplinaire en général et sur la faute grave en particulier, Philippe Waquet, Droit Social, 12, Décembre 2009, 1177–1181.

Special Issue: Migrant Workers. Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 31 (1), Fall 2009, 1–206. Introduction, Mark Thompson; Canada: The Temporary Foreign Worker Program in Canada: Low-Skilled Workers as an Extern Form of Flexible Labor, Judy Fudge and Fiona MacPhail; Germany: Migrant Workers in Germany, Christoph Gyo; New Zealand: Migrant Labor in New Zealand, Paul Roth; United Kingdom: Migrant Workers and the United Kingdom Labor Market: Some Trends and Implications of Twenty-First Century International Labor Migration Flows, Alan C. Neal; United States: U.S. Migrant Worker Law: The Interstices of Immigration Law and Labor and Employment Law, Kati L. Griffith; Baby Steps? Toward the Regulation of Temporary Help Agency Employment in Canada, Timothy J. Bartkiw.

Gestion des ressources humaines et des organisations / Human Resources Management and Organizations

The Influence of Human Resources Management Practices on Employee Voluntary Turnover Rates in the Canadian Non Governmental Sector, Victor Y. Haines III, Patrice Jalette and Karine Larose, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63 (2), January 2010, 228–246.

Pratiques de gestion des ressources humaines et engagement envers l’organisation, Bruno Fabi, Richard Lacoursière, Martin Morin et Louis Raymond, Gestion, 34 (4), Hiver 2010, 21–29.

The Impact of Cross-Border Mergers on the Co-Decision-Making Process: The Case of a Danish Company, Robson S. Rocha, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 30 (4), November 2009, 484–509.

The Role of Trust in Secure and Insecure Employment Situations: A Multiple-Group Analysis, Jeroen de Jong, René Schalk and Marcel Croon, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 30 (4), November 2009, 510–538.

Organizations’ Use of Temporary Employment and a Climate of Job Insecurity among Belgian and Spanish Permanent Workers, Nele de Cuyper, Beatriz Sora, Hans de Witte, Amparo Caballer and José Maria Peiro, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 30 (4), November 2009, 564–591.

Management development in China: a policy analysis, Greg G. Wang, William J. Rothwell and Judy Y. Sun, International Journal of Training and Development, 13 (4), December 2009, 205–220.

Special Issue: Human Resource Management of Atypical Employment, Japan Labor Review, 6 (4), Autumn 2009, 1–134. The Effects of Training Policy for Non-Regular Employees and Human Resource Management Practices, Kenn Ariga, Ryo Kambayashi, Yoshihide Sano; Temporary Agency Workers’ Human Resource Management and Willingness to Work, Tomoyuki Shimanuki; Career Formation and Utilization of Temporary Agency Workers, Naomi Shimizu; Impact of the Using Non-Regular Employees on On-the-Job Training: From Both Viewpoints of Companies and Workers, Hiroki Yasuda; Perceptions of Pay and Work by Standard and Non-Standard Workers, Yoshio Okunishi.

How Does Employee Involvement Stack Up? The Effects of Human Resource Management Policies on Performance in a Retail Firm, Derek C. Jones, Panu Kalmi, and Antti Kauhanen, Industrial Relations, 49 (1), January 2010, 1–21.

Pensions as Psychological Contracts: Implications for Work Outcomes, Andrew A. Luchak and Dionne M. Pohler, Industrial Relations, 49 (1), January 2010, 61–82.

Sociologie du travail / Sociology of Work

Worker Control as a Facilitator in the Match between Education and Jobs, Johanna Weststar, BJIR, 47 (4), December 2009, 723–740.

Contrasting Management and Employment-Relations Strategies in European Airlines, Greg J. Bamber, Jody Hoffer Gittell, Thomas A. Kochan and Andrew von Nordenflycht, Journal of Industrial Relations, 51 (5), November 2009, 635–652.

Work models in the Central Eastern European car industry: towards the high road?, Ulrich Jürgens and Martin Krywdzinski, Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (6), November 2009, 471–490.

The mobile phone, perpetual contact and time pressure, Michael Bittman, Judith E. Brown and Judy Wajcman, Work, Employment and Society, 23 (4), December 2009, 673–692.

Meanings and dilemmas in community unionsm: trade union community initiatives and black and minority ethnic groups in the UK, Miguel Martinez Lucio and Robert Perrett, Work, Employment and Society, 23 (4), December 2009, 693–710.

Regulatory enforcement of labour standards in an outsourcing globalized industry: the case of the shipping industry, Michael Bloor and Helen Sampson, Work, Employment and Society, 23 (4), December 2009, 711–726.

Redundancy as a critical life event: moving on from the Welsh steel industry throught career change, Jean Gardiner, Mark Stuart, Robert Mackenzie, Chris Forde, Ian Greenwood and Robert Perrett, Work, Employment and Society, 23 (4), December 2009, 727–746.

Workplace incivilities: the role of interest conflicts, social closures and organizational chaos, Vincent J. Roscigno, Randy Hodson and Steven H. Lopez, Work, Employment and Society, 23 (4), December 2009, 747–776.

Économique du travail, main-d’oeuvre, sécurité sociale / Labour Economics, Employment and Social Security

Labour Migration from East to West in the Context of European Union Integration, Rossitsa Rangelova, South East Europe Review, 12 (1), 2009, 33–56.

Built on Shifting Sands: Changes in Employers’ Use of Contingent Labour in the UK Construction Sector, Chris Forde, Robert MacKenzie and Andrew Robinson, Journal of Industrial Relations, 51 (5), November 2009, 653–668.

Are More Competent Workers More Satisfied? Andries de Grip, Inge Sieben and Fred Stevens, Labour, 23 (4), December 2009, 589–608.

Inter-temporal and Inter-industry Effects of Population Ageing: A General Equilibrium Assessment for Canada, Nabil Annabi, Maxime Fougère and Simon Harvey, Labour, 23 (4), December 2009, 609–652.

Special Issue: Migrant Workers. Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 31 (1), Fall 2009, 1–206. Introduction, Mark Thompson; Canada: The Temporary Foreign Worker Program in Canada: Low-Skilled Workers as an Extern Form of Flexible Labor, Judy Fudge and Fiona MacPhail; Germany: Migrant Workers in Germany, Christoph Gyo; New Zealand: Migrant Labor in New Zealand, Paul Roth; United Kingdom: Migrant Workers and the United Kingdom Labor Market: Some Trends and Implications of Twenty-First Century International Labor Migration Flows, Alan C. Neal; United States: U.S. Migrant Worker Law: The Interstices of Immigration Law and Labor and Employment Law, Kati L. Griffith; Baby Steps? Toward the Regulation of Temporary Help Agency Employment in Canada, Timothy J. Bartkiw.

Numéro spécial : Bilan de l’expérience néolibérale en Amérique latine, Revue internationale du Travail, 148 (3), Septembre 2009, 229–359. Politiques sociales et politiques du travail d’inspiration néolibérale : les leçons de l’expérience latino-américaine, Lydia Fraile; De la protection sociale à la vulnérabilité : réformes néolibérales en Argentine, Marta Novick, Miguel Lengyel et Marianela Sarabia; Bolivie : entre changement et inertie. Emploi et protection sociale ces vingt dernières années, Fernanda Wanderley; Brésil : les leçons de la flexibilisation des années quatre-vingt-dix, Marcio Pochmann; Chili : amorce d’un changement de modèle social, Manuel Riesco; Mexique : persistance d’un système porteur d’exclusion, Maria Cristina Bayon; Une pratique hybride des réformes : politiques sociales et politiques du travail en Uruguay de 1985 à 2008, Pablo Alegre et Fernando Filgueira.

The Long-Term Effects of Unemployment Insurance: Evidence from New Brunswick and Maine, 1940–1991, Chris Riddell and Peter J. Kuhn, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63 (2), January 2010, 183–204.

How’s the Job? Well Being and Social Capital in the Workplace, John F. Helliwell and Haifang Huang, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63 (2), January 2010, 205–227.

German Works Councils and the Anatomy of Wages, John T. Addison, Paulino Teixeira and Thomas Zwick, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63 (2), January 2010, 247–270.

Does Outsourcing Reduce Wages in the Low-Wage Service Occupations? Evidence from Janitors and Guards, Arindrajit Dube and Ethan Kaplan, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63 (2), January 2010, 287–306.

Équité au travail / Equity at Work

Equal Opportunities, Segregation and Gender-Based Wage Differences: The Case of a Swedish University, Lena Gonäs and Ann Bergman, Journal of Industrial Relations, 51 (5), November 2009, 669–686.

Free movement, equal treatment and workers’ rights: can the European Union solve its trilemma of fundamental principles?, Jon Erick Dolvik and Jelle Visser, Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (6), November 2009, 491–509.

From Invisibility to Equality? Women Workers and the Gendering of Worker’s Compensation in Ontario, 1900–2005, Labour/Le Travail, 64, Fall 2009, 75–106.

Études comparatives et mondialisation / Comparative Studies and Globalization

Strategies to Promote Workplace Innovation: A Comparative Analysis of Nine National and Regional Approaches, Tuomo Alasoini, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 30 (4), November 2009, 614–642.

Dominance Effects from Local Competitors: Setting Institutional Parameters for Employment Relations in Multinational Subsidiaries. A Case from the Spanish Supermarket Sector, Tony Royle and Luis Ortiz, BJIR, 47 (4), December 2009, 653–675.

The Political Economy of Occupational Family Policies: Comparing Workplaces in Britain and Germany, Martin Seeleib-Kaiser and Timo Fleckenstein, BJIR, 47 (4), December 2009, 741–764.

Special Issue: Institutional Change and Labour Market Segmentation in European Call Centres. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 15 (4), December 2009, 347–456. Editorial, Richard Hyman; Introduction: Institutional Change and Labour Market Segmentation in European Call Centres, Virginia Doellgast, Rosemary Batt and Ole H. Sorensen; Institutional Change and the Restructuring of Service Work in the French and German Telecommunications Industries, Virginia Doellgast, Hiroatsu Nohara and Robert Tchobanian; Pay and Working Conditions in Finance and Utility Call Centres in Denmark and Germany, Ole Henning Sorensen and Claudia Weinkopf; Industrial Relations and Labour Market Segmentation in Dutch Call Centres, Danielle va Jaarsveld, Andries de Grip and Inge Sieben; Collective Bargaining and Temporary Contracts in Call Centre Employment in Austria, Germany and Spain, Karen A. Shire, Annika Schönauer, Mireia Valverde and Hannelore Mottweiler.

Généralités / General

Numéro special : Les acteurs sociaux face à la crise, Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, 121, novembre 2009, 3–160. Éditorial : Les acteurs sociaux face à la crise, Adelheid Hege; La fragile résistance des modèles nationaux à la crise, Gilles Raveaud; Le choc de la crise, le poids du chômage, Michel Husson; La concertation au sommet toujours d’actualité face à la crise ? Théorie du néocorporatisme et analyse comparée des relations professionnelles en Europe, Udo Rehfeldt; États-Unis : À crise sans précédent, mesures sans précédent mais business as usual, Catherine Sauviat; Allemagne : Une récession profonde, plus clémente pour les noyaux qualifiés, Adelheid Hege; Autriche : La crise, rappel et mise à l’épreuve du partenariat social, Christian Dufour; Royaume-Uni : Le modèle britannique dans tous ses états, Florence Lefresne; Irlande : Le “Tigre celtique” à bout de souffle, le partenariat social en panne, Noélie Delahaie; Espagne : Le modèle de dialogue social espagnol fragilisé par la crise, Catherine Vincent; Portugal : Une improbable gestion concertée dans la crise, Jean-Marie Pernot; Danemark : Les conséquences de la récession économique, Carsten Jorgensen; Suède : Pas de consensus face à la crise, Annie Jolivet, Timothée Mantz, Pologne : Le dialogue social à l’épreuve de la crise économique, Stéphane Portet.