Corps de l’article
Relations du travail / Labour Relations
Symposium : Kaiser Permanente Labor Management Partnership, Industrial Relations, 47 (1), 2008, 1-96. Introduction to a Symposium on the Kaiser Permanente Labor Management Partnership, Thomas A. Kochan; Balancing Acts: Dynamics of a Union Coalition in a Labor Management Partnership, Adrienne E. Eaton, Saul A. Rubinstein and Thomas A. Kochan; The Potential and Precariousness of Partnership: The Case of the Kaiser Permanente Labor Management Partnership, Thomas A. Kochan, Paul S. Adler, Robert B. McKersie, Adrienne E. Eaton, Phyllis Segal and Paul Gerhart; Bargaining Theory Meets Interest-Based Negotiations: A Case Study, Robert B. McKersie, Teresa Sharpe, Thomas A. Kochan, Adrienne E. Eaton, George Strauss and Marty Morgenstern.
The Conditions Promoting Compromise in the Workplace, Jacques Bélanger and Paul Edwards, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 45 (4), 2007, 713-734.
Involving European Works Councils in Transnational Negotiations: A Positive Functional Advance in their Operation or Trespassing?, Romuald Jagodzinski, Industrielle Beziehungen, 14 (4), 2007, 316-333.
Towards the Europeanization of Trade Unions in Post-Communist Romania, Ninucia-Maria Pilat, South East Europe Review, 10 (2), 2007, 95-108.
No Passage to India? Initial Responses of UK Trade Unions to Call Centre Offshoring, Peter Bain and Phil Taylor, Industrial Relations Journal, 39 (1), 2008, 5-23.
Constraints on Union Organising in the United Kingdom, Edmund Heery and Melanie Simms, Industrial Relations Journal, 39 (1), 2008, 24-42.
An Individual-Level Study fo Contract Ratification Support, James E. Martin, Industrial Relations, 47 (1), 2008, 102-107.
Unions and Wages in Australia: Does Employer Size Matter?, C. Jeffrey Waddoups, Industrial Relations, 47 (1), 2008, 136-144.
The Revolution in the Public Services Sector in Portugal: With or Without the Unions, Alan Stoleroff, Transfer, 13 (4), Winter 2007, 631-652.
The Puzzles of Union Density in Norway, Kristine Nergaard and Torgeir Aarvaag Stokke, Transfer, 13 (4), Winter 2007, 653-670.
Organisations syndicales et patronales / Union and Employer Organizations
The First Major Test of a Permanent Organization: The Miner’s Federation of Great Britain in Staffordshire, 1889-1894, Roger Seifert, Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, 23/24, Spring/Autumn, 2007, 1-36.
Problems of Reform in the Irish Trades Union Congress, 1894-1914, Emmet O’Connor, Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, 23/24, Spring/Autumn, 2007, 37-60.
Must Low Pay Always Be with Us? The Origins of Britain’s Minimum Wage Legislation, Sheila Blackburn, Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, 23/24, Spring/Autumn, 2007, 61-102.
Trade-Union Internationalism and Solidarity in the Struggle against Apartheid: A Case Study of Volkswagen, Chris Bolsmann, Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, 23/24, Spring/Autumn, 2007, 102-124.
Sur le financement des syndicats, Jean-Emmanuel Ray, Droit social, 2 (février), 2008, 139-150.
Droit du travail / Labour Law
All Stitched Up? The 2007 Amendments to the Safety Net, Carolyn Sutherland, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 20 (3), 2007, 245-271.
Mandatory Secret Ballots before Em-ployee Industrial Action, Graeme Orr and Suppiah Murugesan, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 20 (3), 2007, 272-294.
Employing Minors in New South Wales: The Industrial Relations (Child Employment) Act 2006 (NSW), Joellen Riley, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 20 (3), 2007, 295-301.
Moins d’impôts, moins de cotisations = plus de travail?, Gérard Vachet, Droit social, 12 (décembre), 2007, 1199-1204.
À propos de la loi sur la grève dans les transports publics, Jean-Emmanuel Ray, Droit social, 12 (décembre), 2007, 1205-1220.
La nature particulière du droit de grève n’implique pas une protection constitutionnelle amoindrie, Valérie Bernaud, Droit social, 12 (décembre), 2007, 1221-1227.
Numéro spécial : Quel droit pour la négociation collective de demain?, Droit social, 1 (janvier), 2008, 3-88. Avant-propos, Jean-Emmanuel Ray ; Quel droit pour la négociation collective de demain?, François Chérèque; Quand va-t-on sortir de l’impasse sur le dialogue social? Christian Larose; Loi du 4 mai 2004 : quel bilan? Quelles perspectives?, Jean-Denis Combrexelle; Le dualisme de la négociation collective à l’épreuve des réformes, Marie-Laure Morin; La négociation collective communautaire, Jean-François Lhernoud; Dialogue social et négociation collective à l’échelle communautaire, Jean-François Renucci; L’accord de groupe, Paul-Henri Antonmattei; Accords collectifs de groupe et d’UES, Henri-José Legrand; Accords collectifs et restructurations, Antoine Mazeaud; Une négociation pour les restructurations : la GPEC, Yves Chagny; Les accords sur la responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise, Christine Neau-Leduc; Responsabilité et négociation sociales à l’ère de la mondialisation, Bernard Saincy.
L’évolution du droit du travail : évaluation et comparaison des régimes réglementaires, Simon Deakin, Priya Lele et Mathias Siems, Revue internationale du Travail, 146 (3-4), 2007, 143-178.
Le droit au travail : coupler droits de l’homme et politique de l’emploi, Guy Mundlak, Revue internationale du Travail, 146 (3-4), 2007, 207-234.
Gestion des ressources humaines et des organisations / Human Resources Management and Organizations
Pourquoi suivons-nous les modes en gestion?, Hélène Giroux, Gestion, 32 (4), 2008, 10-19.
L’administration de tests en sélection du personnel : enjeux et recommandations, André Durivage et Normand Pettersen, Gestion, 32 (4), 2008, 20-27.
The Possibilities and Limits of Telework in a Bureaucratic Environment: Lessons from the Public Sector, Laurent Taskin and Paul Edwards, New Technology, Work and Employment, 22 (3), 2007, 195-207.
Telework, Human Resource Flexibility and Firm Performance, Angel Martinez-Sanchez, Manuela Pérez-Pérez, Pilar de-Luis-Carnicer and Maria José Vela-Jiménez, New Technology, Work and Employment, 22 (3), 2007, 208-223.
The Co-Evolution of Functional and Numerical Flexibility: Do Technology and Networking Matter?, Irini Voudouris, New Technology, Work and Employment, 22 (3), 2007, 224-245.
Learning to Perform? A Comparison of Learning Practices and Organizational Performance in Profit- and Non-profit-Making Sectors in the UK, Kamal S. Birdi, Malcolm G. Patterson and Stephen J. Wood, International Journal of Training and Development, 11 (4), 2007, 265-281.
The Effects of Training Design, Individual Characteristics and Work Environment on Transfer of Training, Raquel Velada, Antonio Caetano, John W. Michel, Brian D. Lyons and Michael J. Kavanagh, International Journal of Training and Development, 11 (4), 2007, 282-294.
Gestion des personnels publics : évolutions récentes et perspectives, Céline Desmarais, Gilles Jeannot, Séverine Louvel, Jean-Marie Pernot, Jean Saglio, Pascal Ughetto, La revue de l’Ires, 53 (1), 2007, 111-138.
Organizational-Level Gender Dissimilarity and Employee Commitment, Hyun-Jung Lee and Riccardo Peccei, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 45 (4), 2007, 687-712.
High-Performance Work System and Organizational Turnover in East and Southeast Asian Countries, Zeynep Y. Yalabik, Shyh-Jer Chen, John Lawler and Kwanghyun Kim, Industrial Relations, 47 (1), 2008, 145-152.
Sociologie du travail / Sociology of Work
Destins professionnels des femmes ingénieurs. Des retournements inattendus, Hélène Stevens, Sociologie du travail, 49 (4), 2007, 443-463.
La prescription ordinaire. Circulation et énonciation des règles au travail, Jérôme Denis, Sociologie du travail, 49 (4), 2007, 496-513.
Des carrières aux parcours… en passant par la compétence, Sylvie Monchatre, Sociologie du travail, 49 (4), 2007, 514-530.
The Conditions Promoting Compromise in the Workplace, Jacques Bélanger and Paul Edwards, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 45 (4), 2007, 713-734.
Worker Voice in the Context of the Re-regulation of Employment: Employer Tactics and Statutory Union Recognition in the UK, Robert Perrett, Work, Employment and Society, 21 (4), 2007, 617-634.
Gambling Partners? The Risky Outcomes of Worplace Partnerships, Jean Jenkins, Work, Employment and Society, 21 (4), 2007, 635-652.
Labour Process and Decision-Making in Factories under Workers’ Self-Management: Empirical Evidence from Argentina, Maurizio Atzeni and Pablo Ghigliani, Work, Employment and Society, 21 (4), 2007, 653-672.
Implications of Family-Friendly Policies for Organizational Culture: Findings from Two Case Studies, Samantha Callan, Work, Employment and Society, 21 (4), 2007, 673-692.
Change in Contemporary Italy’s Social Concertation, Serafino Negrelli and Valeria Pulignano, Industrial Relations Journal, 39 (1), 2008, 63-77.
Dossier : Splendeurs et misères du travail associatif, Les Mondes du Travail, 5, janvier 2008, 17-96. Introduction, Mathieu Hély et Maud Simonet ; Servir l’intérêt général ou produire de l’utilité sociale? Avenir de la fonction publique et marché du travail associatif, Matthieu Hély ; Perdre son âme ou la recheter? Enjeux professionnels et organisationnels autour du bénévolat d’entreprise, Anne Bory ; Derrière le voile de la citoyenneté : les usages politiques du volontariat en France et aux États-Unis, Maud Simonet ; Travail bénévole et marché du travail sportif, Vérène Chevalier et Sébastien Fleuriel ; Entre formel et informel, quelle place pour le travail dans les services aux familles développés par les associations?, Annie Dussuet.
Économique du travail, main-d’oeuvre, sécurité sociale / Labour Economics, Employment and Social Security
Enjeux syndicaux. L’enlisement de la formation professionnelle continue, Paul Santelmann, La revue de l’Ires, 53 (1), 2007, 51-82.
Pension Benefits, Labour Market Institutions, and Unemployment, Antonis Adam, Labour, 21 (4/5), 2007, 595-610.
Hidden Unemployment in Disability Insurance, Pierre Koning and Daniel van Vuuren, Labour, 21 (4/5), 2007, 611-636.
The Cost of Flexibility at the Margin. Comparing the Wage Penalty for Fixed-term Contracts in Germany and Spain using Quantile Regression, Antje Mertens, Vanessa Gash and Frances McGinnity, Labour, 21 (4/5), 2007, 637-666.
Labour Market in Motion: Analysing Regional Flows in a Multi-accounting System, Anette Haas and Thomas Rothe, Labour, 21 (4/5), 2007, 667-688.
Shadow Employment and Labor Productivity Dynamics, Maurizio Bovi, Labour, 21 (4/5), 2007, 735-762.
Workers, Workplaces and Working Hours, Mark L. Bryan, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 45 (4), 2007, 735-759.
Are Franchises Bad Employers?, Peter Cappelli and Monika Hamori, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (2), 2008, 147-162.
Time Out of Work and Skill Depreciation, Per-Anders Edin and Magnus Gustavsson, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (2), 2008, 163-180.
Wage and Injury Response to Shifts in Worplace Liability, Richard J. Butler and John D. Worrall, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (2), 2008, 181-200.
The Impact of Minimum Wages on Employment in a Low-Income Country: A Quasi-Natural Experiment in Indonesia, Vivi Alatas and Lisa A. Cameron, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (2), 2008, 201-223.
Les nouveaux marchés du travail: monopsone et faiblesse syndicale, Christopher L. Erickson et Daniel J.B. Mitchell, Revue internationale du Travail, 146 (3-4), 2007, 179-206.
L’intermittence du travail des enfants : quelles conséquences sur les estimations?, Deborah Levison, Jasper Hoek, David Lam et Suzanne Duryea, Revue internationale du Travail, 146 (3-4), 2007, 235-272.
Les modèles européens de l’emploi soumis à des pressions vers le changement, Gerhard Bosch, Jill Rubery et Steffen Lehndorff, Revue internationale du Travail, 146 (3-4), 2007, 273-300.
The Impact of Investors in People on Employer-Provided Training, the Equality of Training Provision and the “Training Aparthied” Phenomenon, Kim Hoque, Industrial Relations Journal, 39 (1), 2008, 43-62.
Le capitalisme contemporain et Marx, Michel Husson, Droit social, 2 (février), 2008, 232-240.
The Job Quality of U.S. Immigrants, Maria E. Enchautegui, Industrial Relations, 47 (1), 2008, 108-113.
Back-to-Front Down Under? Part-Time/Full-Time Wage Differentials in Australia, Alison L. Booth and Margi Wood, Industrial Relations, 47 (1), 2008, 114-135.
Mandatory Retirement and Faculty Retirement Decisions, Robert L. Clark and Linda S. Ghent, Industrial Relations, 47 (1), 2008, 153-163.
European Flexicurity: Concepts, Methodology and Policies, Andranik Tangian, Transfer, 13 (4), 2007, 551-574.
Older Employees in Europe between “Work Line” and Early Retirement, Gerhard Bosch and Sebastian Schief, Transfer, 13 (4), 2007, 575-594.
Marketisation of the Public Sector Leads to Socially and Environmentally Irresponsible Contracting: The Case of Denmark, Ole Busck, Transfer, 13 (4), 2007, 611-630.
Équité au travail / Equity at Work
Trends in the Gender Earnings Differential in Urban China, Junsen Zhang, Jun Han, Pak-Wai Liu, and Yaohui Zhao, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (2), 2008, 224-243.
Gender and the Quality of Work: An Overview of European and National Approaches, Alexandra Scheele, Transfer, 13 (4), Winter 2007, 595-610.
Special Issue : Racism at Work, Transfer,13 (3), 2007, 359-476. Racism and Anti-Racism in Europe: A Critical Analysis of Concepts and Frameworks, Umut Erel; Why do Unions Find Fighting Workplace Racism Difficult?, Steve Jefferys ; Racism at Work in Shops and on Public Transport, Nouria Ouali; Confronting Racism in the Health Services, Adriana Bernardotti, Sukhwant Dhaliwal and Fabio Perocco; Trade Union Responses to Racism in Italy’s Shipbuilding and Metalworking Industries, Pietro Basso; Racism in Post-Communist Bulgaria and Trade Union Responses, Antonina Zhelyazkova and Violeta Angelova; Working against Racism: How European Trade Unions Can Combat Racism at Work, Mary Davis.
Études comparatives et mondialisation / Comparative Studies and Globalization
Involving European Works Councils in Transnational Negotiations: A Positive Functional Advance in their Operation or Trespassing?, Romuald Jagodzinski, Industrielle Beziehungen, 14 (4), 2007, 316-333.
Is Good Work Good for Democracy? Work, Change at Work and Political Participation in Canada and England, John Godard, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 45 (4), 2007, 760-790.
Politiques menées au nom de l’emploi et mutations des ressources des travailleurs : une comparaison européenne, Jean-Pascal Higele, Andreana Khristova, La revue de l’Ires, 53 (1), 2007, 139-168.
Changes in the Relative Economic Performance of Immigrants to Great Britain and the United States, 1980-2000, John Schmitt and Jonathan Wadsworth, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 45 (4), 2007, 659-686.
L’évolution du droit du travail : évaluation et comparaison des régimes réglementaires, Simon Deakin, Priya Lele et Mathias Siems, Revue internationale du Travail, 146 (3-4), 2007, 143-178.
Gender and the Quality of Work: An Overview of European and National Approaches, Alexandra Scheele, Transfer, 13 (4), Winter 2007, 595-610.
Généralités / General
Special Issue: The Industrial Relations of Learning and Training: A New Consensus or a New Politics?, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 13 (3), 2007, 267-378. Editorial, Richard Hyman; Introduction: The Industrial Relations of Learning and Training: A New Consensus or a New Politics?, Mark Stuart; Building Social Dialogue over Training and Learning: European and National Developments, Jonathan Winterton; Partnership Approaches to Learning: A Seven-country Study, Mark Stuart and Emma Wallis; Regulating Skill Formation in Europe: German, Norwegian and Spanish Policies on Transferable Skills, Miguel Martinez Lucio, Sveinung Skule, Wilfried Kruse and Vera Trappman; Company-level Strategies for Raising Basic Skills: A Comparison of Corus Netherlands and UK, Peter Leisink and Ian Greenwood; Team-working, Restructuring and Skills in UK and Sweden, Ian Greenwood and Hanne Randle.
Special Issue : Racism at Work, Transfer,13 (3), 2007, 359-476. Racism and Anti-Racism in Europe: A Critical Analysis of Concepts and Frameworks, Umut Erel; Why do Unions Find Fighting Workplace Racism Difficult?, Steve Jefferys ; Racism at Work in Shops and on Public Transport, Nouria Ouali; Confronting Racism in the Health Services, Adriana Bernardotti, Sukhwant Dhaliwal and Fabio Perocco; Trade Union Responses to Racism in Italy’s Shipbuilding and Metalworking Industries, Pietro Basso; Racism in Post-Communist Bulgaria and Trade Union Responses, Antonina Zhelyazkova and Violeta Angelova; Working against Racism: How European Trade Unions Can Combat Racism at Work, Mary Davis.
Second Special Issue: The 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey, Industrial Relations Journal, 39 (2), 2008, 88-168. Editorial: The Future for WERS and its Centrality to Employment Relations and Policy Debate, Keith Whitfield and Kim Hoque; What Has Been Happening to Collective Bargaining under New Labour? Interpreting WERS 2004, William Brown and David Nash; Workplace Performance: A Comparison of Subjective and Objective Measures in the 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey, John Forth and Robert McNabb; Does Partnership at Work Increase Trust? An Analysis based on the 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey, David Guest, William Brown, Riccardo Peccei and Katy Huxley; Job Characteristics, Employee Voice and Well-Being in Britain, Stephen Wood.