Corps de l’article
Relations du travail / Labour Relations
Numéro spécial : « Précarisation de l’emploi et représentation syndicale », Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, 97, 2005, 3–142.
The hockey lockout of 2004–05, Paul D. Staudohar, Monthly Labor Review, 128 (12), 2005, 23–29.
Factors Related to Employees’ Desire to Join and Leave Unions, Barry A. Friedman, Steven E. Abraham, Randall K. Thomas, Industrial Relations, 45 (1), 2006, 102–110.
European Union Enlargement and the Foreigh Direct Investment Channel of Industrial Relations Transfer, Paul Marginson, Guglielmo Meardi, Industrial Relations Journal, 37 (2), 2006, 92–110.
Militant Rhetoric and the Business Cycle: The Case of the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organization, Barbara Sgouraki Kinsey, Industrial Relations Journal, 37 (2), 2006, 111–130.
Restructuring as a Reaction to Growing Pressure on Trade Unionism: The Case of the Austrian ÖGB, Sabine Blaschke, Industrial Relations Journal, 37 (2), 2006, 147–163.
Ver.di and Trade Union Revitalisation in Germany, Claire Annesley, Industrial Relations Journal, 37 (2), 2006, 164–179.
The Industrial Determinants of Transnational Solidarity: Global Interunion Politics in Three Sectors, Mark Anner, Ian Greer, Marco Hauptmeier, Nathan Lillie, Nik Winchester, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 12 (1), 2006, 7–28.
Nordic Metal Trade Unions on the Move: Responses to Globalization and Europeanization, Søren Kaj Andersen, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 12 (1), 2006, 29–48.
Pay Developments in Britain and Germany: Collective Bargaining, ‘Benchmarking’ and ‘Mimetic Wages’, Werner Schmidt, Bernd Dworschak, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 12 (1), 2006, 89–110.
Ten Years After: South African Employment Relations Since the Negotiated Revolution, Eddy Donnelly, Stephen Dunn, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44 (1), 2006, 1–30.
Choices whithin Collective Labour Agreements à la Carte in the Netherlands, Lei Delsen, Jos Benders, Jeroen Smits, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44 (1), 2006, 51–72.
Organisations syndicales et patronales / Union and Employer Organizations
Striking Ensembles: The Importance of Clothing on the Picket Line, Dierdre Clemente, Labor Studies Journal, 30 (4), 2006, 1–16.
Organizing in the Context of Tribal Sovereignty: The Navajo Area Indian Health Service Campaing for Union Recognition, David Kamper, Labor Studies Journal, 30 (4), 2006, 17–40.
Building the Strength of the Labor Movement by Enhancing Institutional and Individual Integrity: Teaching Union Ethics as a First Step, Maggie Cohen, Labor Studies Journal, 30 (4), 2006, 87–94.
Special Issue: “Innovations for Union Renewal”, Transfer, 11 (4), 2005, 489–628, Innovations for Union Renewal, Gregor Murray; International Framework Agreements: Global Industrial Relations between Rights and Bargaining, Nikolaus Hammer; Building North-South International Union Alliances: Evidence from Mexico, Christian Lévesque and Mélanie Dufour-Poirier; Trade Unionism under Challenge from Offshoring and Globalisation, Sylvie Contrepois and Steve Jefferys; New Protest Movements and the Revival of Labour Politics – A critique Examination, Stéphane Le Queux; The Territorial Social Dialogue: Challenges and Prospects for the Trade Unions, Annette Jobert; Unions as Social Capital: The Impact of Trade Union Youth Programmes on Young Workers’ Political and Community Engagement, Nancy Brown Johnson and Paul Jarley; Segmented Labour, United Unions? How Unions in Canada Cope with Increased Diversity, Charlotte A. B. Yates.
Droit du travail / Labour Law
Le système normatif de l’OIT : pratique et questions juridiques, Alfred Wisskirchen, Revue internationale du Travail, 144 (3), 2005, 267–306.
Le nouveau droit du travail de la Fédération de Russie, Arturo Bronstein, Revue internationale du Travail, 144 (3), 2005, 307–334.
Politics, the Constitution, and Australian Industrial Relations: Pursuing a Unified National System, W. J. Ford, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 26 (2), 2005, 161–180.
The Interface between Constitution and Labor Law in Germany, Manfred Weiss, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 26 (2), 2005, 181–198.
Right to Fair Labor Practices, Carole Cooper, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 26 (2), 2005, 199–218.
The National Labor Relations Board in Comparative Context, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 26 (2), 2005, 219–220.
Isolated and Politicized: The NLRB’s Uncertain Future, James J. Brudney, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 26 (2), 2005, 221–260.
Further Reasons for the NLRB’s Inability to Guarantee American Workers the Freedom to Organize and Bargain Collectively: Comment on Autonomous and Politicized: The NLRB’s Uncertain Future, Judge Stephen Adler, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 26 (2), 2005, 261–268.
The Risks of Engagement: Labor Boards and Government in Canada, Pamela A. Chapman, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 26 (2), 2005, 269–302.
Collective Labor Law in a Changing Environment: Aspects of the Germain Experience, Bertram Zwanziger, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 26 (2), 2005, 303–322.
Disadvantaged Unions: The Merging of ss. 2(d) and 15(1) of the Charter, Nitya Iyer, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 12 (1), 2005, 1–32.
The Expertise of Labour Arbitrators, Beth Bilson, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 12 (1), 2005, 33–64.
The Role of the International Labour Office in the Framing of National Labor Law, Arturo Bronstein, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 26 (3), 2005, 339–370.
Job Safeguarding as an Object of the Rights of Information, Consultation, and Co-Determination in European and German Law, Manfred Löwisch, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 26 (3), 2005, 371–380.
Plunder Downunder: Transplanting the Anglo-American Labor Law Model to Australia, Ron McCallum, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 26 (3), 2005, 381–400.
Conciliation of Labor Court Disputes, Arnold M. Zack, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 26 (3), 2005, 401–420.
Numéro spécial: « Les restructurations », Droit social, 3 (mars), 2006, 249–345.
Decision-Making about Workplace Disputes : A Policy-Capturing Study of Employment Arbitrators, Labor Arbitrators, and Jurors, Brian S. Klaas, Douglas Mahony, Hoyt N. Wheeler, Industrial Relations, 45 (1), 2006, 68–95.
Labour Law in South-East Europe, Wiebke Warneck, South East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs, 8 (3), 2005, 7–16.
Gestion des ressources humaines et des organisations / Human Resources Management and Organizations
The Managed University : The PBRF, its Impacts and Staff Attitudes, Bruce Curtis and Steve Matthewman, New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 30 (2), 2005, 1–18.
The Employment Relationship – A Conceptual Model Developed from Farming Case Studies, Ruth Nettle, Mark Paine, John Petheram, New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 30 (2), 2005, 19–36.
Le modèle de « l’État-stratège »: genèse d’une forme organisationnelle dans l’administration française, Philippe Bezes, Sociologie du travail, 47 (4), 2005, 431–450.
Entreprises et gouvernance en France : perspectives historiques et évolutions récentes, Marie-Laure Djelic et Philippe Zarlowski, Sociologie du travail, 47 (4), 2005, 451–469.
The German Model of Employee Relations on Trial : Negotiated and Unilaterally Imposed Change in Multi-National Companies, Karen Williams and Mike Geppert, Industrial Relations Journal, 37 (1), 2006, 48–63.
L’entreprise entre « nous collectif » et conflit de rationalités: l’éthique, condition d’existence de l’entreprise, Christine Noel, Revue Management & Avenir, 7 (janvier), 2006, 11–22.
Gestion de la diversité et enjeux de GRH, Hélène Garner-Moyer, Revue Management & Avenir, 7 (janvier), 2006, 23–42.
De la gestion des seniors à la gestion des âges : quelques enseignements de comparaisons internationales, Jocelyne Loos Baroin, Revue Management & Avenir, 7 (janvier), 2006, 121–138.
Vers une autre approche de la gestion des fins de carrières?, Éléonore Marbot, Revue Management & Avenir, 7 (janvier), 2006, 199–217.
The False Promise of Technological Determinism : The Case of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, David Grant, Richard Hall, Nick Wailes and Christopher Wright, New Technology, Work and Employment, 21 (1), 2006, 2–15.
Knowledge Work as Occupational Strategy: Comparing IT and Management Consulting, Robin Fincham, New Technology, Work and Employment, 21 (1), 2006, 16–28.
Working Conditions of Temporary Company-Affiliated IT Workers, Ann Westenholz, New Technology, Work and Employment, 21 (1), 2006, 29–42.
BPR Implementation in Europe: The Adaptation of a Management Concept, Eneka Albizu and Mikel Olazaran, New Technology, Work and Employment, 21 (1), 2006, 43–58.
In Search of Generative Results: A New Generation of Programmes to Develop Work Organization, Tuomo Alasoini, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 27 (1), 2006, 9–38.
Flexibility and Fairness in Liberal Market Economies: The Comparative Impact of the Legal Environment and High-Performance Work Systems, Alexander J. S. Colvin, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44 (1), 2006, 73–98.
Human Resource Management and Performance in UK Call Centres, Stephen Wood, David Holman, Christopher Stride, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44 (1), 2006, 99–124.
Sociologie du travail / Sociology of Work
La précarité de l’emploi au service de la prospérité du fast-food, Raoul Nkuitchou Nkouatchet, Sociologie du travail, 47 (4), 2005, 470–484.
Changing Job Boundaries and Workforce Reform : The Case of Teaching Assistants, Stephen Bach, Ian Kessler and Paul Heron, Industrial Relations Journal, 37 (1), 2006, 2–20.
Striving for Control: Democracy and Oligarchy at a Mexican Cooperative, Sarah Hernandez, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 27 (1), 2006, 105–136.
The Bases of Compromise in the Workplace: A Theoretical Framework, Paul Edwards, Jacques Bélanger and Martyn Wright, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44 (1), 2006, 125–146.
Économique du travail, main-d’oeuvre, sécurité sociale / Labour Economics, Employment and Social Security
Une main-d’oeuvre stable est-elle bonne pour la productivité?, Peter Auer, Janine Berg et Ibrahim Coulibaly, Revue internationale du Travail, 144 (3), 2005, 335–362.
Higher Education Levels, Firms’ Outside Options and the Wage Structure, Asa Rosén and Étienne Wasmer, Labour, 19 (4), 2005, 621–654.
The Dark, and Independent, Side of the Italian Labour Market, Maurizio Bovi, Labour, 19 (4), 2005, 721–748.
Changes in Paid Working Hours for Couples, 1986–2001, Paul Callister, New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 30 (2), 2005, 51–64.
Youth Transition and the Local Labour Market, Philip S. Morrison and Elizabeth Loeber, New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 30 (2), 2005, 65–84.
Special Issue : “Balancing Work and Child Care : The Role of Institutions”, Labour, 19, 2005, 1–237, Editorial Foreword, Daniela Del Boca; New Mothers’ Employment and Public Policy in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Japan, Eiko Kenjoh; Fertility and Employment in Italy, France, and the UK, Daniela Del Boca, Silvia Pasqua and Chiara Pronzato; New Mothers’ Labour Force Participation in Italy: The Role of Job Characteristics, Massimiliano Bratti, Emilia Del Bono and Daniela Vuri; Employment Transitions after Motherhood in Spain, Maria Gutiérrez-Domènech; Cost of Childcare and Female Employment in the UK, Tarja K. Viitanen; Supply and Price of Childcare and Female Labour Force Participation in the Netherlands, Cecile Wetzels; Women’s Labor Supply, Marriage, and Welfare Dependency, Shoshana Grossbard.
Adjusting to the National Minimum Wage : Constraints and Incentives to Change in Six Low-Paying Sectors, Damian Grimshaw and Marilyn Carroll, Industrial Relations Journal, 37 (1), 2006, 22–47.
Le travail après la retraite, Grant Schellenberg, Martin Turcotte et Bali Ram, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 17 (4), 2005, 15–20.
Post-Retirement Employment, Grant Schellenberg, Martin Turcotte and Bali Ram, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 17 (4), 2005, 14–19.
Les jeunes et le marché du travail, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, Jeannine Usalcas, 17 (4), 2005, 33–39.
Youth and the Labour Market, Jeannine Usalcas, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 17 (4), 2005, 28–33.
Special Issue: “Employment Outlook: 2004–2014”, Monthly Labor Review, 128 (11), 2005, 3–101, Summary of the Projections, Norman C. Saunders; The U.S. Economy, Betty W. Su; The Labor Force, Mitra Toossi; Industry Output and Employment, Jay M. Berman; Occupational Employment, Daniel E. Hecker.
The Effect of Works Councils on Employment Change, John T. Addison and Paulino Teixeira, Industrial Relations, 45 (1), 2006, 1–25.
The Impact of Training Intensity on Establishment Productivity, Thomas Zwick, Industrial Relations, 45 (1), 2006, 26–46.
Pay Policies of Firms and Collective Wage Contracts – An Uneasy Partnership?, Knut Gerlach and Gesine Stephan, Industrial Relations, 45 (1), 2006, 47–67.
Les États de l’Union européenne face au problème du vieillissement démographique : le rôle-clé du dialogue social, Hedva Sarfati, Revue internationale de sécurité sociale, 59 (1), 2006, 63–94.
Working Conditions in the Informal Sector, Manuela Stanculescu, South East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs, 8 (3), 2005, 79–94.
Employee Financial Participation and Productivity: An Empirical Reappraisal, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44 (1), 2006, 31–50.
Recent Changes in Employment by Industry, Vincent Ferrao, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 18 (1), 2006, 31–36.
L’évolution récente de l’emploi par industrie, Vincent Ferrao, L’Emploi et le Revenu en Perspective, 18 (1), 2006, 37–43.
Équité au travail / Equity at Work
Numéro spécial : « Activité et emploi des femmes », Revue internationale du Travail, 144 (4), 2005, 383–520, Avant propos. Emploi des femmes en Amérique latine : un bilan. Laís Abramo et María Elena Valenzuela; L’Accord sur les textiles et les vêtements : effets potentiels sur l’emploi des femmes au Pakistan, Karin Astrid Siegmann; Activité et emploi des femmes durant les crises économiques en Argentine et en République de Corée, Kye Woo Lee et Kisuk Cho; Les femmes sur le marché du travail japonais, 1947–2003 : bref historique, Junko Kumamoto-Healey; La dimension socioculturelle des choix de participation au marché de l’emploi des femmes en Suisse, Fabio B. Losa et Pau Origoni.
Disability in the Workplace, Cara Williams, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 18 (1), 2006, 59–67.
L’incapacité et le milieu de travail, Cara Williams, L’Emploi et le Revenu en Perspective, 18 (1), 2006, 71–80.
Études comparatives / Comparative Studies
Effects of the ‘Principle of Non-Discrimination’ on Temporary Agency Work : Compensation and Working Conditions of Temporary Agency Workers in 15 European Countries, Werner Nienhüser and Wenzel Matiaske, Industrial Relations Journal, 37 (1), 2006, 64–77.
Labour Mobility in Construction: European Implications of the Laval un Partneri Dispute with Swedish Labour, Charles Woolfson and Jeff Sommers, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 12 (1), 2006, 49–68.
National Industrial Relations Systems and Cross-border Restructuring: Evidence from a Merger in the Pharmaceuticals Sector, Tony Edwards, Xavier Coller, Luis Ortiz, Chris Rees and Michael Wortmann, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 12 (1), 2006, 69–88.