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Language is a cultural mirror that reflects not only the real world around the human being but also people’s identity, social representations, national character, way of life, traditions, customs, ethics and system of values. Along with V.G. Bogoraz, several of his students have carried out studies of Chukchi language and ethnography. They were G.I. Mel’nikov, P.I. Skorik, T.A. Moll, P.I. Inenlikei, and I.S. Vdovin. Later they were followed by A.S. Asinovski, S.I. Sokolov, I.V. Kulikova-Kymyrul’tyne and I.A. Murav’eva. There are divergent theories regarding the dialects in the Chukchi language. Thus V.G. Bogoraz distinguishes only Eastern and Western dialects in Chukchi, while P.J. Skorik marks out five dialects, namely the Uelen (eastern Chukotka), Chaun (western Chukotka), Enmylin, Nunligran and Khatyrka dialects.

This research note briefly describes a linguistic research project initiated in 2007 which aims to categorise and describe the particularities of current dialects in the Chukchi language. The project supervisor is Dr I.V. Kulikova and the principal researcher the author of this note who has already done research on the subject (e.g., Ranavrol’tyn 2001, 2003, 2004a, 2004b, 2005).


The research methods involved studying first-hand sources about Chukchi dialects; collecting data on Chukchi dialects through discussions, interviews, questionnaires; and sound-recording during field trips to Chukotka аs well as to the settlement of Nizhnee-Kolymsk in Sakha (Yakutia) where some Chukchi live.

Expected results

The expected results will confirm or refute V.G. Bogoraz’ point of view about the absence of dialects in Chukchi language. Results will be published in a final report in 2010.