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  1. 11.

    Article published in Séquences (cultural, collection Érudit)

    Issue 225, 2003

    Digital publication year: 2010

  2. 12.

    Article published in Santé mentale au Québec (scholarly, collection Érudit)

    Volume 44, Issue 2, 2019

    Digital publication year: 2020

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    Introduction Common mental disorders (CMD) are one of the leading causes of workplace disability worldwide. Many studies show that the longer a person is on sick leave, the less likely they are returning to work. It is therefore important that the duration of a work absence be an adequate duration to allow the individual to make a lasting recovery while reducing the risk of relapse. Clinicians have an important role to play in the professional recovery of people with CMD.Purpose The main objective of this article is to present clinical cases supported by the literature related to the management of return to work by clinicians treating their patients with CMD.Methods Based on clinical observations, three clinical cases illustrating several dilemmas that clinicians may encounter when managing return to work of their patients with a CMD are presented. These dilemmas are supported by articles published between 2000 and 2020 from the Medline and PsycInfo databases.Results and discussion Three clinical cases address dilemmas related to the following themes: 1) the assessment of the therapeutic potential of work absence, 2) the expert role given to clinicians and the process of assessing work disability, 3) the administrative aspects related to this assessment and 4) the impact of this assessment on therapeutic alliance between the clinician and his/her patient with CMD. The literature tells us that these are recurring dilemmas for clinicians when managing the return to work of their patients with CMD.Conclusions There are several dilemmas in the management of sick leave among workers with CMD by clinicians. These dilemmas highlight, among other things, the importance for clinicians to work collaboratively with other stakeholders and to obtain their support and collaboration. These observations lead us to conduct a more systematic review of the experience of clinicians and their needs.

    Keywords: incapacité au travail, retour au travail, trouble mental courant, médecin traitant, work disability, return to work, common mental disorder, clinicians

  3. 13.

    Lépine, Stéphane


    Article published in 24 images (cultural, collection Érudit)

    Issue 114, 2003

    Digital publication year: 2010

  4. 14.

    Article published in Séquences (cultural, collection Érudit)

    Issue 252, 2008

    Digital publication year: 2010

  5. 15.

    Gravel, Jean-Philippe

    Retour à Ithaque

    Article published in Ciné-Bulles (cultural, collection Érudit)

    Volume 38, Issue 2, 2020

    Digital publication year: 2020

  6. 16.

    Pronovost, Virginie

    James Caan

    Article published in Séquences : la revue de cinéma (cultural, collection Érudit)

    Issue 333, 2023

    Digital publication year: 2023

  7. 17.

    Article published in VertigO (scholarly, collection Érudit)

    Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018

    Digital publication year: 2019

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    The demographic increase of deer on the massif des Vosges now induces a situation which according to the actors has never yet been reached. The comeback of the savage, this rewilding of the territory, gives rise to oppositions with regard to the use of forest and agricultural resources. Today, the scale of competition between competitive uses of the environment is high. A survey with the users of the massif des Vosges (East of France), provides information on the values and representations mobilized by the actors. If the definition of the values attributed to the forest area and deer seems individual, it is linked to the trajectory of the individual, that is, to his or her belonging groups, including his profession and status in an organization such as an association, a trade union, a public enterprise. The status appears to have a major influence.

    Keywords: ré-ensauvagement, cerf, conflits d'usages, massif des Vosges, représentations de la nature, rewilding, deer, conflicts of uses, massif des Vosges, nature representation

  8. 18.

    Article published in Anthropologie et Sociétés (scholarly, collection Érudit)

    Volume 46, Issue 1, 2022

    Digital publication year: 2022

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    Since its independence, the production of the Indian state at its Himalayan border has been largely driven by geopolitical concerns. The assertion of Indian sovereignty in the high mountains of the historically isolated region of Ladakh is achieved through militarization and the development of road infrastructure. What are the consequences of the military production of road infrastructure for populations living in border regions? The history of road building in northwest India is evidence of arbitrary development that marginalizes parts of the border area that have little strategic interest. Using the case of Zanskar, this article examines a material dimension of citizenship in India, as the construction of roads constitutes a technopolitical terrain on which a community engages the state. In particular, in order to tackle the problem of isolation created by an underdeveloped road network, Zanskarpas use different tactics, from taking care of road building through local initiatives to putting forward the military argument in order to call on the State to invest in the completion of roads.

    Keywords: Gagné, Inde, Himalaya, région frontalière, infrastructure, technopolitique, citoyenneté, Gagné, India, Himalayas, border area, infrastructure, technopolitics, citizenship, Gagné, India, Himalaya, región fronteriza, infraestructura, tecnopolítica, ciudadanía

  9. 19.

    Grenier, Louise

    Miroirs de femmes

    Article published in Filigrane (scholarly, collection Érudit)

    Volume 16, Issue 1, 2007

    Digital publication year: 2007

  10. 20.

    Ropars-Wuilleumier, Marie-Claire

    L'Oubli du texte

    Article published in Cinémas (scholarly, collection Érudit)

    Volume 4, Issue 1, 1993

    Digital publication year: 2010

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    Filming rewriting of a literary work engenders a paradox: the inventiveness of the film is based on the obliteration of the text that is its source. But the graphic origin returns in the form of traces that trigger short circuits in the memory cohesion of the story. By multiplying such "writing scenes," Max Ophuls clarifies particularly well the relationship that rewriting can create between the dissimulation of the original text and the activation of a forgetful reading.