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Théorie et méthodologie en relations industrielles / Theory and Methodology in Industrial Relations

The Theoretical Foundation of Industrial Relations and Its Implications for Labor Economics and Human Resource Management, Bruce E. Kaufman, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 64 (1), October 2010, 74–108.

Relations du travail / Labour Relations

Striking Issues: From Labour Process to Industrial Dispute at Grunwick and Gate Gourmet, Ruth Pearson, Sundari Anitha and Linda McDowell, Industrial Relations Journal, 41 (5), 408–428.

Negotiating “Difference”: Representing Disabled Employees in the British Workplace, Deborah Foster and Patricia Fosh, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 48 (3), 560–582.

Neuf semaines de grève dans le secteur du nettoyage, Marie Wierink et Luciano Pitzalis, Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, 125, Juillet 2010, 3–14.

Special Issue: Rethinking Collective Representation, Transfer, 16 (3), August 2010, 291–459. Rethinking Collective Representation: Introduc-tion, Christian Dufour, Gregor Murray, David Peetz and Charlotte Yates; Trade Unions, Politics and Parties: Is a New Configuration Possible? Richard Hyman and Rebecca Gumbrell- McCormick; Understanding Union Power: Resources and Capabilities for Renewing Union Capacity, Christian Lévesque and Gregor Murray; The Legitimacy of Collective Actors and Trade Union Renewal, Christian Dufour and Adelheid Hege; Democratic Dilemmas: Union Democracy and Union Renewal, Kim Voss; Are Individualistic Attitudes Killing Collectivism?, David Peetz; Understanding Caring, Organizing Women: How Framing a Problem Shapes Union Strategy, Charlotte A.B. Yates; Unions as Environmental Actors, Darryn Snell and Peter Fairbrother.

Transnational Corporations, Labour Relations and Trade Unions – The Case of Russia, Irina Kozina, South-East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs, 13 (1), 2010, 69–88.

The Impact of Wage Bargaining Regime on Firm-Level Competitiveness and Wage Inequality: The Case of Ireland, Seamus McGuinness, Elish Kelly, and Philip J. O’Connell, Industrial Relations, 49 (4), October 2010, 593–615.

Remaking the World of Chinese Labour: A 30-Year Retrospective, Eli Friedman and Ching Kwan Lee, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 48 (3), September 2010, 507–533.

Union Organizing in China: Still a Monolithic Labor Movement? Mingwei Liu, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 64 (1), October 2010, 30–52.

First-Timers and Late-Bloomers: Youth-Adult Unionization Differences in a Cohort of the U.S. Labor Force, Jonathan E. Booth, John W. Budd, and Kristen M. Munday, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 64 (1), October 2010, 53–73.

Can Women’s Structures Help New Zealand and UK Trade Unions’ Revival? Jane Parker and Julie Douglas, Journal of Industrial Relations, 52 (4), September 2010, 439–458.

Irish Butchers rather than Irish Meat: Trade Union Responses to Agency Work in Sweden, Ola Bergström and Alexander Styhre, Journal of Industrial Relations, 52 (4), September 2010, 427–490.

Droit du travail / Labour Law

Labor Law and Policy Issues Relating to Foreign Workers in Japan, Chizuko Hayakawa, Japan Labor Review, 7 (3), 19–42.

Protection of Privacy in Labor Relations: The Italian Case within the European Dimension, Andrea Sitzia and Enrico Barraco, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 31 (4), Summer 2010, 705–744.

Les restructurations dans les groupes multinationaux, Marie-Ange Moreau, Droit social, 11, Novembre 2010, 1052–1059.

Employer Evasion of Workers’ Entitlements 1986-1995: Why, What and Whose? Glenda Maconachie and Miles Goodwin, Journal of Industrial Relations, 52 (4), September 2010, 419–438.

Gestion des ressources humaines et des organisations / Human Resources Management and Organizations

Disability and the Performance Paradox: Can Social Capital Bridge the Divide? Kelly Williams-Whitt and Daphne Taras, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 48 (3), 534–559.

The Operation and Management of Agency Workers in Conditions of Vulnerability, Sonia McKay and Eugenia Markova, Industrial Relations Journal, 41 (5), 446–460.

The Impact of Privatization and Employee Share Ownership on Employee Commitment and Citizenship Behaviour, Dermot McCarthy, Eoin Reeves and Tom Turner, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 31 (3), 307–326.

The Moderating Role of Employability on the Relationship between Job Insecurity and Commitment to Change, Hina Jawaid Kalyal, Erik Bernston, Stephan Baraldi, Katharina Näswall and Magnus Sverke, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 31 (3), 327–344.

When Is Employee Retaliation Acceptable at Work? Evidence from Quasi-Experiments, Gary Charnes and David I. Levine, Industrial Relations, 49 (4), October 2010, 499–523.

Just Tell Me! Making Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems Fair, Donna Maria Blancero, Rober G. DelCampo, and George F. Marron, Industrial Relations, 49 (4), October 2010, 524–543.

Innovative Work Practice, Information Technologies, and Working Conditions: Evidence for France, Philippe Askenazy and Eve Caroli, Industrial Relations, 49 (4), October 2010, 544–592.

Employee Stock Ownership, Involvement, and Productivity: An Interaction-Based Approach, Andrew Pendleton and Andrew Robinson, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 64 (1), October 2010, 3–29.

Special Issue: Employee-Driven Innovation and Workplace Learning, Transfer, 16 (2), Summer 2010, 143–260. Introduction: Employee-Driven Innovation and Workplace Learning: Basic Concepts, Approaches and Themes, Steen Hoyrup; Part I: System Perspectives on Innovation: European Innovation Policy: A Broad-Based Strategy? Kirsten Moller; Transformative Dynamics of Innovation and Industry: New Roles for Employees? Peer Hull Kristensen; Shop stewards as coordinators of employee-driven innovation: implications for trade unions, Robson So Rocha; Exploring the innovative potential of SMEs in Spain, Manuel Ahedo; Part II: Organizational perspectives on innovation and learning: Modes of approach to employee-driven innovation in France: an empirical study, Ann-Charlotte Teglborg-Lefèvre; Employee-driven innovation in the context of Italian industrial relations: the case of a public hospital, Volker Telljohann; Part III: Employee-driven innovation and workplace learning: Stimulating the innovation potential of “routine” workers through workplace learning, Karen Evans and Edmund Waite; Concluding Remarks, Steen Hoyrup, Kirsten Moller and Robson So Rocha.

Sociologie du travail / Sociology of Work

Mind the Gap: National and Local Partneship in the Irish Public Sector, Michael Doherty and Roland Erne, Industrial Relations Journal, 41 (5), 461–478.

The Transformation of Employee Participation: Consequences for the Work Environment, Ole Busck, Herman Knudsen and Jens Lind, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 31 (3), August 2010, 285–306.

The Innovation Diffusion Paradox in the Light of “Shop-Floor Games” and Micro-Politics, Pasi Koski and Anu Järvensivu, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 31 (3), 345–364.

Économique du travail, main-d’oeuvre, sécurité sociale / Labour Economics, Employment and Social Security

Skill: The Solution to Low Wage Work? Caroline Lloyd and Ken Mayhew, Industrial Relations Journal, 41 (5), 429–445.

Experimental Evidence of Discrimination in the Hiring of First- and Second-Generation Immigrants, Magnus Carlsson, Labour, 24 (3) September 2010, 263–278.

Active Labour Market Programmes, Job Search and Job Finding in Denmark, Labour, 24 (3), September 2010, 279–294.

The Current Issues on Foreign Workers in Japan, Masahiko Yamada, Japan Labor Review, 7 (3), Summer 2010, 5–18.

Le marché du travail danois : un modèle en crise ? Christèle Meilland, Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, 125, Juillet 2010, 15–24.

Salaires et crise, Pierre Heritier et Joël Maurice, La Revue de l’IRES, 64 (1), 2010, 5–46.

External and Internal Flexicurity: Comparing Denmark and Japan, Thomas Bredgaard and Flemming Larsen, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 31 (4), 745–772.

Les intermittents du spectacle : un régime d’assurance chômage avantageux et discutable, Bruno Coquet, Futuribles, 367, Octobre 2010, 5–24.

The Migrant Worker Factor in Labour Market Policy Reform, Camilla Devitt, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 16 (3), September 2010, 259–276.

Facteurs de santé et retraite anticipée chez les travailleurs âgés, Jungwee Park, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 22 (3), Automne 2010, 5–14.

L’activité des personnes âgées sur le marché du travail, Sharanjit Uppal, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 22 (3), Automne 2010, 15–30.

Le revenu dans les régions manufacturières, Manon Langevin, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 22 (3), Automne 2010, 31–43.

Remplacement du revenu pendant les années de retraite, Sébastien LaRochelle-Côté, Garnett Picot et John Myles, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 22 (3), Automne 2010, 44–52.

Health Factors and Early Retirement among Older Workers, Jungwee Park, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 22 (3), Autumn 2010, 5–14.

Labour Market Activity among Seniors, Sharanjit Uppal, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 22 (3), Autumn 2010, 15–28.

Income in Manufacturing Regions, Manon Langevin, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 22 (3), Autumn 2010, 29–40.

Income Replacement during the Retirement Years, Sébastien LaRochelle-Côté, Garnett Picot and John Myles, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 22 (3), Autumn 2010, 41–48.

Dossier spécial. Crises financières, déflation et réponses des syndicats : quels enseignements peut-on en tirer ? Journal international de recherche syndicale, 2 (1), 2010, 9–129. Le syndicalisme américain et la Grande Dépression, Steve Fraser; Crises financières et syndicats : Suède 1990-1994, Ingemar Lindberg et Magnus Ryner; La crise asiatique de 1997-98 : le cas de la République de Corée, Jin Ho Yoon; La crise économique japonaise des années 1990, Naoto Ohmi; Le marché du travail et la déflation au Japon, Hansjörg Herr et Milka Karandziska; La grande récession : un moment décisif pour les syndicats ? Frank Hoffer.

Équité au travail / Equity at Work

A New Dawn for Pay Equity? Developing an Equal Remuneration Principle under the Fair Work Act, Meg Smith and Andrew Stewart, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 23 (3), August 2010, 152–168.

Dossier spécial : Maudite conciliation, Travail, genre et sociétés, 24, Novembre 2010, 25–128. Concilier, organiser, renoncer : quel genre d’arrangements ? Ariane Pailhé et Anne Solaz; Les limites des politiques publiques de soutien à la paternité, Danielle Boyer et Benoît Céroux; Temps professionnels et familiaux en Europe : de nouvelles configurations, Rachel Silvera; Politiques familiales contre politiques de l’égalité des sexes ? Le cas de l’Allemagne, Mechthild Veil; De la conciliation à la résilience : 40 ans d’évolution lexicale aux États-Unis, Ariane Ollier-Malaterre.

Female-Led Firms and Gender Wage Policies, Ana Rute Cardoso and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 64 (1), October 2010, 143–163.

Santé et sécurité au travail / Health and Safety at Work

Dossier spécial : Promouvoir la santé mentale au travail, Gestion, 35 (3), Automne 2010, 20–101. Le lien entre la santé mentale et la satisfaction des besoins d’autonomie, de compétence et d’affiliation sociale, Jacques Forest, Véronique Dagenais-Desmarais, Laurence Crevier-Braud, Éliane Bergeron et Sarah Girouard; Comprendre les tensions de rôles afin de mieux les prévenir et de contribuer au bien-être des employés, Louise Royal et André Brassard; La santé mentale au travail : une question de gros bon sens, Estelle M. Morin; Le coaching compatissant, allié de la santé et du renouveau, Richard E. Boyatzis, Melvin L. Smith et Ellen Van Oosten; Comment réduire les effets négatifs du travail de nuit sur la santé et la performance ? Diane B. Boivin; La conciliation travail-famille : au-delà des mesures à offrir, une culture à mettre en place, Lise Chrétien et Isabelle Létourneau; Comment gérer le retour au travail après une absence due à un problème de santé mentale ? Diane Champagne et Dominique Mineau; Comment améliorer le bien-être psychologique au travail ? Véronique Dagenais- Desmarais et Catherine Privé; Le cas de la Société canadienne d’hypothèques et de logement. Comment implanter une approche intégrée de santé et de mieux-être ? Emmanuel Poirel et Andrée Roy; Un esprit sain dans un corps sain : promouvoir le sport au travail, Julien Pierre et Isabelle Barth; Les attentes et les effets du sport sur la santé mentale et physique des travailleurs âgés et des retraités : le cas du golf, Marie- Josèphe Leroux-Sostènes et Chantal Rouvrais-Charron.

Études comparatives et mondialisation / Comparative Studies and Globalization

External and Internal Flexicurity : Comparing Denmark and Japan, Thomas Bredgaard and Flemming Larsen, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 31 (4), 745–772.

Co-Evolution of Skills and Welfare in Coordinated Market Economies? A Comparative Historical Analysis of Denmark, the Netherlands and Switzerland, Christine Trampusch, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 16 (3), September 2010, 197–220.

Perceived Job Quality in the United States, Great Britain, Norway and West Germany, 1989-2005, Karen M. Olsen, Arne L. Kalleberg and Torstein Nesheim, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 16 (3), September 2010, 221–240.

Généralités / General

Special Issue: Annual Review of Employment Relations, Journal of Industrial Relations, 52 (3), June 2010, 259–401. Foreword, Russell D. Lansbury; The “New” Industrial Relations and International Economic Crisis: Australia in 2009, Rae Cooper; Industrial Legislation in 2009, Carolyn Sutherland and Joellen Riley; Major Tribunal Decisions in 2009, Joseph Catanzariti and Simon Brown; Employer and Employer Association Matters in 2009, Patricia Todd; Unions and Collective Bargaining in 2009, Cathy Brigden; Labour Markets and Wages in Australia in 2009, Therese Jefferson and Alison Preston; Women, Work and Industrial Relations in 2009, Marian Baird and Sue Williamson; What’s in a Name? The Rise (and Fall?) of Flexicurity, Peter Auer; Employment Relations in Japan: Recent Changes under Global Competition and Recession, Hiromasa Suzuki.

Numéro spécial : La crise mondiale, Revue internationale du Travail, 149 (2), Juin 2010, 165–260. Contribution à une analyse juridique de la crise économique de 2008, Alain Supiot; De la financiarisation, Richard B. Freeman; Faut-il un séisme pour réveiller le monde de l’économie ? Ronald Schettkat; La crise mondiale et au-delà : modèles de croissance durable pour les pays en développement, Jayati Ghosh; Des réponses partielles à la crise : coûts socio-économiques et implications pour l’action publique, Raymond Torres.