Article body
Relations du travail / Labour Relations
Wages and the Bargaining Regime under Multi-Level Bargaining: Belgium, Denmark and Spain, Robert Plasman, Michael Rusinek and François Rycx, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 13 (2), 2007, 161–180.
Contested Resources: Unions, Employers, and the Adoption of New Work Practices in US and UK Telecommunications, Matias Ramirez, Frederick Guy and David Beale, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 45 (3), 2007, 495–517.
Union Structures and Pension Outcomes in Greece, Manos Matsaganis, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 45 (3), 2007, 537–555.
Unions, Work Practices, and Wages under Different Institutional Environments: The Case of Canada and England, John Godard, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 60 (4), 2007, 457–476.
Centralized Wage Bargaining and the “Celtic Tiger” Phenomenon, Lucio Baccaro and Marco Simoni, Industrial Relations, 46 (3), 2007, 425–455.
Defending Dock Workers—Globalization and Labor Relations in the World’s Ports, Peter J. Turnbull and Victoria J. Wass, Industrial Relations, 46 (3), 2007, 582–612.
Decentralization of Collective Agreements and Rising Wage Inequality in Israel, Tali Kristal and Yinon Cohen, Industrial Relations, 46 (3), 2007, 613–635.
Training, Social Dialogue and Collective Bargaining in Western Europe, Jason Heyes, Economics and Industrial Democracy, 28 (2), 2007, 239–258.
Politique salariale des syndicats en Europe : conceptions, résistances et perspectives d’une coordination à l’échelle européenne, Thorsten Schulten, La revue de l’IRES, 51 (2), 2006, 25–48.
Étude sur les pratiques syndicales de négociation salariale en entreprise, Jacques Cottereau, Thomas Frinault, La revue de l’IRES, 51 (2), 2006, 49–78.
Special Issue: Can Europe’s Trade Unions Represent and Organise Workers in SMEs ?, Transfer, 13 (1), 2007, 13–146. Introduction: Employee Representation and Voice in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises–The SMALL Project, Stephen Bouquin, Salvo Leonardi and Sian Moore; The European System of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Stefano Palmieri; Determining Wages in Europe’s SMEs: How Relevant are the Trade Unions ?, Monica Andersson and Christer Thörnqvist; Working Time in European SMEs, Paulo Alves, Stephen Bouquin and Luís Poças; Labour Relations, Collective Bargaining and Employee Voice in SMEs in Central and Eastern Europe, Miklós Illessy, Vassil Kirov, Csaba Makó and Svetla Stoeva; Why Do Europe’s Unions Find it Difficult to Organise in Small Firms ?, Sian Moore, Steve Jefferys and Pierre Cours-Salies; Inequalities in Europe’s SMEs: The Challenges for a Trade Unions Agenda, Gill Kirton and Ian Read.
Organisations syndicales et patronales / Union and Employer Organizations
Trade Union Decline and What Next: Is Germany a Special Case? Jelle Visser, Industrielle Beziehungen, 14 (2), 2007, 97–117.
The Persistent Decline in Unionization in Western and Eastern Germany, 1980-2004: What Can We Learn from a Decomposition Analysis ?, Claus Schnabel, Joachim Wagner, Industrielle Beziehungen, 14 (2), 2007, 118–132.
Trade Union Membership and Works Councils in West Germany, Laszlo Goerke, Markus Pannenberg, Industrielle Beziehungen, 14 (2), 2007, 154–175.
The Curse of Institutional Security: The Erosion of German Trade Unionism, Anke Hassel, Industrielle Beziehungen, 14 (2), 2007, 176–191.
Beyond Social Unionism: Farm Workers in Ontario and Some Lessons from Labour History, Jonah Butovsky and Murray E. G. Smith, Labour/Le Travail, 59, Printemps 2007, 69–98.
Union Densities, Business Unionism, and Working-Class Struggle: Labour Movement Decline in the United States and Japan, 1930-2000, Wythe Holt, Labour/Le Travail, 59, Printemps 2007, 99–132.
Re-Framing US Labour’s Crisis: Reconsidering Structure, Strategy, and Vision, Joseph A. McCartin, Labour/Le Travail, 59, Printemps 2007, 133–148.
Canada’s Workers Movement: Uneven Developments, Michael Goldfield and Bryan D. Palmer, Labour/Le Travail, 59, Printemps 2007, 149–178.
Droit du travail / Labour Law
Comparative Labor Law—Bridging the Past and the Future, Benjamin Aaron and Katherine V.W. Stone, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 28 (3), 2007, 377–392.
The Comparative Labor Law Group: A Brief History and a Personal Evaluation, Benjamin Aaron, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 28 (3), 2007, 393–406.
Comparative Analysis of Labor Law: Learning from the Work Products of a Model Collaborative Design, Alvin L. Goldman and Amy Beckham Osborne, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 28 (3), 2007, 423–442.
Compared to What ? The UCLA Comparative Labor Law Project and the Future of Comparative Labor Law, H. W. Arthurs, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 28 (3), 2007, 591–612.
The Road is Long: Thirty Years of Equality Legislation in Britain, Linda Dickens, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 45 (3), 2007, 463–494.
Sur l’application du droit du travail et de l’emploi au-delà du contrat, Mark Freedland, Revue internationale du Travail, 146 (1–2), 2007, 3–20.
Special Issue in Honor of Paul C. Weiler: The Crisis in Workplace Governance. Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 28 (2), 2007, 93–375. The Crisis in Workplace Governance: Special Issue in Honor of Paul C. Weiler, John Trumpbour; Updating American Labor Law: Taking Advantage of a Window of Opportunity, Thomas A. Kochan; Crafting a Progressive Workplace Regulatory Policy: Why Enforcement Matters, David Weil; Reconciling Differences Differently: Reflections on Labor Law and Worker Voice After Collective Bargaining, Harry Arthurs; Reconciling Differences Differently: Employee Voice in Public Policymaking and Workplace Governance, Daphne Taras; Recrafting a Trojan Horse: Thoughts on Workplace Governance in Light of Recent British Labor Law Developments, James J. Brudney; Immigration to the Workplace: The German Experience, Peter Hanau; Closing the Global Gender Pay Gap: Securing Justice for Women’s Work, Mary Cornish; Changing Employment Practices, Corporate Governance, and the Role of Labor Law in Japan, Takashi Araki; Globalization in Collective Bargaining, Baseball, and Matsuzaka: Labor and Antitrust Law on the Diamond, William B. Gould IV; Governance of the Workplace: The Contemporary Regime of Individual Contract, Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt and Timothy A. Haley; Something Old, Something New: Governing the Workplace by Contract Again, Cynthia Estlund.
Numéro thématique : « Rôle, impact et avenir du droit du travail », Éducation ouvrière, 143-144, 2006, 1–107. Rôle, impact et avenir de la législation du travail, Daniel Blackburn; L’utilisation des sources universelles du droit international du travail par les juridictions internes, Xavier Beaudonnet; Droits du travailleur et autorité de la loi : un choc de valeurs, de critères de jugement et de choix moraux, James A. Gross; Normes du travail universelles et cultures nationales, Jean-Michel Servais; Soft law et droit international du travail, Isabelle Duplessis; La protection internationale du contrat collectif : une tâche difficile, Miguel Rodriguez Piñero y Bravo Ferrer; Droit du travail et concertation sociale sous pression : le « cas » belge, Valérie Jadoul; Syndicats et lois : un survol de la situation en Australie, Modry Bromberg; Perspectives du droit du travail en Afrique : entre la voie de l’OHADA et les recommandations de la Banque mondiale, Georges Minet et Corinne Vargha; La réforme de la législation du travail en Amérique latine, María Luz Vega Ruíz; La législation du travail chinoise en pleine transition, Yun Gao.
Collective Bargaining by Independent Contractors: Challenges from Labour Law, Shae McCrystal, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 20 (1), 2007, 1–28.
A Glaring Omission ? Corporate Liability for Negligent Manslaughter, Jonathan Clough, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 20 (1), 2007, 29–52.
Family Provisions and Work Choices: Testing Times, Sue Williamson and Marian Baird, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 20 (1), 2007, 53–91.
Gestion des ressources humaines et des organisations / Human Resources Management and Organizations
Examining Non-Linear Relationships between Human Resource Practices and Manufacturing Performance, Clint Chadwick, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 60 (4), 2007, 499–521.
‘You Gotta Lie to It’: Software Ap-plications and the Management of Technological Change in a Call Centre, Bob Russell, New Technology, Work and Employment, 22 (2), 2007, 132–145.
Teleworkflow: Supporting Remote Control with Workflow Management Systems, Diana Limburg and Paul J. Jackson, New Technology, Work and Employment, 22 (2), 2007, 146–167.
Then and Now: Disability Legislation and Employers’ Practices in the UK, Carol Woodhams and Susan Corby, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 45 (3), 2007, 556–580.
High Performance Work Systems and Employee Experience of Work in the Servie Sector: The Case of Aged Care, Bill Harley, Belinda C. Allen and Leisa D. Sargent, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 45 (3), 2007, 607–633.
High-Commitment Work Practices and Downsizing Harshness in Australian Workplaces, Roderick D. Iverson and Christopher D. Zatzick, Industrial Relations, 46 (3), 2007, 456–480.
Special Edition: Future of the Performance-Based Pay System in Japan, Japan Labor Review, 4 (2), 2007, 7–120. Why Companies in Japan Are Introducing Performance-Based Treatment and Reward Systems—The Background, Merits and Demerits, Masahiro Abe; A Behavioral Economic Approach to Performance-Based Wage Systems, Kohei Daido; What is the Outcome of the Wages Reform in Recent Japan ?, Mitsuo Ishida; Seikashugi from an Employee Perspective, Shingo Tatsumichi, Motohiro Morishima; Employee Comprehension of Pay Systems, Hisakazu Matsushige.
Should We Do Away with Teleworking ? An Examination of Whether Teleworking can Be Denifed in the New World of Work, Linda Wilks and Jon Billsberry, New Technology Work and Employment, 22 (2), 2007, 168–177.
Numéro spécial : Internet, recrutement et recherche d’emploi, coordonné par Yannick Fondeur, La Revue de l’IRES, 52 (3), 2006, 3–154. Internet, recrutement et recherche d’emploi : une introduction, Yannick Fondeur; La mobilisation d’Internet pour recruter : aux limites de la sélection à distance, Christian Bessy, Emmanuelle Marchal; L’usage d’Internet par les demandeurs d’emploi, Godefroy Beauvallet, Marie-Christine Le Garff, Anne-Lauren Negri, Francesco Cara; Sésame, ouvre-toi ! Analyse des données d’usage d’un moteur de recherche d’annonces d’offres d’emploi :, Kevin Mellet; Réseaux sociaux numériques et marché du travail, Yannick Fondeur, France Lhermitte; Candidater et embaucher : le courrier de candidature comme dispositif de rencontre, Yves Lochard, Pascal Ughetto.
Sociologie du travail / Sociology of Work
Fairness and Freight-Handlers: Local Labor-Market Conditions and Wage-Fairness Perceptions in a Trucking Firm, Eric A. Verhoogen, Stephen V. Burks, and Jeffrey P. Carpenter, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 60 (4), 2007, 477–498.
Revisiting Technical Workers: Professional and Organisational Identities in the Software Industry, Abigail Marks and Dora Scholarios, New Technology, Work and Employment, 22 (2), 2007, 98–117.
Making and Maintaining the Subject in Call Centre Work, Don Winiecki and Bert Wigman, New Technology, Work and Employment, 22 (2), 2007, 118–131.
Grooving to the Same Tunes: Learning, Training and Productive Systems in the Aerobics Studio, Alan Felstead, Alison Fuller, Nick Jewson, Konstantinos Kakavelakis and Lorna Unwin, Work, Employment and Society, 21 (2), 2007, 189–208.
The Concept of Occupational Community Revisited: Analytical and Managerial Implications in Face-to-Face Service Occupations, Peter Sandiford and Diane Seymour, Work, Employment and Society, 21 (2), 2007, 209–226.
So Much to Do, So Little Time: Part-Time Employment Among Secondary Students in Ireland, Selina McCoy and Emer Smyth, Work, Employment and Society, 21 (2), 2007, 227–246.
Working Space: Why Incorporating the Geographical is Central to Theorizing Work and Employment Practices, Andrew Herod, Al Rainnie and Susan McGrath-Champ, Work, Employment and Society, 21 (2), 2007, 247–264.
Japanization or the Persistence of the Liberal Market ? US Employment Relations in Transition, Hyeong-Ki Kwon, Economics and Industrial Democracy, 28 (2), 2007, 181–211.
East-West Differences in Employment Relations, Organizational Justice and Trust: Possible Reasons and Consequences, Economics and Industrial Democracy, 28 (2), 2007, 212–238.
The Determinants of Employee-Involvement Schemes: Private Sector Australian Evidence, Michelle Brown, Lori A. Geddes and John S. Heywood, Economics and Industrial Democracy, 28 (2), 2007, 259–291.
Associations between Contract Preference and Attitudes, Well-Being and Behavioural Intentions of Temporary Workers, Nele de Cuyper and Hans de Witte, Economics and Industrial Democracy, 28 (2), 2007, 292–312.
Revisiting Technical Workers: Professional and Organisational Identities in the Software Industry, Abigail Marks and Dora Scholarios, New Technology Work and Employment, 22 (2), 2007, 98–117.
Making and Maintaining the Subject in Call Centre Work, Don Winiecki and Bert Wigman, New Technology Work and Employment, 22 (2), 2007, 118–131.
Économique du travail, main-d’oeuvre, sécurité sociale / Labour Economics, Employment and Social Security
The Importance of Employment Protection for Skill Development in Coordinated Market Economies, Mark Harcourt and Geoffrey Wood, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 13 (2), 2007, 141–160.
The Economic Effects of a Citywide Minimum Wage, Arindrajit Dube, Suresh Naidu, and Michael Reich, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 60 (4), 2007, 522–543.
La répartition des salaires dans les pays de l’OCDE, Anthony B. Atkinson, Revue internationale du Travail, 146 (1-2), 2007, 45–66.
Économie informelle, insécurité et cohésion sociale en Amérique latine, Victor E. Tokman, Revue internationale du Travail, 146 (1-2), 2007, 89–116.
Les syndicats et la performance microéconomique : aperçu des éléments intéressant les économistes (et les employeurs), Zafiris Tzannatos et Toke S. Aidt, Revue internationale du Travail, 145 (4), 2006, 291–316.
Le modèle suédois dans la tourmente : déclin ou renaissance ?, Dominique Anxo et Harald Niklasson, Revue internationale du Travail, 145 (4), 2006, 379–414.
Social Partnership in Ireland and New Social Pacts, William K. Roche, Industrial Relations, 46 (3), 2007, 395–425.
Labor Market Outcomes of Persons with Mental Disorders, Marjorie L. Baldwin and Steven C. Marcus, Industrial Relations, 46 (3), 2007, 481–510.
Defined Contribution Plans and the Distribution of Pension Wealth, William Even and David Macpherson, Industrial Relations, 46 (3), 2007, 551–581.
Special Issue: Political Economy of Migration, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 45 (2), 2007, 217–432. Immigration, Labour Markets and Employment Relations: Problems and Prospects, Patrick McGovern; Return Migration: Theory and Empirical Evidence from the UK, Christian Dustmann and Yoram Weiss; Labour Market Assimilation of Recent Immigrants in Spain, Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Sara de la Rica; Industrial Districts and Migrant Labour in Italy, Jacqueline Andall; Informal Work and Protest: Undocumented Immigrant Activism in France, 1996-2000, Natasha Iskander; A Marriage Made in Heaven ? Mismatches and Misunderstandings between Worker Centres and Unions, Janice Fine; Listen to Me, Learn with Me: International Migration and Knowledge Transfer, Allan M. Williams; Going Global ? The Regulation of Nurse Migration in the UK, Stephen Bach; From Coping Strategies to Tactics: London’s Low-Pay Economy and Migrant Labour, Kavita Datta, Cathy McIlwaine, Yara Evans, Joanna Herbert, Jon May and Jane Wills.
Learning in the Process of Industrial Work: A Comparative Study of Finland, Sweden and Germany, Mira Kira, International Journal of TrainingandDevelopment, 11 (2), 2007, 86–102.
La croissance de l’emploi et du PIB, Philip Cross, L’emploi et le revenu en Perspective, 19 (2), 2007, 39–50.
Littératie et employabilité, Ross Finnie et Ronald Meng, L’emploi et le revenu en Perspective, 19 (2), 2007, 51–60.
GDP and Employment Growth, Philip Cross, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 19 (2), 2007, 34–43.
Literacy and Employability, Ross Finnie et Ronald Meng, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 19 (2), 2007, 44–52.
Équité au travail / Equity at Work
The Road is Long: Thirty Years of Equality Legislation in Britain, Linda Dickens, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 45 (3), 2007, 463–494.
Porn, Pride and Pessimism: Experiences of Women Working in Professional Construction Roles, Jacqueline H. Watts, Work, Employment and Society, 21 (2), 2007, 299–316.
Conceptualizing Breadwinning Work, Tracey Warren, Work, Employment and Society, 21 (2), 2007, 317–336.
Why a Citizens’ Basic Income ? A question of Gender Equality or Gender Biais, Ailsa McKay, Work, Employment and Society, 21 (2), 2007, 337–348.
New Evidence on Gender Differences in Promotion Rates: An Empirical Analysis of a Sample of New Hires, Francine D. Blau and Jed DeVaro, Industrial Relations, 46 (3), 2007, 511–550.
Études comparatives et mondialisation / Comparative Studies and Globalization
Wages and the Bargaining Regime under Multi-Level Bargaining: Belgium, Denmark and Spain, Robert Plasman, Michael Rusinek and François Rycx, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 13 (2), 2007, 161–180.
A New Mode of European Regulation? The Implementation of the Autonomous Framework Agreement on Telework in Five Countries, Trine P. Larsen and Søren Kaj Andersen, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 13 (2), 2007, 181–198.
The Role of Temporary Agency Work in Different Industrial Relations Systems—A Comparison between Germany and the USA, Lars W. Mitlacher, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 45 (3), 2007, 581–606.
Au-delà des codes de conduite : l’organisation et les normes du travail chez les fournisseurs de Nike, Richard Locke, Thomas Kochan, Monica Romis et Fei Qin, Revue internationale du Travail, 146 (1–2), 2007, 21–44.
Seuils de pauvreté : une nouvelle méthode de calcul au service des comparaisons internationales, Richard Anker, Revue internationale du Travail, 145 (4), 2006, 317–346.
Salaires de subsistance comparables à l’échelle internationale : une nouvelle méthodologie, Richard Anker, Revue internationale du Travail, 145 (4), 2006, 347–378.
Japanization or the Persistence of the Liberal Market ? US Employment Relations in Transition, Hyeong-Ki Kwon, Economics and Industrial Democracy, 28 (2), 2007, 181–211.
East-West Differences in Employment Relations, Organizational Justice and Trust: Possible Reasons and Consequences, Economics and Industrial Democracy, 28 (2), 2007, 212–238.
Généralités / General
Special Issue: The 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey, Industrial Relations Journal, 38 (4), 2007, 282–384. Editorial, Keith Whitfield and Kim Hoque; Workplace Industrial Relations in Britain, 1980-2004, David G. Blanchflower, Alex Bryson and John Forth; Equality and Diversity in British Workplaces: The 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey, Janet Walsh; 21st-Century Models of Employee Representation: Structures, Processes and Outcomes, Andy Charlwood and Mike Terry; Corporate Governance and Workplace Employment Relations: The Potential of WERS 2004, Andrew Pendleton and Simon Deakin; Why So Fed Up and Footloose in IT ? Spelling Out the Associations Between Occupation and Overall Job Satisfaction Shown by WERS 2004, Michael Rose.