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Relations du travail / Labour Relations

Nine Years of New Labour : Neoliberalism and Workers’ Rights, Paul Smith and Gary Morton, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44 (3), 2006, 401–420.

Special Issue : Consultation and Non-Union Employee Representation, Industrial Relations Journal, 37 (5), 2006, 428–559. Editorial : Consultation and Non-Union Employee Representation, Paul J. Gollan; Worker Voice, Managerial Response and Labour Productivity : An Empirical Investigation, Alex Bryson, Andy Charlwood and John Forth; A Cool Response to the ICE Regulations ? Employer and Trade Union Approaches to the New Legal Framework for Information and Consultation; Mark Hall; Embedded Collectivism ? Workplace Representation in France and Germany, Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick and Richard Hyman; Conceptualising the Dynamics of Employee Information and Consultation : Evidence from the Republic of Ireland, Tony Dundon, Deirdre Curran, Paul Ryan and Maureen Maloney; Non-Union Employee Representation in North America : Diversity, Controversy and Uncertain Future, Daphnee G. Taras and Bruce E. Kaufman; A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Employee Voice Arrangements in Australia, Amanda Pyman, Brian Cooper, Julian Teicher and Peter Holland.

Des arrêts de travail accrus, Ernest B. Akyeampong, L’Emploi et le Revenu en Perspective, 18 (3), 2006, 56–60.

Increased Work Stoppages, Ernest B. Akyeampong, Perspectives on Labor and Income, 18 (3), 2006, 51–55.

Targeting Individuals and Specific Groups of Employees : An Emerging Trade Union Challenge, Hans Bjorkman, Transfer, 12 (3), 2006, 315–332.

The Governability of Collective Bargaining: The Case of Spain, Rosa Nonell, Ramón, Alós-Moner, Antonio Martin Artiles and Joaquin Molins, Transfer, 12 (3), 2006, 349–370.

Interest Representation between Social Partnership and Solidarity, Mirella Baglioni, Transfer, 12 (3), 2006, 427–446.

The European Cross-Border Dimension to Collective Bargaining in Multinational Companies, James Arrowsmith and Paul Marginson, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 12 (3), 2006, 245–266.

The Dogs that Sometimes Bark : Globalization and Works Council Bargaining in Germany, Damian Raess and Brian Burgoon, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 12 (3), 2006, 287–310.

Union Wages and Unions Decline : Evidence from the Construction Industry, Dale Belman and Paula B. Voos, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 60 (1), 2006, 67–87.

Organisations syndicales et patronales / Union and Employer Organizations

The Difficulty of Implementing Union Mergers : Investigating the Role of Members’ Merger Orientation, Stephan Baraldi, Magnus Sverke and Gary Chaison, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 27 (3), 2006, 485–504.

Union Workers, Union Work : A Profile of Paid Union Officers in the United Kingdom, Edmund Heery, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44 (3), 2006, 445–472.

Globalization and Class Analysis : Prospects for Labour Movement Influence in Global Governance, Nathan Lillie, Industrielle Beziehungen. The German Journal of Industrial Relations, 13 (3), 2006, 223–237.

Special Issue : Union Renewal, Labor Studies, 31 (3), 2006, 1–116. How Do Unions Renew ? Paths to Union Renewal, Christian Lévesque and Gregor Murray; Why Do Members Leave ? The Importance of Retention to Trade Union Growth, Jeremy Waddington; Renewal in the United Faculty of Florida : Class War in Paradise ?, Jack Fiorito and Vickie Coleman Gallagher; Local Unions and the Restructuring of Work within the Multinational Company : Internal Solidarity and Local Context, Jean-Noël Grenier; Expanding the Union Zone : Union Renewal through Alternative Forms Of Workers Organization, Larry Haiven.

Droit du travail / Labour Law

Special Issue : Social Protection and Decent Work : New Prospects for International Labor Standards, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 27 (2), 2006, ix–296. Foreword, Jean-Claude Javillier, Sabrina Régent, and Emmanuel Reynaud; The Position of Social Security in the System of International Labor Standards, Alain Supiot; Social Security for All : Global Trends and Challenges, Emmanuel Reynaud, Updating International Labor Standards in the Area of Social Security : A Framework for Analysis, Simon Deakin and Mark Freedland; Social Protection for Women Workers in the Informal Economy, Renana Jhabvala and Shalini Sinha; The Role of Workers’ Organizations in the Extension of Social Security to Informal Workers, Ravi Naidoo and Isobel Frye; Extending Social Security in the Developing Countries : Between Universal En-titlement and the Selectiveness of International Standards, R. Filali Meknassi; Mobilizing Local Knowledge, Mamadou Diaware; On the Correct (and Incorrect) Use of Indicators in Public Action, Robert Salais; Extending Social Security Coverage : The Normative Route, Adrián Goldin; Conclusion : The Outlines of a Framework Agreement on the Extension of Social Protection, Alain Supiot.

Special Section on Administering Labour Law, Papers from the Annual Uwo Labour Law Conference, 2005 (Part I), Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 12 (2), 2005, 101–198. Foreword, Michael Lynk and John Craig; Punching Above Its Weight : The Influence of Labour Law on the Canadian Legal System, Hon. Stephen Goudge; Reflections on Administering Labour Law, Andrew C.L. Sims; Beyond Vulnerable Workers : Towards a New Standard Employment Relationship, Judy Fudge; Non-Standard and Vulnerable Workers : A Case of Mistaken Identifiy ?, Rafael Gomez and Morley Gunderson.

L’application du principe d’égalité de traitement dans l’entreprise, Gilles Auzero, Droit Social, no 9/10, septembre-octobre 2006, 822–825.

Harcèlement moral et responsabilités au sein de l’entreprise : l’obscur éclaircissement, Christophe Radé, Droit Social, no 9/10, septembre-octobre 2006, 826–833.

Les négociations interprofessionnelles relatives à la pénibilité au travail, Franck Héas, Droit Social, no 9/10, septembre-octobre 2006, 834–838.

Le licenciement du salarié pour des faits relevant de sa vie personnelle : le retour discret de la perte de confiance, Jean Mouly, Droit Social, no 9/10, septembre-octobre 2006, 839–847.

L’immunité disciplinaire de la vie personnelle du salarié en question, Chantal Mathieu-Geniaut, Droit Social, no 9/10, septembre-octobre 2006, 848–856.

The Social Rights Approach of the European Court of Justice to Enforce European Employment Law, Sebastian Krebber, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 27 (3), 2006, 377–404.

A Fair Deal for the Entrepreneurial Worker? Self-Employment and Independent Contracting Post Work Choices, Joellen Riley, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 19 (3), 2006, 246–262.

La responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise : quels enjeux juridiques? Christine Neau-Leduc, Droit social, no 11, novembre 2006, 952–958.

La chimère du contrat de travail unique, Patrick Morvan, Droit social, no 11, novembre 2006, 959–962.

Sur la sécurisation des parcours professionnels, Gérard Vachet, Droit social, no 11, novembre 2006, 963–967.

Égalité et diversité : quelles solutions ?, Laetitia Bonnard-Plancke et Pierre-Yves Verkindt, Droit social, no 11, novembre 2006, 968–980.

4 mai 2004 – mai 2008 : le droit de la négociation collective entre deux lois — À propos du rapport Chertier, Jean-Emmanuel Ray, Droit social, no 11, novembre 2006, 981–988.

Collectivité du personnel : quelles représentations ?, Françoise Favennec-Héry, Droit social, no 11, novembre 2006, 989–994.

Gestion des ressources humaines et des organisations / Human Resources Management and Organizations

The Potential of Management-Dominated Work Organization : The Critical Case of Japan, Guy Vernon, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 27 (3), 2006, 399–424.

‘Peak’ Employers’ Organizations : International Attempts at Transferring Experience, Richard Croucher, Shaun Tyson and Alan Wild, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 27 (3), 2006, 463–484.

Job Satisfaction and Quitting Intentions : A Structural Model of British General Practitioners, Anthony Scott, Hugh Gravelle, Steven Simoens, Chris Bojke and Bonnie Sibbald, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44 (3), 2006, 519–540.

Corporate Governance and Human Resource Management, Suzanne Konzelmann, Neil Conway, Linda Trenberth and Frank Wilkinson, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44 (3), 2006, 541–568.

Special Issue : Organizational Participation, Industrial Relations, 45 (4), 2006, 499–777. Editor’s Introduction. New Roads in Organizational Participation ?, Paul J. Gollan, Erik Poutsma, and Ulke Veersma; The Diffusion of Calculative and Collaborative HRM Practices in European Firms, Erik Poutsma, Paul E. M. Ligthart, and Ulke Veersma; U.S High-Performance Work Practices at Century’s End, Joseph R. Blasi and Douglas L. Kruse; Determinants of the Extent of Participatory Employment Practices : Evidence from Japan, Takao Kato; Twin Tracks – Employee Representation at Eurotunnel Revisited, Paul J. Gollan, What Factors Lead Management to Support or Oppose Employee Participation – With and Without Works Councils ? Hypotheses and Evidence from Germany, Uwe Jurjahn and Stephen C. Smith; The Performance of European Works Councils in Engineering : Perspectives of the Employee Representatives, Jeremy Waddington; Unions and Employee Ownership : A Road to Economic Democracy ? Jacquelyn Yates; Intellectual Capital, Monitoring and Risk : What Predicts the Adoption of Employee Stock Options ? Maya K. Kroumova and James C. Sesil; Incentives, Monitoring, and Employee Stock Ownership Plans : New Evidence and Interpretations, Andew Pendleton; Worker Participation – Some Under-Considered Issues, George Strauss.

Working Time Flexibility Against Time of Life Inflexibility, Carlos Lozares and Faustino Miguélez, Transfer, 12 (3), 2006, 389–406.

HRM and the Flexible Firm : Do Firms with ‘High Performance’ Work Cultures Utilise Peripheral Work Arrangements ?, Paul L. Nesbit, International Journal of Employment Studies, 13 (2), 2005, 1–18.

Temporary Agency Work : Conceptual, Measurement and Regulatory Issues, John Burgess and Julia Connell, International Journal of Employment Studies, 13 (2), 2005, 19–42.

Politicians, Public Service Employment Relationship and the Coombs Commission, Keri Spooner and Ali Haidar, International Journal of Employment Studies, 13 (2), 2005, 43–68.

Special Issue : The Work and Organisational Implications of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, New Technology, Work and Employment, 21 (3), 2006, 196–265. Editorial Introduction : The Work and Organisational Implications of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, David Grant, Bill Harley and Christopher Wright; Work, Organisation and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems : An Alternative Research Agenda, Kristine Dery, David Grant, Bill Harley and Christopher Wright; Integration in ERP Environments : Rhetoric, Realities and Organisational Possibilities, Ben Light and Erica Wagner; ERPs as ‘Technologies-in-Practice’ : Social Construction, Materiality and the Role of Organisational Factors, Kristine Dery, Richard Hall and Nick Wailes; First Organise, then Autonome : A Modern Socio-Technical View on ERP Systems and Teamworking, Jos Benders, Paul Hoeken, Ronald Batenburg and Roel Schouteten; Positioning Hierarchy in Enterprise System Change, Gavin M. Schwarz.

The Influences on Direct Communication in British and Danish Firms : Country, ‘Strategic HRM’, or Unionization?, Richard Croucher, Paul Gooderham and Emma Parry, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 12 (3), 2006, 267–286.

Temporal Flexibility and Careers : The Role of Large-Scale Organizations for Physicians, Forrest Briscoe, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 60 (1), 2006, 88–104.

Special Issue: Financial Revisited, Guest Editors : Willem de Nijs and Erik Poutsma, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 27 (4), 2006, 539–696. Guest Editorial Introduction : Financial Participation Revisited; Profit Sharing and Employee Share Ownership in Ireland : A New Departure ?, Daryl D’Art and Thomas Turner; Financial Participation in British, French and German Organizations : A Neoinstitutionalist Perspective, Rüdiger Kabst, Wenzel Matiaske and Anja Schmelter; Sharing Decision-Making and Group Incentives : The Impact on Performance, James C. Sesil; Financial Participation and Productivity : Insights from Stochastic Frontier Estimation, Andrew Robinson and Nick Wilson; The Relationship between Financial Participation and Other Forms of Employee Participation : New Survey Evidence from Europe, Erik Poutsma, Panu Kalmi and Andrew D. Pendleton; The Fit of Employee Ownership with Other Human Resource Management Practices : Theoritical and Empirical Suggestions Regarding the Existence of an Ownership High-Performance Work System, Eric C.A. Kaarsemaker and Erik Poutsma.

Sociologie du travail / Sociology of Work

Why ‘Good’ Jobs Lead to Social Exclusion, Charlotte A. B. Yates and Belinda Leach, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 27 (3), 2006, 341–368.

Fearing the Worst ? Threat, Participation and Workplace Productivity, Chris Forde, Gary Slater and David A. Spencer, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 27 (3), 2006, 369–398.

The New Lumpiness of Work : Explaining the Mismatch between Actual and Preferred Working Hours, Patricia E. van Echtelt, Arie C. Glebbeek and Siegwart M. Lindenberg, Work, Employment and Society, 20 (3), 2006, 493–512.

Work-Related Travel, Gender and Family Obligations, Per Gustafson, Work, Employment and Society, 20 (3), 2006, 513–530.

Équité, neutralité, responsabilité. À propos des principes de la médiation, Fathi Ben Mrad, Négociations, 2006/1, Printemps, 51–68.

De la négociation à la médiation. Analyse des processus qui relient ces deux situations, Hubert Touzard, Négociations, 2006/2, Automne, 21–28.

Médiation et post-modernité. Légitimation ou transformation de l’action publique ?, Jacques Faget, Négociations, 2006/2, Automne, 51–64.

The Dogs that Sometimes Bark : Globalization and Works Council Bargaining in Germany, Damian Raess and Brian Burgoon, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 12 (3), 2006, 287–310.

Économique du travail, main-d’oeuvre, sécurité sociale / Labour Economics, Employment and Social Security

Social Partnership and Local Development in Ireland : The Limits to Deliberation, Paul Teague, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44 (3), 2006, 421–444.

Who Benefits from Training and Training and R&D, the Firm or the Workers?, Gérard Ballot, Fathi Fakhfakh and Erol Taymaz, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44 (3), 2006, 473–496.

Well Begun, Half Done ? Long-Term Effects of Labour Market Entry in the Netherlands 1950–2000, Bram Steijn, Ariana Need and Maurice Gesthuizen, Work, Employment and Society, 20 (3), 2006, 453–472.

Employment in Hospitals : Unconventional Patterns, William C. Goodman, Monthly Labor Review, 129 (6), 2006, 3–14.

China’s Changing Economy, Lawrence H. Leith, Monthly Labor Review, 129 (6), 2006, 56–57.

Jobs in 2005 : How Do They Compare with Jobs in 2001 ?, Julie Hatch Maxfield, Monthly Labor Review, 129 (7), 2006, 15–26.

Cutting the Cord : Telecommunications Employment, Christopher C. Carbone, Monthly Labor Review, 129 (7), 2006, 27–33.

Foreign-Born Workforce, 2004 : A Visual Essay, Abraham T. Mosisa, Monthly Labor Review, 129 (7), 2006, 48–55.

Scolarité et gains, Lucy Chung, L’Emploi et le Revenu en Perspective, 18 (3), 2006, 31–39.

Education and Earnings, Lucy Chung, Perspectives on Labor and Income 18 (3), 2006, 28–35.

French Government Pay Interventions and Incomes Policies, 1945–1981, Sylvie Contrepois and Steve Jefferys, Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, no 21, Spring 2006, 1–34.

Dynamic Neo-Corporatism —Regulating Work and Welfare in Denmark, Mikkel Mailand, Transfer, 12 (3), 2006, 371–388.

Varieties of Capitalism : the Importance of Political and Social Choices, Phil Almond and Maria Gonzalez Menendez, Transfer, 12 (3), 2006, 407–426.

Modelling Regional Labour Market Performance in Australia Using Twenty-Five Years of Intercensal Data, Dennis Howard, International Journal of Employment Studies, 13 (2), 2005, 69–88.

Combining Flexibility and Security for Employment and Decent Work in the Western Balkans, Sandrine Cazes, Alena Nesporova, South East Europe Review, 9 (2), 2006, 7–24.

Mutations du travail et protection sociale : la France, l’Allemagne et l’Europe, Bénédicte Zimmermann, Revue internationale de sécurité sociale, 59 (4), 2006, 39–58.

Estimating the Effect of Personality on Male and Female Earnings, Gerrit Mueller and Erik Plug, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 60 (1), 2006, 3–22.

Wages, Employment, and Capital in Capitalist and Worker-Owned Firms, John Pencavel, Luigi Pistaferri, and Fabiano Schivardi, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 60 (1), 2006, 23–44.

The U.S. Gender Pay Gap in the 1990s : Slowing Convergence, Francine D. Blau, and Lawrence M. Kahn, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 60 (1), 2006, 45–66.

Real Wage Cyclicality of Job Stayers, Within-Company Job Movers, and Between-Company Job Movers, Paul J. Devereux and Robert. A. Hart, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 60 (1), 2006, 105–119.

Équité au travail / Equity at Work

Towards, Equality and Renewal : Women’s Groups, Diversity and Democracy in British Unions, Jane Parker, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 27 (3), 2006, 425–462.

Numéro spécial : « Travail et temps sociaux en éclats », Les Mondes du Travail, numéro 2, octobre 2006, 19–100. Introduction, Alain Maillard; Retour sur le régime temporel d’une entreprise paternaliste (Saint-Frères, années 1930–1950), Mélanie Roussel; À la recherche de l’or du temps. Une histoire franco-allemande des 35 heures (1947–2005), Alex Neumann; École-Famille-Travail : Le casse-tête féminin des décalages temporels, Djaouida Séhili, Patrick Rosenblatt; Temps de travail et temps sociétaux. Le cas des caissières au Vietnam, Sophie Bernard; Travail à domicile et technologies de l’information et de la communication : droit à la déconnexion et négociation de la disponibilité, Claudie Rey, Françoise Sitnikoff.

Le choc du licenciement : femmes et hommes dans la tourmente, Christian Trotzier, Travail, Genre et Sociétés, no 16, novembre 2006, 19–38.

Femmes et immigrées : corvéables à merci, Isabelle Puech, Travail, Genre et Sociétés, no 16, novembre 2006, 39–52.

De la migration au travail. L’exploitation extrême des Chinois-e-s à Paris, Gao Yun, Florence Lévy et Véronique Poisson, Travail, Genre et Sociétés, no 16, novembre 2006, 53–74.

Making Up for Mothers’ Employed Working Hours ? Housework and Childcare Among Norwegian Fathers, Ragni Hege Kitterød and Silje Vatne Pettersen, Work, Employment and Society, 20 (3), 2006, 473–492.

Convergence des rôles des sexes, Katherine Marshall, L’Emploi et le Revenu en Perspective, 18 (3), 2006, 7–21.

Ces femmes qui sont le principal soutien de famille, Deborah Sussman et Stephanie Bonnell, L’Emploi et le Revenu en Perspective, 18 (3), 2006, 22–30.

Converging Gender Roles, Katherine Marshall, Perspectives on Labor and Income, 18 (3), 2006, 7–19.

Wives as Primary Breadwinners, Deborah Sussman and Stephanie Bonnell, Perspectives on Labor and Income, 18 (3), 2006, 20–27.

Santé et sécurité au travail / Health and Safety at Work

Va-t-on vers plus de sécurité au travail ? F. Curtis Breslin, Peter Smith, Mieke Koehoorn et Hyunmi Lee, L’Emploi et le Revenu en Perspective, 18 (3), 2006, 40–45.

Is the Workplace Becoming Safer ? F. Curtis Breslin, Peter Smith, Mieke Koehoorn et Hyunmi Lee, Perspectives on Labor and Income 18 (3), 2006, 36–41.

Les mécanismes d’indemnisation des accidents du travail : comparaison des systèmes à l’échelle internationale, Robert W. Klein et Gregory Krohm, Revue internationale de sécurité sociale, 59 (4), 2006, 3–38.

Disabled Workers and Wage Losses : Some Evidence from Workers with Occupational Injuries, Michele Campolieti and Harry Krashinsky, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 60 (1), 2006, 120–138.

Études comparatives / Comparative Studies

The Diffusion of Employment Practices of US-Based Multinationals in Europe. A Case Study Comparison of British- and Italian-Based Subsidiaries, Valeria Pulignano, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44 (3), 2006, 497–518.

The “ Transplantability ” Debate Revisited : Can European Social Partnership Be Exported to Australia?, Anthony Forsyth, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 27 (3), 2006, 305–356.

The European Cross-Border Dimension to Collective Bargaining in Multinational Companies, James Arrowsmith and Paul Marginson, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 12 (3), 2006, 245–266.

The Influences on Direct Communication in British and Danish Firms : Country, ‘Strategic HRM’, or Unionization?, Richard Croucher, Paul Gooderham and Emma Parry, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 12 (3), 2006, 267–286.

Généralités / General

The Peer Review Procedure : Some Thoughts on the Analysis and Dissemination of Good Practices in the Framework of the European Employment Strategy, Florence Lefresne, Transfer, 12 (3), 2006, 333–348.

“Best Practice” in the Regulation of International Labor Standards : Lessons of the U.S.-Cambodia Textile Agreement, Don Wells, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 27 (3), 2006, 357–376.

The Subordination of the Gender Equality Objective : The National Reform Programmes and ‘Making Work Pay’ Policies, Colette Fagan, Damian Grimshaw and Jill Rubery, Industrial Relations Journal, 37 (6), 2006, 571–592.

Another Third Way? VW and the Trials of Stakeholder Capitalism, Ian Clark, Industrial Relations Journal, 37 (6), 2006, 593–606.

The Rise and Fall of Social Partnership in Postsocialist Europe : The Commonwealth of Independent States, Vadim Borisov and Simon Clarke, Industrial Relations Journal, 37 (6), 2006, 607–629.

The Trade Union Merger Process in Europe : Defensive Adjustment or Strategic Reform?, Jeremy Waddington, Industrial Relations Journal, 37 (6), 2006, 630–651.

The Free Movement of Workers and Social Europe : Maintaining the European Ideal, Jimmy Donaghey and Paul Teague, Industrial Relations Journal, 37 (6), 2006, 652–666.

The Year of Workers’ Mobility, Mike Ingham and Hilary Ingham, Industrial Relations Journal, 37 (6), 2006, 667–686.