Article body
Relations du travail / Labour Relations
Industrial Relations at European Sector Level: The Weak Link?, Paul Marginson, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 26 (4), 2005, 511–540.
Not Yet Dead at the Fed: Unions, Worker Bargaining, and Economy-Wide Wage Determination, Daniel J. B. Mitchell and Christopher L. Erickson, Industrial Relations, 44 (4), 2005, 565–606.
Trade Union Decline and Union Wage Effects in Australia, C. Jeffrey Waddoups, Industrial Relations, 44 (4), 2005, 607–624.
Unions and the Duration of Workers’ Compensation Claims, Michele Campolieti, Industrial Relations, 44 (4), 2005, 625–653.
Changing Administrative Practices in American Unions: A Research Note, Paul F. Clark and Lois S. Gray, Industrial Relations, 44 (4), 2005, 654–658.
International Framework Agreements: A New Model for Securing Workers Rights?, Lone Riisgaard, Industrial Relations, 44 (4), 2005, 707–737.
Newspaper Coverage of the U.S. Labor Movements: The Case of Anti-Union Firings, Joshua L. Carreiro, Labor Studies Journal, 30 (3), 2005, 1–20.
Beyond Strike Support: Labor-Community Alliances and Democratic Power in New Haven, Chris Rhomberg and Louise Simmons, Labor Studies Journal, 30 (3), 2005, 21–47.
Les priorités de la négociation collective, Ernest B. Akyeampong, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 17 (3), 2005, 43–49.
Collective Bargaining Priorities, Ernest B. Akyeampong, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 17 (3), 2005, 41–46.
“Great Expectations” Defeated? The Trajectory of Collective Bargaining Regimes in Canada and the United States Post-NAFTA, Eric Tucker, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 26 (1), 2004, 97–150.
The Origins of the German System of Worker Representation, Ruth Dukes, Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, 19, 2005, 31–62.
What Caused the 1913 Lockout? Industrial Relations in Ireland, 1907–13, Emmet O’Connor, Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, 19, 2005, 101–121.
Modell Deutschland under Pressure: The Growing Tensions between Works Councils and Trade Unions, Michael Whittall, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 26 (4), 2005, 569–592.
Special Theme: Governance and European Industrial Relations, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 11 (3), 2005, 275–383. Editorial, Richard Hyman; Introduction: The Dual Evolution of Europeanization and Varieties of Governance, Peter Leisink and Richard Hyman; Beneath the Surface of Stability: New and Old Modes of Governance in European Industrial Relations, Jelle Visser; Governance and Concerted Regulation of Employment in Europe, Evelyne Léonard; Wage Determination, Socio-Economic Regulation and the State, Max Koch; Adaptive and Reflexive Governance: The Limits of Organized Decentralization, Marc van der Meer, Jelle Visser and Ton Wilthagen; The Soft Law of the Covenant: Making Governance Instrumental; Ton Korver and Peter R.A. Oeij.
Organisations syndicales et patronales / Union and Employer Organizations
Local Union Leaders’ Conception and Ideology of Stewards’ Roles, Tracy F. H. Chang, Labor Studies Journal, 30 (3), 2005, 49–71.
Black Workers on the New York Waterfront, 1890–1920, Cal Winslow, Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, 19, 2005, 1–29.
Droit du travail / Labour Law
The Employment Effects of a “Good Cause” Discharge Standard in Montana, Bradley T. Ewing, Charles M. North, and Beck A. Taylor, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 59 (1), 2005, 17–33.
Are Labor Provisions Protectionist? Evidence from Nine Labor-Augmented U.S. Trade Arrangements, Alisa DiCaprio, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 26 (1), 2004, 1–33.
Toward a New Codification of Polish Labor Law, Michał Seweryński, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 26 (1), 2004, 55–95.
The Relationship Between ‘Reasonably Practicable’ and Risk Management Regulation, Elizabeth Bluff and Richard Johnstone, Labour Law, 18 (3), 2005, 197–239.
Rules, Referees and Retribution: Disciplining Employee Athletes in Professional Team Sports, Emma Bicknell Goodwin, Labour Law, 18 (3), 2005, 240–269.
Baby Steps in the Right Direction: Does the New Maternity Payment Realise the Aims of Paid Maternity Leave?, Luke Raffin, Labour Law, 18 (3), 2005, 270–291.
La rupture pour motif disciplinaire des contrats « nouvelles embauches », Jean Savatier, Droit social, 11, 2005, 957–959.
Regards sur l’état de santé au travail et la prévention des risques, Michel Blatman, Droit social, 11, 2005, 960–970.
La protection contre le tabagisme sur les lieux du travail, Jean Savatier, Droit social, 11, 2005, 971–975.
Le plan de sauvegarde de l’emploi, acte normatif original, Marc Véricel, Droit social, 11, 2005, 976–981.
La négociation collective transnationale d’entreprise ou de groupe, Bernard Teyssié, Droit social, 11, 2005, 982–990.
Numéro spécial : Un nouveau droit du travail et de l’emploi ?, Droit social, 12, 2005, 1081–1218.
Gestion des ressources humaines et des organisations / Human Resources Management and Organizations
Special Issue: Small Firms and New Technology, New Technology, Work and Employment, 20 (3), 2005, 184–267. Small Firms and New Technology, Rowena Barrett and Al Rainnie; Internet Adoption and Use in Small Firms: Internal Processes, Organisational Culture and the Roles of the Owner-Manager and Key Staff, Lynn Martin; ICT Adoption by SMEs: Implications for Relationships and Management, Bob Ritchie and Clare Brindley; Teleworking Practice in Small and Medium-Sized Firms: Management Style and Worker Autonomy, Fintan Clear and Keith Dickson; The Impact of Connectivity Technologies on e-Flexible Working Practices of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the North-East of England, Pooran Wynarczyk; Small Business and Online Training in Australia: Who is Willing to participate?, Beverley Webster, Elizabeth Walker and Rowena Barrett; Managing Mobile Phones: A Work/Non-Work Collision in Small Business, Keith Townsend and Lyn Batchelor.
Managers after the Era of Organizational Restructuring: Towards a Second Managerial Revolution?, Bill Martin, Work, Employment and Society, 19 (4), 2005, 747–760.
Easy to Say, Difficult to Do: Diversity Management in Retail, Carley Foster and Lynette Harris, Human Resource Management Journal, 15 (3), 2005, 4–17.
How HR Professionals Rate ‘Continuing Professional Development’, Andrew Rothwell and John Arnold, Human Resource Management Journal, 15 (3), 2005, 18–32.
In Search of Legitimacy: Personnel Management Association Worldwide, Elaine Farndale and Chris Brewster, Human Resource Management Journal, 15 (3), 2005, 33–48.
The HR Department’s Role in Organisational Performance, Veronica Hope Hailey, Elaine Farndale and Catherine Truss, Human Resource Management Journal, 15 (3), 2005, 49–66.
Commonalities and Contradictions in HRM and Performance Research, Paul Boselie, Graham Dietz and Corine Boon, Human Resource Management Journal, 15 (3), 2005, 67–94.
Special Issue: The Link between HRM and Performance, Human Resource Management Journal, 15 (4), 2005, 3–83. Foreword: Linking HRM and Performance: A Never-ending Search?, Mick Marchington and Stefan Zagelmeyer; Satisfaction with HR Practices and Commitment to the Organisation: Why One Size Does not Fit All, Nicholas Kinnie, Sue Hutchinson, John Purcell, Bruce Rayton and Juani Swart; Financial Performance and the Long-term Link with HR Practices, Work Climate and Job Stress, Marc van Veldhoven; Financial Participation and Performance in Europe, Panu Kalmi, Andrew Pendleton and Erik Poutsma; HRM and Performance: What Next?, Jaap Paauwe and Paul Boselie.
Sociologie du travail / Sociology of Work
Organizing Migrant Workers: A Case Study of Working Conditions and Unionization in a London Sandwich Factory, Jane Holgate, Work, Em-ployment and Society, 19 (3), 2005, 463–480.
‘He Earns the Bread and Butter and I Earn the Cream’: Job Insecurity and the Male Breadwinner Family in South Wales, Nickie Charles and Emma James, Work, Employment and Society, 19 (3), 2005, 481–502.
Non-Standard Employment Relations and Wages among School Leavers in the Netherlands, M. Robert de Vries and Maarten H. J. Wolbers, Work, Employment and Society, 19 (3), 2005, 503–525.
Inégalité salariale, mobilité salariale et commerce international au Québec et en Ontario, Michael R. Smith, Michelle Hsieh et Yoko Yoshida, Recherches sociographiques, 46 (2), 2005, 301–326.
Getting on or Getting by? Employee Flexibility and Coping Strategies for Home and Work, Jeff Hyman, Dora Scholarios and Chris Baldry, Work, Employment and Society, 19 (4), 2005, 705–725.
Shop-floor Workers’ Responses to Quality Management Initiatives: Broadening the Disciplined Worker Thesis, Linda Glover and Mike Noon, Work, Employment and Society, 19 (4), 2005, 727–745.
‘Remember I’m the Bloody Architect!’ Architects, Organizations and Discourses of Profession, Laurie Cohen, Adrian Wilkinson, John Arnold and Rachael Finn, Work, Employment and Society, 19 (4), 2005, 775–796.
‘Partnership’ and New Industrial Relations in a Risk Society: An Age of Shotgun Weddings and Marriages of Convenience?, Miguel Martinez Lucio and Mark Stuart, Work, Employment and Society, 19 (4), 2005, 797–817.
Workplace Partnership and Employee Voice in the UK: Comparative Case Studies of Union Strategy and Worker Experience, Andy Danford, Michael Richardson, Paul Stewart, Stephanie Tailby and Martin Upchurch, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 26 (4), 2005, 593–620.
The Control Structure of Team-Based Organizations: A Diagnostic Model for Empowerment, Ben S. Kuipers and Marco C. de Witte, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 26 (4), 2005, 621–643.
A Researcher’s Guide to Worker Participation, Labor and Economic and Industrial Democracy, Steven Deutsch, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 26 (4), 2005, 645–656.
Numéro thématique : Les nouveaux formats de l’institution, coordonné par Philippe Bezes, Michel Lallement et Dominique Lorrain, Sociologie du travail, 47 (3), 2005, 293–420. Introduction. Les nouveaux formats de l’institution, Philippe Bezes, Michel Lallement, Dominique Lorrain; Administrer un monde incertain : les nouvelles bureaucraties techniques. Le cas des agences sanitaires en France, Daniel Benamouzig, Julien Besançon; The Rise of Regulation of the Public Sector in United Kingdom, Olivier James; La firme locale-globale : Lyonnaise des Eaux (1980–2004), Dominique Lorrain; Les normes comptables comme institution du capitalisme. Une analyse du passage aux normes IFRS en Europe à partir de 2005, Ève Chiapello; Arrangement institutionnel et fonctionnement du marché du travail. Le cas de la chasse de tête, Jérôme Gautié, Olivier Godechot, Pierre-Emmanuel Sorignet; Les politiques d’emploi et la transformation des normes : une comparaison européenne, Florence Lefresne.
Économique du travail, main-d’oeuvre, sécurité sociale / Labour Economics, Employment and Social Security
Opening the Black Box: The Internal Labor Markets of Company X, Ming-Jen Lin, Industrial Relations, 44 (4), 2005, 659–706.
Mass Layoff Data Indicate Outsourcing and Offshoring Work, Sharon P. Brown and Lewis B. Siegel, Monthly Labor Review, 128 (8), 2005, 3–10.
Restructuring Information Technology: Is offshoring a Concern?, Robert W. Bednarzik, Monthly Labor Review, 128 (8), 2005, 11–21.
La semaine de travail : qu’en reste-t-il?, Diane Galarneau, Jean-Pierre Maynard et Jin Lee, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 17 (3), 2005, 5–18.
Whiter the Workweek?, Diane Galarneau, Jean-Pierre Maynard et Jin Lee, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 17 (3), 2005, 5–17.
Tight Labor Markets and the Demand for Education : Evidence from the Coal Boom and Bust, Dan A. Black, Terra G. McKinnish, and Seth G. Sanders, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 59 (1), 2005, 3–16.
The Employment Effects of a “Good Cause” Discharge Standard in Montana, Bradley T. Ewing, Charles M. North, and Beck A. Taylor, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 59 (1), 2005, 17–33.
Time Off at What Price? The Effects of Career Interruptions on Earnings, Christy Spivey, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 59 (1), 2005, 119–140.
The Labour Market and the Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy in Montenegro, Milivoje Radović and Dragan Ðurić, South East Europe Review, 8 (2), 2005, 51–59.
Équité au travail / Equity at Work
Numéro spécial: « Au-delà du genre, l’emploi », Formation Emploi, 91, 2005, 5–113. Introduction : Relation formation/emploi et genre, Érika Flahault; Projets d’avenir féminins et masculins : entre convergence et reproduction des différences sexuées, Yvonne Guichard-Claudic; (Trans)former son corps, stratégie d’insertion professionnelle au féminin?, Oumaya Hidri; Sélection à l’embauche et rapports sociaux de sexe, Émmanuelle Lada; Dépasser les stéréotypes de sexe : deux exemples en Suisse, Josianne Bodart Senn; Faire carrière : l’apport d’une approche en termes de genre, Sophie Pochic; Discriminations sexistes au travail : de la responsabilité des entreprises, Réjane Sénac-Slawinski; Questions d’égalité : autour de l’article de Réjane Sénac-Slawinski, Michel Théry.
Prevalence of Weekend Work among Women in 16 Countries, Harriet B. Presser and Janet C. Gornick, Monthly Labor Review, 128 (8), 2005, 41–53.
The Social and Economic Position of Women in Serbia, Vesna Bajić, South East Europe Review, 8 (2), 2005, 7–22.
The Position of Women Between the Worlds of Labour and Family, Zdravka Leutar and Ivan Leutar, South East Europe Review, 8 (2), 2005, 23–40.
Études comparatives / Comparative Studies
Employee Representation in the Board Compared: A Fuzzy Sets Analysis of Corporate Governance, Unionism and Political Institutions, Gregory Jackson, Industrielle Beziehungen, 12 (3), 2005, 252–279.
Between Global and Local: Eight European Works Councils in Retrospect and Prospect, Tony Huzzard and Peter Docherty, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 26 (4), 2005, 541–568.
Généralités / General
Analytical Modeling in Complex Surveys of Work Practices, Jerome P. Reiter, Elaine L. Zanutto, and Larry W. Hunter, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 59 (1), 2005, 82–100.
Universal Labor Standards and National Cultures, Jean-Michel Servais, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, vol. 26 (1), 204, 35–53.
Special Issue: Annual European Review 2005, Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (6), 2005, 432–612. Editorial: Lessons (that Should Have Been) Learned, Erik Jones and Nicholas Bacon; The Politics of Europe 2004: Solidarity and Integration, Erik Jones; The Impact of (more) Enlargement on the European Employment Strategy, Mike Ingham, Hilary Ingham, Hasan Biçak and Mehmet Altinay; The Persistence of Social Pacts in Europe, Jimmy Donaghey and Paul Teague; The Americanisation of the European Business System?, Ian Clark, Philip Almond, Patrick Gunnigle and Hartmut Wachter; Trade Unions and the Defence of the European Social Model, Jeremy Waddington; The Constitution that Never Was: Is there Anything Worth Salvaging from the Wreckage?, Jeff Kenner; Gender Mainstreaming in the Enlarged European Union: Recent Developments in the European Employment Strategy and Social Inclusion Process, Colette Fagan, Jill Rubery, Damian Grimshaw, Mark Smith, Gail Hebson and Hugo Figueiredo; From European Union to European Monetary Union: The New Member States and Accession Countries of Central and Eastern Europe in 2004, Simon Clarke.
Symposium on The Embedded Corporation by Sanford Jacoby, edited by Carola Frege and John Logan, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 43 (4), 2005, 565–634. Symposium Editors’ Introduction, Carola Frege and John Logan; Is Globalization Making Us All the Same?, Frank Dobbin; The Causes and Consequences of Increased Within-Country Variance in Employment Practices, Harry C. Katz; Does Embeddedness Imply Limits to Within-Country Diversity?, Mari Sako; Varieties of Capitalism: Production and Market Relations in the USA and Japan, Suzanne J. Konzelmann; Institutionalists, Neoclassicals and Team Production, Margaret M. Blair; Business and Society in Japan and the United States, Sanford M. Jacoby.